A la une, le thème « nofap » publié par The Anxiety Project
Actuellement sur YouTube, et crée par The Anxiety Project (), cette vidéo traite du thème « nofap ».
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Nous avons pris connaissance de cette vidéo il y a peu (). Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 57.
What I Learned), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« Aujourd’hui, je plonge dans ma récupération de 6 ans de pornographie. —Le programme de récupération d’anxiété – https://unpluganxity.com/my-program/ —1 sur 1 coaching— https://unpluganxiété.com/1-on-1–coaching/ —Le site Web— https: // unpluganxiété. com #nofap #AddictionRecovery #Addiction (TagStotranslate) Nofap ».
La vidéo est affichée juste en dessous pour votre consultation
Les hommes qui pratiquent l’abstinence constatent des effets sur leur bien-être général.
Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’arrêt de la masturbation, notamment la baisse de l’anxiété et de la dépression.
Pour l’homme, la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation est source d’anxiété. En mettant un terme à cette addiction, les hommes remarquent une baisse significative de leur dépression et une amélioration de leur maîtrise de soi.
Explorer les améliorations dans la performance érectile grâce à l’abstinence.
L’abstinence favorise la récupération des circuits neuronaux et améliore la performance érectile chez les hommes.
Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme révèle des résultats significatifs.
Grâce à l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une baisse de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une amélioration de leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent régulièrement.
NoFap : un outil pour les hommes en quête d’épanouissement
Il s’agit, dans NoFap, de se détacher de la masturbation pour retrouver sa clarté mentale.
NoFap repose sur une abstinence volontaire de pornographie et de masturbation, offrant aux hommes un moyen de surmonter leur dépendance. Cette approche favorise un équilibre émotionnel et une vitalité accrue.
Évaluer les effets de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Des chercheurs ont mis en lumière l’impact destructeur de la pornographie, soulignant qu’elle peut causer la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a d’ailleurs publié une étude détaillant les effets de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Comprendre les objectifs qui motivent la pratique du NoFap permet de mieux en saisir ses bienfaits.
Les adeptes de NoFap cherchent avant tout à lutter contre les méfaits de la pornographie, à améliorer leur fonction érectile et à apaiser l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés confirment une baisse significative de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté ces habitudes.
Stratégies pour réussir sur NoFap
Ressources fiables pour approfondir le parcours NoFap.
Des ressources scientifiques telles que les travaux de Nicole Prause permettent de mieux comprendre les effets de la pornographie et de la masturbation, tout en offrant des solutions pour y remédier de manière scientifique.
Maintenir l’engagement sur NoFap : les conseils clés
Il est primordial d’intégrer des activités comme l’exercice et la méditation pour renforcer la motivation et éviter les déclencheurs.
Il est crucial de développer des stratégies pour éviter les rechutes.
Les rechutes font partie du parcours, et une étude a démontré que des obstacles existent dans le cheminement Nofap. Il est essentiel de se focaliser sur ses objectifs, de comprendre les causes de l’échec et de solliciter l’aide de la communauté Nofap pour rebondir.
La force de la communauté NoFap réside dans son rôle crucial pour aider les hommes à se reconstruire.
Explorer comment le soutien social et émotionnel facilite la pratique de l’abstinence.
La communauté Nofap, à travers ses forums, permet aux hommes de trouver un soutien crucial face à l’anxiété et à la dépression, tout en favorisant l’échange d’outils et de solutions pour surmonter les moments difficiles. Un suivi professionnel peut s’avérer indispensablenotamment www.chastete.fr.
Analyser les effets des forums et des groupes de soutien sur la réussite des participants dans leurs parcours.
Des études ont montré que la participation aux forums de la communauté NoFap augmente les chances de succès pour les hommes cherchant à surmonter la masturbation, l’anxiété et la dépression. L’appui de la communauté est essentiel pour lutter contre ce comportement de façon scientifique.
Naviguer sur les forums NoFap permet de mieux comprendre les expériences des membres.
Les forums sont des ressources précieuses, où les hommes échangent sur leurs défis et trouvent des études scientifiques adaptées à leurs besoins.
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#ans #sur #nofap #jai #appris
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to the anxiety project Channel I’m really grateful that you’re here I’m excited about this video this so much to unpack because around December six years ago is when I decided to start again and rid myself of pornography and to not masturbate anym it has been six years I’ve been clean uh one day at a time is my motto I realize that well culture first of all is not our friend and we’ll do whatever it can to get you to consume and to get you to fall back into this unconscious way of being so that you can consume and you can be vulnerable to the lures The Temptations that culture inevitably you know thrusts upon you and and and yeah you understand so there’s a lot to unpack here the first thing where I want to start is it was an up and down Journey um I relapse I would go a 100 days without it and then relapse but even before the 100 days I would go a day or two and realize that this was a problem and that’s when it hit me the Paradigm Shift took place when I decided to not do it anymore in CS Lewis his book Mere Christianity he says something very profound he says that one does not know what it’s like to abstain when one is doing it but the hardest thing is to jump out of the Habit the addiction and then realize to be good is so it’s so much harder than it’s so easy to just consume just to go get that McDonald’s whenever you get the urge to go watch pornography whenever you get the urge to go watch something whenever you get the urge so look I realize because I’m clean that the struggle is real and then the argument is well why not watch it and then I say to you because it’ll torture me to death if I watch it once you realize it’s a sin once you realize that it’s preventing you from being whole it’s preventing you from Reaching Your Potential then you will never go back and it’s and never say never because I’ve talked to many people I’ve had many clients come to me struggling with porn addiction and it would would come back they would go a week or a month or maybe five months without doing it and then they have a bad day they get a cold they get the flu they’re feeling lonely they get fired from their job um and all of a sudden they’re back watching pornography and they tell me how did I get back here and what I’m notice not just with me but talking to other people it’s that it’s dormant that that you have to work every day to maintain faith and an understanding of this thing that possesses you and it does possess you one of the great stories that I look upon to help me understand the weak vulnerable and dependent identity is the Peter Pan story and what’s so great about this story is Tinkerbell is the fairy of porn as Dr Jordan Peterson pointed out and it this blew me away makes sense Peter Pan is well the king of the lost boys right and it makes sense why he’s King Of The Lost Boys because he looks towards Captain Hook as which is the only adult in his life as you know unattractive I don’t want to grow up to be like that guy look he’s tyrannical he’s a like afraid of that crocodile that’s always chasing him and you know he’s an evil and narcissistic person of course I don’t want to grow up to be like that so I’m going to stay young always and what encapsulates the young hedonist he he he hedonic hedonistic Peter Pan is well Tinkerbell and she’s provocative definitely she’s fluttering around his imagination she’s not real who’s the real woman in the story Wendy she wants to grow up she’s not provocative Wendy’s a real woman uh who has ambition she wants to grow old with somebody and have children and Peter Pan doesn’t want to take on that responsibility and I feel like we see this today in our culture where a lot of men are lacking the meaning in their life and Peterson also points this out as well where the more responsibility you adopt you’re going to get that meaning and he also references a a survey where they surveyed I can’t remember how many people about happiness and you know that more people without children were happier but then he he goes on to Define Happiness and happiness is get while the getting is good right now right it’s happiness is very shortlived but the meaning stretches throughout the whole of your life so the survey was weak because the people that were that were seemingly less happy than the other people without children they had lots of meaning because they’re wrestling with their children every day I mean when they’re first born they’re vulnerable they’re you know they could die right and you you grow this deep bond and I I now that I have a son in my life who’s six months you know I went through this existential phase and it does pop up in my life where you know if I lose this person that I deeply love it would be catastrophic and so I am wrestling with existential concerns I mean absolutely but but I do want to say that there were there’s a deep meaning in my life even though it’s difficult I’m not sleeping all that well um you know you get up you’re always worried about is he pooping you know properly he hasn’t pooped in a few days should we be concerned or he has this rash should we be concerned this and that this like you name a plethora of of concerns when you take on something like this having a having a baby but here’s the thing it’s changed my life in a profound way that I can’t even describe I never knew I could feel this way until I took on that responsibility until I had uh my child so I do believe that taking on the responsibility of well going through recovery it brought a lot of meaning in my life because it was this uphill battle I I first recognized that it was a problem because I couldn’t stop doing it couldn’t stop watching pornography and that’s when it hit me I I went online and the Paradigm Shift first began it wasn’t it wasn’t a paradigm shift at the time but it planted the seed when I came across someone on YouTube who went 500 days without pornography and masturbation they blew me away I was like this guy is crazy he he looks like me he was the same age as me and I was I was just like there was this conflict that took place within my unconscious where I I laughed at him like this guy’s nuts pornography is fine it’s safe you know when I was young I went on Google when I first started to do it I typed in is pornography healthy for a young boy and it came up yeah it’s healthy you know you don’t have to worry about transmitted diseases things like that and so but there was my conscience at the time I felt guilty and that was the clue to to this whole thing where it’s not it wasn’t ever good for me because my conscience blatantly told me when I first started don’t do it um it doesn’t feel right it was a feeling and I continued for 12 years I was highly addicted to it and it took me down a bad Road where I ended up being in a relationship and the pornography I was watching was more stimulating than the actual relationship we would be intimate and then I would go into another room and then watch pornography because that was more stimulating than the act the real thing so you can see the Peter Pan metaphor a big applied here where I was living in a fantasy world where these things were giving me the dopamine kicks that I just was craving and and and needing at the time and so the that relationship ended up in a bad place and I I wasn’t mature enough um for her and we ended up splitting we we got into a lot of arguments I just wanted to live a very you know he hedonic kind of Carefree life and that was my that was my attitude in my 20s and uh that relationship ended and I felt lost and I then I went on Tinder and then I was going around and dating other other women for a time and that was enjoyable until I found the real woman that that brought out a lot of my potential and she was like when you meet someone who’s real and enough and beautiful they their beauty shines onto you well what you’re lacking your inadequacies and I thought when I have a lot of work to do with myself and then I started soon into Maggie and I’s uh relationship and now she being the mother of my child um I started to get my life together and I was going through anxiety recovery and then that later uh fell into pornography recovery because look I did it for myself initially right the the higher capital S self I I didn’t want to be controlled by my impulses and these desires I felt weak I felt like this thing whatever it is whatever the benefits of noof FAP and going porn free is I I needed to do it because it just felt right it felt like I can’t go on living this way and so I that that Journey started and it was I can’t remember how long into it I would go like a couple days and then relapse and then I would it was a stumbling forward into what it is now the six years that I am clean of it and I do feel like pornography is is a I do I personally feel that pornography is a terrible thing to partake in and I feel like going on to these websites you’re you’re engaging and you’re supporting websites like PornHub for example that uh really don’t they do not um this has been proven um in in in a very powerful book let me just grab the name very quickly here by uh Lila melight she did a very interesting podcast with Jordan Peterson recently number 503 and her book is called uh takedown inside the fight to shut down PornHub for child abuse and trafficking and whatnot and and when I listen to that I it’s cemented in more of the reasoning to why I shouldn’t be watching this stuff the abuse on there because PornHub as she explains pornub does not filter in um underage uh people partaking in sexual acts and and and you the abuse on there is ridiculous because anybody can just go in and post videos and there’s no there’s no there’s no security there’s no uh there’s no filtering right that goes on and so you’re partaking in the Sin of well this very what would you say it’s a very holy uh act right it’s a very intimate um sacred act to be engaged in that that Union between a man and a woman it’s very very sacred and I believe um that watching this stuff you’re you’re co-creating this this hedonistic kind of world you’re you’re partaking in that and it’s not a good thing to to do also one thing is look to the story of Cain and Abel because Cain after killing his brother he’s shaking his fist at God and he’s crying out to God saying well my suffering is too great it’s I can’t bear this suffering what happened like what’s happening to me and God said look there was this aroused predatory entity that came knocking it came knocking at your door Temptation it came knocking and you being all vulnerable and and without thinking invited that thing in and you started to entertain it without questioning it and you later then because it it that you entertaining that thing you entertaining the fairy of porn by doing that you’re you’re putting that at your the highest values and whatever is that taught value to you is what’s you you are going to manifest and you’re going to walk into that direction and for me thinking about pornography all the time when I was addicted to it and and and thinking about women and and and Tinder and all of these things for me what happened was it was at the Forefront of my mind and I was always thinking about it I was always pursuing that and it felt like it was water through my hands I would get it and it after afterward words I would need it hours later and I would need it the next day and the next day and it felt like it was never ending it felt like the pursuit was constant and I I the suffering became worse and then the meaning was less and less in my life until I reached an anxiety disorder in my 20s that really it was hard to get out because I I was stacked so much sin in my life that it was hard to sift through all of that to really come to some sort of stability so Cain entertained this ideal and what you hold as most valuable to you you hold that as a God right and you worship that God and so you’re worshiping the fairy of porn maybe I was I was and that’s why I wanted to make this video because it’s been six years and I hope that it resonates with you and be more like Abel Abel is working and making the right sacrifices in his life I make the sacrifice of quitting pornography make that sacrifice because you will find that you will find that on the other side of that is wisdom and maybe then you can help someone else who is battling that because I do believe in my heart that objectifying women and and and pursuing that path leads you into Dark Places and I was in a dark place in my 20s and um and watch out for culture culture is going to do whatever it can to make you keep you vulnerable keep you unconscious and consum it and you’re better than that and um I feel like porn is an easy Road it’s an easy road to just distract yourself and it begins with pain and it ends with pain that’s the addiction I think that’s a great place to end the video so I hope you guys find this video useful be strong and if you haven’t even started the journey yet great you’re here watching this video that’s amazing and um you deserve better than that I really do believe that and with the amount of guys I’ve talked to I I believe that to be true you deserve better than than that and that’s where I’m going to leave you thank you everyone rise above pornography rise above your addictions whatever they are we’re all human we all have them I’ll see you on the next video thank you everybody for being a part of this community please comment below also give this a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel because then you’ll be the first to know whenever I release a new video .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.33 [Music]
0.33 hello everyone and welcome back to the
0.33 anxiety project Channel I&;m really
0.33 grateful that you&;re here I&;m excited
0.33 about this video this so much to unpack
0.33 because around December six years ago is
0.33 when I decided to start again and rid
0.33 myself of pornography and to not
0.33 masturbate anym
0.33 it has been six years I&;ve been clean uh
0.33 one day at a time is my motto I realize
0.33 that well culture first of all is not
0.33 our friend and we&;ll do whatever it can
0.33 to get you to consume and to get you to
0.33 fall back into this unconscious way of
0.33 being so that you can consume and you
0.33 can be vulnerable to the lures The
0.33 Temptations that culture inevitably
0.33 you
0.33 know thrusts upon you and and
0.33 and yeah you understand so there&;s a lot
0.33 to unpack here the first thing where I
0.33 want to start is it was an up and down
0.33 Journey um I relapse I would go a 100
0.33 days without it and then relapse but
0.33 even before the 100 days I would go a
0.33 day or two and realize that this was a
0.33 problem and that&;s when it hit me the
0.33 Paradigm Shift took place when I decided
0.33 to not do it anymore in CS Lewis his
0.33 book Mere
0.33 Christianity he says something very
0.33 profound he says that one does not know
0.33 what it&;s like to abstain when one is
0.33 doing it but the hardest thing is to
0.33 jump out of the Habit the addiction and
0.33 then realize to be good is so
0.33 it&;s so much harder than it&;s so easy to
0.33 just consume just to go get that
0.33 McDonald&;s whenever you get the urge to
0.33 go watch pornography whenever you get
0.33 the urge to go watch something whenever
0.33 you get the urge
0.33 so look I realize because I&;m clean that
0.33 the struggle is real and then the
0.33 argument is well why not watch it and
0.33 then I say to you because it&;ll torture
0.33 me to death if I watch it once you
0.33 realize it&;s a sin once you realize
0.33 that it&;s preventing you from being
0.33 whole it&;s preventing you from Reaching
0.33 Your
0.33 Potential
0.33 then you will never go back and it&;s and
0.33 never say never because I&;ve talked to
0.33 many people I&;ve had many clients come
0.33 to me struggling with porn addiction and
0.33 it would would come back they would go a
0.33 week or a month or maybe five months
0.33 without doing it and then they have a
0.33 bad day they get a cold they get the flu
0.33 they&;re feeling lonely they get fired
0.33 from their job um and all of a sudden
0.33 they&;re back watching pornography and
0.33 they tell me how did I get back here and
0.33 what I&;m notice not just with me but
0.33 talking to other people it&;s that it&;s
0.33 dormant that that you have to work every
0.33 day to maintain faith and an
0.33 understanding of this thing that
0.33 possesses you and it does possess you
0.33 one of the great stories that I look
0.33 upon to help me understand the weak
0.33 vulnerable and dependent identity is the
0.33 Peter Pan story and what&;s so great
0.33 about this story is Tinkerbell
0.33 is the fairy of porn as Dr Jordan
0.33 Peterson pointed out and it this blew me
0.33 away makes sense Peter Pan is well the
0.33 king of the lost boys right and it makes
0.33 sense why he&;s King Of The Lost Boys
0.33 because he looks towards Captain Hook as
0.33 which is the only adult in his life as
0.33 you know unattractive I don&;t want to
0.33 grow up to be like that guy look he&;s
0.33 tyrannical he&;s
0.33 a like afraid of that crocodile that&;s
0.33 always chasing him and you know he&;s an
0.33 evil
0.33 and narcissistic person of course I
0.33 don&;t want to grow up to be like that so
0.33 I&;m going to stay young
0.33 always and what
0.33 encapsulates the
0.33 young hedonist he he he hedonic
0.33 hedonistic Peter Pan is well Tinkerbell
0.33 and she&;s provocative definitely she&;s
0.33 fluttering around his imagination she&;s
0.33 not real who&;s the real woman in the
0.33 story Wendy she wants to grow up she&;s
0.33 not provocative Wendy&;s a real
0.33 woman uh who has ambition she wants to
0.33 grow old with somebody and have children
0.33 and Peter Pan doesn&;t want to take on
0.33 that responsibility and I feel like we
0.33 see this today in our culture where a
0.33 lot of men are lacking the meaning in
0.33 their life and Peterson also points this
0.33 out as well where the more
0.33 responsibility you adopt you&;re going to
0.33 get that meaning and he also references
0.33 a a survey where they surveyed I can&;t
0.33 remember how many people about happiness
0.33 and you know that more people without
0.33 children were happier but then he he
0.33 goes on to Define Happiness and
0.33 happiness is get while the getting is
0.33 good right now right it&;s happiness is
0.33 very shortlived but the meaning
0.33 stretches throughout the whole of your
0.33 life so the survey was weak because the
0.33 people that were that were seemingly
0.33 less happy than the other people without
0.33 children they had lots of meaning
0.33 because they&;re wrestling with their
0.33 children every day I mean when they&;re
0.33 first born they&;re vulnerable they&;re
0.33 you know they could die right and you
0.33 you grow this deep bond and I I now that
0.33 I have a son in my life who&;s six months
0.33 you know I went through this existential
0.33 phase and it does pop up in my life
0.33 where you know if I lose this person
0.33 that I deeply love it would be
0.33 catastrophic and so I am wrestling with
0.33 existential concerns I mean absolutely
0.33 but but I do want to say that there were
0.33 there&;s a deep meaning in my life even
0.33 though it&;s difficult I&;m not sleeping
0.33 all that well um you know you get up
0.33 you&;re always worried about is he
0.33 pooping you know properly he hasn&;t
0.33 pooped in a few days should we be
0.33 concerned or he has this rash should we
0.33 be concerned this and that this like you
0.33 name a plethora of of concerns when you
0.33 take on something like this having a
0.33 having a baby but here&;s the thing it&;s
0.33 changed my life in a
0.33 profound way that I can&;t even describe
0.33 I never knew I could feel this way until
0.33 I took on that responsibility until I
0.33 had uh my
0.33 child
0.33 so I do believe that taking on the
0.33 responsibility
0.33 of well going through
0.33 recovery it brought a lot of meaning in
0.33 my life because it was this uphill
0.33 battle I I first recognized that it was
0.33 a problem because I couldn&;t stop doing
0.33 it couldn&;t stop watching
0.33 pornography and that&;s when it hit me I
0.33 I went online and the Paradigm Shift
0.33 first began it wasn&;t it wasn&;t a
0.33 paradigm shift at the time but it
0.33 planted the seed when I came across
0.33 someone on YouTube who went 500 days
0.33 without pornography and masturbation
0.33 they blew me away I was like this guy is
0.33 crazy he he looks like me he was the
0.33 same age as me and I was I was just like
0.33 there was this conflict that took place
0.33 within my unconscious where I I laughed
0.33 at him like this guy&;s nuts pornography
0.33 is fine it&;s safe you know when I was
0.33 young I went on Google when I first
0.33 started to do it I typed in is
0.33 pornography healthy for a young boy and
0.33 it came up yeah it&;s healthy you know
0.33 you don&;t have to worry about
0.33 transmitted diseases things like that
0.33 and
0.33 so but there was my conscience at the
0.33 time I felt guilty and that was the clue
0.33 to to this whole thing
0.33 where it&;s not it wasn&;t ever good for
0.33 me because my conscience blatantly told
0.33 me when I first started don&;t do it um
0.33 it doesn&;t feel right it was a feeling
0.33 and I continued for 12 years I was
0.33 highly addicted to
0.33 it and it took me down a bad Road where
0.33 I ended up being in a relationship and
0.33 the pornography I was watching was more
0.33 stimulating than the actual relationship
0.33 we would be intimate and then I would go
0.33 into another room and then watch
0.33 pornography because that was more
0.33 stimulating than the act the real thing
0.33 so you can see the Peter Pan metaphor a
0.33 big applied here where I was living in a
0.33 fantasy world where these things were
0.33 giving me the dopamine kicks that I just
0.33 was craving and and and needing at the
0.33 time and so the that relationship ended
0.33 up in a bad place and I I wasn&;t mature
0.33 enough um for her and we ended up
0.33 splitting we we got into a lot of
0.33 arguments I just wanted to live a very
0.33 you know he hedonic kind of Carefree
0.33 life and that was my that was my
0.33 attitude in my
0.33 20s and uh that relationship ended and I
0.33 felt lost and I then I went on Tinder
0.33 and then I was going around and dating
0.33 other other women for a time and that
0.33 was enjoyable until I found the real
0.33 woman that that brought out a lot of my
0.33 potential and she was like when you meet
0.33 someone who&;s real and enough and
0.33 beautiful they their beauty shines onto
0.33 you well what you&;re lacking your
0.33 inadequacies and I thought when I have a
0.33 lot of work to do with myself and then I
0.33 started soon into Maggie and I&;s uh
0.33 relationship and now she being the
0.33 mother of my
0.33 child um I started to get my life
0.33 together and I was going through anxiety
0.33 recovery and then that later uh fell
0.33 into pornography recovery because look I
0.33 did it
0.33 for myself initially right the the
0.33 higher capital S self I I didn&;t want to
0.33 be controlled by my impulses and these
0.33 desires I felt weak I felt like this
0.33 thing whatever it is whatever the
0.33 benefits of noof FAP and going porn free
0.33 is I I needed to do it because it just
0.33 felt right it felt like I can&;t go on
0.33 living this way and so I that that
0.33 Journey started and it was I can&;t
0.33 remember how long into it I would go
0.33 like a couple days and then relapse and
0.33 then I would it was a stumbling forward
0.33 into what it is now the six years that I
0.33 am clean of it and I do feel like
0.33 pornography is is a I do I personally
0.33 feel that pornography
0.33 is a terrible thing to partake in and I
0.33 feel like going on to these websites
0.33 you&;re you&;re engaging and you&;re
0.33 supporting websites like PornHub for
0.33 example that uh really don&;t they do not
0.33 um this has been proven
0.33 um in in in a very powerful book let me
0.33 just grab the name very quickly here by
0.33 uh Lila
0.33 melight she did a very interesting
0.33 podcast with Jordan Peterson recently
0.33 number
0.33 503 and her book is
0.33 called uh takedown inside the fight to
0.33 shut down
0.33 PornHub for child abuse and trafficking
0.33 and whatnot and and when I listen to
0.33 that I it&;s cemented in more of the
0.33 reasoning to why I shouldn&;t be watching
0.33 this stuff the abuse on there because
0.33 PornHub as she explains pornub does not
0.33 filter in um
0.33 underage uh people partaking in sexual
0.33 acts and and and you the abuse on there
0.33 is ridiculous because anybody can just
0.33 go in and post videos and there&;s no
0.33 there&;s no there&;s no security there&;s
0.33 no uh
0.33 there&;s no filtering right that goes on
0.33 and so you&;re partaking in the Sin of
0.33 well this very what would you say it&;s a
0.33 very holy uh act right it&;s a very
0.33 intimate um sacred act to be engaged in
0.33 that that Union between a man and a
0.33 woman it&;s very very sacred and I
0.33 believe um
0.33 that watching this stuff you&;re you&;re
0.33 co-creating this this hedonistic kind of
0.33 world you&;re you&;re partaking in that
0.33 and it&;s not a good thing to to do also
0.33 one thing is look to the story of Cain
0.33 and Abel because Cain after killing his
0.33 brother he&;s shaking his fist at God and
0.33 he&;s crying out to God saying well my
0.33 suffering is too great it&;s I can&;t bear
0.33 this suffering what happened like what&;s
0.33 happening to me and God said
0.33 look there was this aroused predatory
0.33 entity that came knocking it came
0.33 knocking at your door Temptation it came
0.33 knocking and
0.33 you being all vulnerable
0.33 and and without thinking invited that
0.33 thing in
0.33 and you started to entertain it without
0.33 questioning it and
0.33 you later then because it it that you
0.33 entertaining that thing you entertaining
0.33 the fairy of porn by doing
0.33 that
0.33 you&;re you&;re putting that at your the
0.33 highest values and whatever is that
0.33 taught value to you is what&;s you you
0.33 are going to
0.33 manifest and you&;re going to walk into
0.33 that direction and for me thinking about
0.33 pornography all the time when I was
0.33 addicted to it and and and thinking
0.33 about women and and and Tinder and all
0.33 of these things for me what happened was
0.33 it was at the Forefront of my mind and I
0.33 was always thinking about it I was
0.33 always pursuing that and it felt like it
0.33 was water through my hands I would get
0.33 it and it after afterward words I would
0.33 need it hours later and I would need it
0.33 the next day and the next day and it
0.33 felt like it was never ending it felt
0.33 like the pursuit was constant and I I
0.33 the suffering became worse and then the
0.33 meaning was less and less in my life
0.33 until I reached an anxiety disorder in
0.33 my 20s that really it was hard to get
0.33 out because I I was stacked so much sin
0.33 in my life that it was hard to sift
0.33 through all of that to really come to
0.33 some sort of
0.33 stability so Cain entertained this ideal
0.33 and what you hold as most valuable to
0.33 you you hold that as a God right and you
0.33 worship that God and so you&;re
0.33 worshiping the fairy of porn maybe I was
0.33 I was and that&;s why I wanted to make
0.33 this video because it&;s been six years
0.33 and I hope that it resonates with you
0.33 and be more like Abel Abel is
0.33 working and making the right sacrifices
0.33 in his life I make the sacrifice of
0.33 quitting pornography make that sacrifice
0.33 because you will find
0.33 that you will find that on the other
0.33 side of
0.33 that is
0.33 wisdom and maybe then you can help
0.33 someone else who is battling that
0.33 because I do believe in my
0.33 heart that objectifying women and
0.33 and and pursuing that
0.33 path leads you into Dark
0.33 Places and I was in a dark place in my
0.33 20s and
0.33 um and watch out for culture culture is
0.33 going to do whatever it can to make you
0.33 keep you vulnerable keep you
0.33 unconscious and consum
0.33 it and you&;re better than that and um I
0.33 feel like porn is an easy Road it&;s an
0.33 easy road to just distract
0.33 yourself and it begins with pain and it
0.33 ends with pain that&;s the
0.33 addiction I think that&;s a great place
0.33 to end the video so I hope you guys find
0.33 this video useful be strong and if you
0.33 haven&;t even started the journey yet
0.33 great you&;re here watching this video
0.33 that&;s
0.33 amazing and
0.33 um you deserve better than that I really
0.33 do believe that and with the amount of
0.33 guys I&;ve talked to I I believe that to
0.33 be true you deserve better than than
0.33 that and that&;s where I&;m going to leave
0.33 you thank you
0.33 everyone rise above
0.33 pornography rise above your addictions
0.33 whatever they are we&;re all human we all
0.33 have them I&;ll see you on the next video
0.33 thank you everybody for being a part of
0.33 this community please comment below also
0.33 give this a thumbs up and subscribe to
0.33 the channel because then you&;ll be the
0.33 first to know whenever I release a new
0.33 video
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