masturbate; Masturbation (une perspective spirituelle sur la masturbation) – Swan Teal

Un film sur le thème «masturbate» sur YouTube

Une vidéo, partagée par Teal Swan sur YouTube ( ), offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « masturbate ».

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La durée (00:16:27s), le titre (Masturbation (A Spiritual Perspective on Masturbating) – Teal Swan), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« 👉 Aimeriez-vous plonger plus profondément dans la spiritualité? Accédez au salon (gratuit) de Teal (gratuit) pour obtenir des classeurs, des résumés, des méditations et plus encore. Cliquez ici: La masturbation est l’acte de toucher ou de vous stimuler sexuellement pour créer une excitation sexuelle. Dans cet épisode, Teal Swan discute des implications spirituelles de la masturbation. Teal discute également des avantages et des inconvénients de se masturber. Lisez l’article complet ici ⟶ accès tout le contenu exclusif de Teal, les mises à jour quotidiennes, les rediffusions d’atelier et plus: ╰ Contenu premium Cliquez ici: 👉 Qui est le cygne Teal? Teal Swan est un nouveau leader d’opinion et un auteur à succès qui est un expert en développement humain et en relations. Elle a plus d’une décennie d’expérience en travaillant avec des gens de tous horizons en mission pour réduire la souffrance humaine. Aujourd’hui, elle est également devenue conférencière internationale, ayant facilité des retraites et des ateliers qui changent la vie dans de grands lieux dans le monde. Teal a été classé 15e sur les gens vivants les plus influents les plus spirituellement en 2023. Si vous êtes en crise ou si vous ou toute autre personne peut vous sentir suicidaire ou en danger, les ressources suivantes peuvent vous fournir une aide immédiate: https: // 👉 Suivez TEAL Swan: ╰ / Tealswanofficial ╰ / Tealswanofficial ╰ Début de la chanson: Alchemy – Blake Dyer terminant la chanson Notre jeu – Yaima (Tagsotranslate) masturbation ».

La vidéo est affichée juste en dessous pour votre consultation

Examiner les bénéfices d’une abstinence réussie

Présenter l’évolution vers un mieux-être mental

Arrêter cette habitude permet souvent de retrouver plus d’énergie, une humeur positive et une meilleure concentration.

Présenter les changements positifs dans les relations humaines

Les relations avec un partenaire deviennent plus profondes, avec un lien émotionnel et physique renforcé.

Expliquer le trajet vers une joie persistante

Réduire la dépendance peut conduire à des résultats durables, tant dans la vie personnelle que professionnelle et sociale.

Comprendre les mécanismes de la dépendance à la masturbation

Reconnaître les signes d’une addiction naissante

Les signes de dépendance incluent une fréquence compulsive, ainsi qu’une perte de contrôle qui peut interférer avec d’autres domaines importants, notamment les relations amoureuses.

Examiner les retombées sur la santé mentale et physique

L’addiction à la masturbation, lorsqu’elle s’accompagne d’un usage excessif de pornographie, affecte le système dopaminergique, provoquant des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une baisse de l’énergie et des frustrations sexuelles.

Expliquer ce qu’englobe la masturbation et ses pratiques courantes

La masturbation, souvent considérée comme saine pour réduire le stress et mieux connaître son corps, peut poser problème lorsqu’elle dépasse certaines limites.

Étudier les facteurs expliquant la montée de cette pratique

Comprendre l’influence de la solitude et du désir

La solitude et le désir non satisfait, dans un couple ou dans la vie personnelle, sont des facteurs qui renforcent cette pratique.

Explorer l’influence de la pornographie sur les actions et attitudes

La pornographie est un facteur significatif. Elle accroît fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut altérer la perception de la sexualité.

Examiner les aspects psychiques et émotionnels

Le manque de satisfaction, le stress ou l’anxiété dans d’autres sphères peuvent rendre cette pratique excessive plus fréquente.

Établir une feuille de route pour arrêter

Suggérer des actions pratiques pour diminuer cette pratique

  • Identifier les facteurs déclencheurs : Prenez note de ce qui provoque l’envie de céder.
  • Identifier les sources de déclenchement : Faites attention à ce qui vous incite à agir.
  • Se donner des objectifs précis : Mettez en œuvre des stratégies progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour rester abstinent.

Indiquer les étapes essentielles pour éviter les rechutes

  • Créer une routine organisée : Planifiez des activités à faire tout au long de la journée.
  • Structurer vos journées : Créez une routine avec des activités régulières et bien organisées.

Mettre en lumière le rôle clé du soutien social

  • Consulter un sexologue : Un spécialiste pourra proposer des stratégies adaptées. (par exemple ce lien)
  • Intégrer un groupe de soutien : Échanger avec d’autres renforce la motivation.

Comprendre la masturbation : un défi pour transformer votre sexualité

Masturbation et sexualité vont souvent de pair, et cette pratique est largement considérée comme normale et bénéfique. Cependant, lorsqu’elle devient habituelle et se transforme en addiction, elle peut représenter un véritable challenge à surmonter pour préserver des éléments clés de la vie comme la santé mentale, les relations et l’équilibre au travail.

En somme

Mettre fin à la masturbation instinctive est un processus qui requiert patience et persévérance. Avec une approche structurée et le soutien adéquat, il est possible de surmonter cette épreuve et de récolter les bienfaits d’une vie plus harmonieuse et focalisée sur des objectifs épanouissants.

Si vous souhaitez regarder la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur ce lien :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#Masturbation #une #perspective #spirituelle #sur #masturbation #Swan #Teal

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Hello there. Masturbation is the act of touching yourself or otherwise stimulating yourself, so as to create sexual arousal. Seems harmless enough. However, masturbation is become a taboo subject. Mastubation is completely natural when we’re incarnated in the physical body. Why is that? Because it’s natural for anything that’s physically manifested, to naturally flow in the direction of something that creates pleasure. We’re drawn towards those things. That’s why children naturally begin to masturbate when they’re young. However, most of us who are alive today and have reached adulthood, have been raised with this kind off idea that there’s something wrong, immoral, bad, embarassing or even downright evil about masturbation. In fact many spiritual teachers who don’t even align with a particular religion, seem to think that masturbation is detrimental. So which is it? Is masturbation good, or is masturbation bad? What I’m gonna say is, like any tool, it can be either, depending on the conscious intentions of the user of that tool. First let’s visit the positive side of masturbation, shall we. 1. Obviously, it builds energy. Anyone who has masturbated, will tell you that. The sexual response cycle is divided into four phases. Excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Orgasm, also called sexual climax, is the sudden release of the accumulated sexual energy that has been built in response to stimulation. So it’s relatively easy to see how sexual stimulation, as a builder of energy, could be a useful tool to use. In fact, I did an entire video about using orgasms to manifest. I strongly encourage you to watch that video, titled: « How to use an orgasm to manifest. » 2. Obviously if a person can begin to build sexual energy, and knowing that sexual energy is no different than life force energy, then it’s obvious that that energy is now readily available to channel in to whatever outlet you would wish to channel it towards. This is the aspect of masturbation or sexual arousal, or sexual energy in general, that most spiritual people and spiritual teachers, are concerned with. But they aren’t the only ones to have discovered it. A great technique, is to sexually stimulate yourself, as to build that energy and to reach that point in the sexual cycle, that is called plateau, but to not allow yourself to fully orgasm, instead to channel all of that energy, once you have breathed it into the totality of your body, towards whatever pursuit you wish to aim your focus at, at this time. This technique is a favorite among athletes, who are known to stimulate themselves to the point of plateau, but not let themselves orgasm. Instead consciously breath in that energy throughout their entire body, before a big game, a race. This is also a favorite amongst scholars, who use the same technique right before a test or talk and performers who use it to enhance their performances. For those of us, who are interested in using our primal sexual energy, to create in our life, or as part of our spiritual practice, what we can know is that we can use this technique, to channel our energy into quite literally anything that we want to. We can channel it into our meditative practice, channel into enhancing our shadow work, channel it into our connection with our partner, becoming more emotionally available, maybe a creative project which we wish to do. 3. When we feel pleasure, we come into a mental, emotional and physical state of alignment. What that looks like outside the third dimension, this physical dimension, when someone comes into alignment, is that they open themselves to the complete flow of this energy, this life force energy, that is coming from what we would call source itself, into us as an extension of that source. So all of our meridians are open, the energy channels that run through our body, our chakra’s begin to open and the body starts to come into alignment. Now this is really important when we understand, that an out of alignment state is what creates illness. So when you come into a state of alignment, your body begins to heal. We add to our overall health. The body responds to alignment by following suit. For example, it releases oxytocin and endorphins which relief pain. The immune system is mobilized. Blood flow increases throughout the body which further nourishes our body. Our cells begin to have better respiration and a portion of our brain that is associated with fear and anxiety goes dorment. So the bottom lign is, masturbation can help keep us physically healthy. 4. Masturbation enhances self-intimacy, which in turn, creates greater levels of other intimacy. It is critical that we become intimate with ourself in this life. And what is intimacy? It is seeing into ourselves, feeling into ourselves, hearing into ourselves, understanding ourselves. And becoming sexually aware of ourselves through experimentation is a great way to enhance this level of intimacy with yourself. When your master this, you have a sense of self to bring into a relationship with other people. You’ll be much more able to offer intimacy to someone else, if you learn how to offer it to yourself. You will be surprised how much you can learn about yourself, just by engaging with yourself in a sexual way. I think it is an absolute travesty when people enter into relationships, having no awareness of themselves as a sexual being. If you’re unaware of your sexuality, you’re completely at the mercy of whatever sexual experience you experience as a result of getting into a relationship. Let’s hope the other person has some experience, cause chances are, you’re not gonna be that satisfied. It’s even more sad, when people are alienated from themselves sexually. This is a huge problem in the world today for women. Some of whom have avoided thinking about, touching or educating themselves about any part of themselves that they consider sexual. When this is the case in a relationship that turns sexual, you are at the mercy of inexperience. You cannot direct the experience in a way that would be pleasurable to you. You’re just basically at the mercy of your partner, who has no idea what you like and don’t like, and want and don’t want, because you don’t either. This can make your sex life and even your relationship a complete disaster. To avoid yourself sexually, is a state of resistance to yourself. This is not healthy and it fuels shame. 5. During orgasm, your awareness or sense of your own identity, or ego is dissolved. And so, for a brief moment in time, you can touch your infinite nature. This is the very reason why traditions, such as tantra, even exist. It’s the idea that through sexuality, you might have a shot at touching the infinite or at achieving enlightenment even. So you can see that I’ve pretty much made the case that masturbation is not only healthy for you, it’s what we should be doing if we wanna live a conscious life. However, now i’m gonna take you into the pitfalls of masturbation. 1. It can become an addiction. It is true that for many of us, the craving for orgasm is the craving for relief. Relief in the form of release. This feeling of relief becomes it’s own addiction. This is a big part of what we are addicted to, if we’re addicted to pornography. We often seek out pleasure, not for the sake of pleasure, but to try to escape from pain. For this reason, masturbation, especially if it’s chronic, is a form of self-medication. It blends the senses and makes you forget everything else. It’s a hypnotic and trans-like state that makes you lose track of time. If you use masturbation in this way, you use it to get relief from something. It is used to escape a painful emotional state. Addiction is an indication that there is something underlying the behaviour that absolutely needs to be focussed on and dealth with. It needs your unconditional presence. It’s a real common thing that people will tell you, that one reason that masturbation is healthy, is that it reduces stress. I don’t actually agree. Because masturbation doesn’t actually solve the underlying cause of that stress. Instead it just medicates you, so that you can’t feel it. It’s a bit like using masturbation like pain medication. When we’re using masturbation in this way, we’re not using it to bring us into the present moment. We’re using it to escape the present moment. If we are dedicated to maximizing our life, we have to stop running away from this aspect of ourself and actually deal with the root cause of the problem. This is how we’re gonna create the kind off life we actually want to show up for. In other words, it’s time that you have a real heart-to-heart with yourself. about what exactly it is that you’re actually using masturbation to get away from. That is what needs your conscious presence at this time. Now you may or may not be masturbating in tandem with pornography or with mental fantasies that you create in your own mind, which is another form of pornography. But because this particular issue of chronic masturbation, or using masturbation as an addiction, is so closely linked to our porn addiction, what I want you to do is to watch my video on Youtube that is titled: « How to overcome porn addiction ». 2. Orgasm releases oxytocyn and what we’re finding is that oxytocyn enhances our bonding with each other, which is why a healthy sex life, even if that sex life envolves masturbation, not just sex, actually creates more faitfull partners. However, there is one exception to this rule. There’s one demographic that doesn’t fit in to this category. It’s the people who are trying to use masturbation to avoid intimacy. As I said before, tools can be used for harm or for good. We can either use masturbation to enhance intimacy or to avoid it all together. laughs If we have a fear of intimacy, we can fall into the behavior of masturbating because we want nothing to do with the vulnerability of connecting to other people. We condition ourselves to respond to self stimulation, so we never have to feel the vulnurability of connecting with someone. In fact, we may become sensitized to the degree that our own touch is the only way we can become aroused. We may even render ourselves incapable of reaching sexual climax by being touched by another person. We are particularly at risk of this if we have what many psychologists call, an avoidant-attachment style. Before you count yourself out of this category, because you can and do have sex, I also want you to be aware that it is possible for us to have sex, that has nothing to do with intimacy as well. I like to this type of sex, mutual masturbation. Because we’re not connected during sex, instead we’re using each other to get off. Unfortunately, most porn on the market today demonstrates this kind of sex and leads us to believe this is what real sex is, when it isn’t. So consider looking close at yourself in the mirror, so to speak and discover whether masturbation is just your way of being sexual without the emotional risk of connecting with another person. Our arousal circuitry is easily programmed. It’s easily programmed to prefer self sex, involving sexual fantasies and self touch, rather than intimacy with other people. And this can obviously have devastating effects on our relationships. 3. As I said before, there is no way to separate out life force energy and sexual energy. It is all the same kind of energy. You are a sexual being. When you are sexually stimulated, you are raising this energy within you. So the question I want you to ask yourself is, what am I directing that energy towards? Sexual energy is creative energy. If you are getting yourself to a point of sexual arousal, sexual climax and then sexual release for the sake of release itself, you are in fact squandering that energy. What I am the most concerned with, as a spiritual practicioner and as a spiritual teacher, is the fact that you can very easily become depleted. You are robbing yourself of creative energy. This energy is meant to be channeled towards creation. Whether that creation, is the creation of connection or actual life, or the creation of ideas, or the creation of the life-style you want to live. A state of atrophy or apathy is common for people who are unconscious about their masturbation. And who masturbate habitually. Because the energy they have to create their waking life with, is being spent. When we do not know how to consciously bring in an endless stream of energy, because we cannot consistently maintain a state of alignment, we can end up depleting ourselves through masturbation and our body will become unhealthy because of it. It is important that we set forth, in this path of spiritualiy, from a space of intrinsically desiring growth, intrinsically desiring expansion. However, those very traditions, that teach you that masturbation is not okay, are the very traditions that have absolutely no concern, whether your spiritual practice is intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. In essence, what they’re doing is, they’re saying: « Look, there’s a spiritual ideal, and you should be extrinsically motivated to achieve that ideal state because it makes you more loveable, it makes you good and thus it’s gonna make you acceptable to me, to the priest or to God. This is a carrot-and-stick philosophy. They operate through punishment and reward. But the time has come to let go of these traditions because they no longer serve our progression as a species. There is no giant man in the sky called God who is expecting you to live up to his image of spiritual perfection. And I can assure you, he is not sitting up there in the clouds, thinking to himself: « Oh my God, I’m so ashamed they’re masturbating » There is no difference between life force energy and sexual energy whether you like it or not, you are a sexual being. That sexuality does not own you, it does not dictate your behavior because instead, it is you. It is a natural part of you. It is a natural part of you and no part of that sexuality is wrong. All energy can be channeled towards use that benefits or use that harms. But by embracing yourself as a sexual being, and becoming fully intimate with yourself sexually, including masturbating, the likelihood that that sexual energy will be channeled towards harm, is greatly diminished. Instead, masturbation and sexuality can be something that greatly benefits you and benefits the people around you. Sexuality is a beautiful thing, provided that that sexuality is conscious. Have a good week. .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

2.332 Hello there.
2.332 Masturbation is the act of touching yourself
or otherwise stimulating yourself,
2.332 so as to create sexual arousal.
2.332 Seems harmless enough.
2.332 However, masturbation is become a taboo subject.
2.332 Mastubation is completely natural
when we&;re incarnated in the physical body.
2.332 Why is that?
2.332 Because it&;s natural
for anything that&;s physically manifested,
2.332 to naturally flow in the direction
of something that creates pleasure.
2.332 We&;re drawn towards those things.
2.332 That&;s why children naturally
begin to masturbate when they&;re young.
2.332 However, most of us who are alive today
2.332 and have reached adulthood,
2.332 have been raised with this kind off idea
2.332 that there&;s something wrong, immoral, bad, embarassing or even downright evil about masturbation.
2.332 In fact many spiritual teachers
who don&;t even align with a particular religion,
2.332 seem to think that masturbation is detrimental.
2.332 So which is it?
2.332 Is masturbation good,
or is masturbation bad?
2.332 What I&;m gonna say is, like any tool,
it can be either,
2.332 depending on the conscious intentions
of the user of that tool.
2.332 First let&;s visit the positive side of masturbation, shall we.
2.332 1. Obviously, it builds energy.
2.332 Anyone who has masturbated, will tell you that.
2.332 The sexual response cycle
is divided into four phases.
2.332 Excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution.
2.332 Orgasm, also called sexual climax,
2.332 is the sudden release of the accumulated sexual energy that has been built in response to stimulation.
2.332 So it&;s relatively easy to see how sexual stimulation,
2.332 as a builder of energy, could be a useful tool to use.
2.332 In fact, I did an entire video
about using orgasms to manifest.
2.332 I strongly encourage you to watch that video, titled:
"How to use an orgasm to manifest."
2.332 2. Obviously if a person can begin
to build sexual energy,
2.332 and knowing that sexual energy
is no different than life force energy,
2.332 then it&;s obvious that that energy
is now readily available to channel in to whatever outlet
2.332 you would wish to channel it towards.
2.332 This is the aspect of masturbation or sexual arousal,
or sexual energy in general,
2.332 that most spiritual people and spiritual teachers,
are concerned with.
2.332 But they aren&;t the only ones to have discovered it.
2.332 A great technique, is to sexually stimulate yourself,
as to build that energy
2.332 and to reach that point in the sexual cycle,
2.332 that is called plateau,
2.332 but to not allow yourself to fully orgasm,
2.332 instead to channel all of that energy,
2.332 once you have breathed it into the totality of your body,
2.332 towards whatever pursuit
you wish to aim your focus at, at this time.
2.332 This technique is a favorite among athletes,
2.332 who are known to stimulate themselves
to the point of plateau,
2.332 but not let themselves orgasm.
2.332 Instead consciously breath in that energy
throughout their entire body,
2.332 before a big game, a race.
2.332 This is also a favorite amongst scholars,
2.332 who use the same technique right before a test or talk
2.332 and performers who use it
to enhance their performances.
2.332 For those of us, who are interested
in using our primal sexual energy,
2.332 to create in our life,
or as part of our spiritual practice,
2.332 what we can know is
that we can use this technique,
2.332 to channel our energy
into quite literally anything that we want to.
2.332 We can channel it into our meditative practice,
2.332 channel into enhancing our shadow work,
2.332 channel it into our connection with our partner,
2.332 becoming more emotionally available,
2.332 maybe a creative project which we wish to do.
2.332 3. When we feel pleasure, we come into
a mental, emotional and physical state of alignment.
2.332 What that looks like outside the third dimension,
this physical dimension,
2.332 when someone comes into alignment,
2.332 is that they open themselves to the complete flow
of this energy, this life force energy,
2.332 that is coming from what we would call source itself,
2.332 into us as an extension of that source.
2.332 So all of our meridians are open,
the energy channels that run through our body,
2.332 our chakra&;s begin to open
and the body starts to come into alignment.
2.332 Now this is really important when we understand,
that an out of alignment state is what creates illness.
2.332 So when you come into a state of alignment,
your body begins to heal.
2.332 We add to our overall health.
2.332 The body responds to alignment by following suit.
2.332 For example, it releases oxytocin
and endorphins which relief pain.
2.332 The immune system is mobilized.
2.332 Blood flow increases throughout the body
which further nourishes our body.
2.332 Our cells begin to have better respiration
2.332 and a portion of our brain that is associated with fear and anxiety goes dorment.
2.332 So the bottom lign is,
masturbation can help keep us physically healthy.
2.332 4. Masturbation enhances self-intimacy,
2.332 which in turn, creates greater levels of other intimacy.
2.332 It is critical that we become intimate
with ourself in this life.
2.332 And what is intimacy?
It is seeing into ourselves,
2.332 feeling into ourselves, hearing into ourselves,
understanding ourselves.
2.332 And becoming sexually aware of ourselves
through experimentation
2.332 is a great way to enhance
this level of intimacy with yourself.
2.332 When your master this, you have a sense of self
to bring into a relationship with other people.
2.332 You&;ll be much more able
to offer intimacy to someone else,
2.332 if you learn how to offer it to yourself.
2.332 You will be surprised
how much you can learn about yourself,
2.332 just by engaging with yourself in a sexual way.
2.332 I think it is an absolute travesty
when people enter into relationships,
2.332 having no awareness of themselves
as a sexual being.
2.332 If you&;re unaware of your sexuality,
you&;re completely at the mercy
2.332 of whatever sexual experience you experience
as a result of getting into a relationship.
2.332 Let&;s hope the other person has some experience,
2.332 cause chances are,
you&;re not gonna be that satisfied.
2.332 It&;s even more sad,
when people are alienated from themselves sexually.
2.332 This is a huge problem in the world today for women.
2.332 Some of whom have avoided thinking about,
touching or educating themselves
2.332 about any part of themselves
that they consider sexual.
2.332 When this is the case
in a relationship that turns sexual,
2.332 you are at the mercy of inexperience.
2.332 You cannot direct the experience
in a way that would be pleasurable to you.
2.332 You&;re just basically at the mercy of your partner,
2.332 who has no idea what you like and don&;t like,
2.332 and want and don&;t want,
because you don&;t either.
2.332 This can make your sex life
and even your relationship a complete disaster.
2.332 To avoid yourself sexually,
is a state of resistance to yourself.
2.332 This is not healthy and it fuels shame.
2.332 5. During orgasm, your awareness
or sense of your own identity, or ego is dissolved.
2.332 And so, for a brief moment in time,
you can touch your infinite nature.
2.332 This is the very reason why traditions,
such as tantra, even exist.
2.332 It&;s the idea that through sexuality,
you might have a shot
2.332 at touching the infinite
or at achieving enlightenment even.
2.332 So you can see that I&;ve pretty much made the case
that masturbation is not only healthy for you,
2.332 it&;s what we should be doing
if we wanna live a conscious life.
2.332 However, now i&;m gonna take you
into the pitfalls of masturbation.
2.332 1. It can become an addiction.
2.332 It is true that for many of us,
2.332 the craving for orgasm is the craving for relief.
2.332 Relief in the form of release.
2.332 This feeling of relief becomes it&;s own addiction.
2.332 This is a big part of what we are addicted to,
2.332 if we&;re addicted to pornography.
2.332 We often seek out pleasure,
2.332 not for the sake of pleasure,
but to try to escape from pain.
2.332 For this reason, masturbation, especially if it&;s chronic,
is a form of self-medication.
2.332 It blends the senses
and makes you forget everything else.
2.332 It&;s a hypnotic and trans-like state that makes you lose track of time.
2.332 If you use masturbation in this way,
2.332 you use it to get relief from something.
2.332 It is used to escape
a painful emotional state.
2.332 Addiction is an indication
that there is something underlying the behaviour
2.332 that absolutely needs to be focussed on
2.332 and dealth with.
2.332 It needs your unconditional presence.
2.332 It&;s a real common thing that people will tell you,
that one reason that masturbation is healthy,
2.332 is that it reduces stress.
2.332 I don&;t actually agree.
2.332 Because masturbation doesn&;t actually
solve the underlying cause of that stress.
2.332 Instead it just medicates you,
so that you can&;t feel it.
2.332 It&;s a bit like using masturbation
like pain medication.
2.332 When we&;re using masturbation in this way,
we&;re not using it to bring us into the present moment.
2.332 We&;re using it to escape the present moment.
2.332 If we are dedicated to maximizing our life,
2.332 we have to stop running away
from this aspect of ourself
2.332 and actually deal with the root cause of the problem.
2.332 This is how we&;re gonna create the kind off life
we actually want to show up for.
2.332 In other words, it&;s time that you have a real
heart-to-heart with yourself.
2.332 about what exactly it is
that you&;re actually using masturbation to get away from.
2.332 That is what needs
your conscious presence at this time.
2.332 Now you may or may not be masturbating
in tandem with pornography
2.332 or with mental fantasies
that you create in your own mind,
2.332 which is another form of pornography.
2.332 But because this particular issue
of chronic masturbation,
2.332 or using masturbation as an addiction,
2.332 is so closely linked to our porn addiction,
2.332 what I want you to do
is to watch my video on Youtube that is titled:
2.332 "How to overcome porn addiction".
2.332 2. Orgasm releases oxytocyn
2.332 and what we&;re finding is that oxytocyn
enhances our bonding with each other,
2.332 which is why a healthy sex life,
even if that sex life envolves masturbation,
2.332 not just sex, actually creates more faitfull partners.
2.332 However, there is one exception to this rule.
2.332 There&;s one demographic
that doesn&;t fit in to this category.
2.332 It&;s the people who are trying to use masturbation
to avoid intimacy.
2.332 As I said before,
2.332 tools can be used for harm or for good.
2.332 We can either use masturbation to enhance intimacy
or to avoid it all together.
2.332 laughs
2.332 If we have a fear of intimacy,
2.332 we can fall into the behavior of masturbating
because we want nothing to do
2.332 with the vulnerability of connecting to other people.
2.332 We condition ourselves
to respond to self stimulation,
2.332 so we never have to feel the vulnurability
of connecting with someone.
2.332 In fact, we may become sensitized
to the degree that our own touch
2.332 is the only way we can become aroused.
2.332 We may even render ourselves
incapable of reaching sexual climax
2.332 by being touched by another person.
2.332 We are particularly at risk of this
2.332 if we have what many psychologists call,
an avoidant-attachment style.
2.332 Before you count yourself out of this category,
2.332 because you can and do have sex,
2.332 I also want you to be aware that it is possible for us to have sex, that has nothing to do with intimacy as well.
2.332 I like to this type of sex,
mutual masturbation.
2.332 Because we&;re not connected during sex,
2.332 instead we&;re using each other to get off.
2.332 Unfortunately, most porn on the market today
demonstrates this kind of sex
2.332 and leads us to believe this is what real sex is,
when it isn&;t.
2.332 So consider looking close at yourself in the mirror,
so to speak
2.332 and discover whether masturbation
is just your way of being sexual
2.332 without the emotional risk
of connecting with another person.
2.332 Our arousal circuitry is easily programmed.
2.332 It&;s easily programmed to prefer self sex,
involving sexual fantasies and self touch,
2.332 rather than intimacy with other people.
2.332 And this can obviously have
devastating effects on our relationships.
2.332 3. As I said before, there is no way to separate out
life force energy and sexual energy.
2.332 It is all the same kind of energy.
2.332 You are a sexual being.
2.332 When you are sexually stimulated,
2.332 you are raising this energy within you.
2.332 So the question I want you to ask yourself is,
2.332 what am I directing that energy towards?
2.332 Sexual energy is creative energy.
2.332 If you are getting yourself
to a point of sexual arousal, sexual climax
2.332 and then sexual release for the sake of release itself, you are in fact squandering that energy.
2.332 What I am the most concerned with,
2.332 as a spiritual practicioner and as a spiritual teacher,
2.332 is the fact that you can very easily become depleted.
2.332 You are robbing yourself of creative energy.
2.332 This energy is meant to be channeled towards creation.
2.332 Whether that creation,
is the creation of connection
2.332 or actual life, or the creation of ideas,
or the creation of the life-style you want to live.
2.332 A state of atrophy or apathy is common for people
who are unconscious about their masturbation.
2.332 And who masturbate habitually.
2.332 Because the energy they have
to create their waking life with, is being spent.
2.332 When we do not know how to consciously
bring in an endless stream of energy,
2.332 because we cannot consistently
maintain a state of alignment,
2.332 we can end up
depleting ourselves through masturbation
2.332 and our body will become unhealthy because of it.
2.332 It is important that we set forth,
in this path of spiritualiy,
2.332 from a space of intrinsically desiring growth,
intrinsically desiring expansion.
2.332 However, those very traditions,
that teach you that masturbation is not okay,
2.332 are the very traditions that have absolutely no concern,
2.332 whether your spiritual practice is intrinsically
or extrinsically motivated.
2.332 In essence, what they&;re doing is,
they&;re saying:
2.332 "Look, there&;s a spiritual ideal,
and you should be extrinsically motivated
2.332 to achieve that ideal state
because it makes you more loveable, it makes you good
2.332 and thus it&;s gonna make you acceptable to me,
2.332 to the priest or to God.
2.332 This is a carrot-and-stick philosophy.
2.332 They operate through punishment and reward.
2.332 But the time has come to let go of these traditions
2.332 because they no longer
serve our progression as a species.
2.332 There is no giant man in the sky called God
2.332 who is expecting you to live up
to his image of spiritual perfection.
2.332 And I can assure you,
he is not sitting up there in the clouds,
2.332 thinking to himself:
2.332 "Oh my God,
I&;m so ashamed they&;re masturbating"
2.332 There is no difference between life force energy
and sexual energy whether you like it or not,
2.332 you are a sexual being.
2.332 That sexuality does not own you,
it does not dictate your behavior
2.332 because instead, it is you.
2.332 It is a natural part of you.
2.332 It is a natural part of you
and no part of that sexuality is wrong.
2.332 All energy can be channeled towards
use that benefits or use that harms.
2.332 But by embracing yourself as a sexual being,
2.332 and becoming fully intimate with yourself sexually, including masturbating,
2.332 the likelihood that that sexual energy
will be channeled towards harm,
2.332 is greatly diminished.
2.332 Instead, masturbation and sexuality
can be something that greatly benefits you
2.332 and benefits the people around you.
2.332 Sexuality is a beautiful thing,
provided that that sexuality is conscious.
2.332 Have a good week.

, masturbate; Masturbation (une perspective spirituelle sur la masturbation) – Swan TealAller à la source
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