masturbate,Dieu déteste la masturbation l’arrête! (Exposer le démon derrière la masturbation) sur Youtube

Un film sur le thème «masturbate» sur YouTube

Trailblazer développe le thème « masturbate »

Publiée sur YouTube par Trailblazer (), une vidéo est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «masturbate ».

Avec ses millions de vidéos disponibles, YouTube permet à chaque utilisateur de trouver quelque chose qui correspond à ses intérêts personnels ou à ses besoins d’information.

À l’instant où nous avons visionné la vidéo (), elle comptait déjà plusieurs interactions cumulées. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 3155.

Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:17:10s), le titre (God Hates Masturbation STOP IT! (Exposing The Demon Behind Masturbation)), et les observations mentionnées par l’auteur :« Une vidéo chrétienne de motivation et d’inspiration qui vise à vous laisser béni, inspiré et encouragé et renforcer votre vie de prière et votre marche quotidienne avec Dieu. Alors que vous écoutez cette vidéo de dévotion que Jésus-Christ allume votre vie! ► Une vidéo originale créée par Trailblazer et livrée par nos haut-parleurs d’équipe. Notre contenu basé sur la foi vise à donner vie aux enseignements bibliques! Notre équipe vise à produire du contenu axé sur les Écritures, encourageant les prières et les enseignements perspicaces se joignent à ce canal pour accéder aux avantages: soutiennent notre travail – https: / / / Rejoignez notre chaîne WhatsApp – 📩for toute demande, contactez-nous: © condition d’équipe TRAILBLACK 2024 ( Tagstotranslate) Trailblazer Christian Motivation (T) Motivation pionnière ».

La vidéo est affichée juste en dessous pour votre consultation

Construire un plan d’action pour rompre avec cette habitude

Suggérer des actions pratiques pour diminuer cette pratique

  • Fixer des objectifs clairs : Adoptez des stratégies progressives ou le mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence totale.
  • Mettre en place des objectifs clairs : Suivez des stratégies progressives ou rejoignez le mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence totale.
  • Analyser les déclencheurs : Soyez attentif à ce qui provoque ce besoin.

Mettre l’accent sur l’importance d’un réseau de soutien

  • Discuter avec un sexologue : Un professionnel peut guider vers des solutions efficaces. comme l’équipe de installé Paris.
  • Participer à des groupes de soutien : L’échange avec des personnes ayant des objectifs similaires est motivant.

Présenter un plan de prévention contre les rechutes

  • Fermer les accès à la pornographie : Installez des logiciels de blocage pour éviter l’exposition à des contenus explicites.
  • Protéger vos accès à la pornographie : Utilisez des outils de blocage pour empêcher l’accès aux sites explicites.

Comprendre les mécanismes de la dépendance à la masturbation

Détecter les signes qui témoignent d’une dépendance

La masturbation fréquente, symptôme de la dépendance, entraîne une fréquence accrue et une perte de maîtrise, ce qui peut créer des tensions dans les relations avec un partenaire.

Explorer l’impact sur le bien-être mental et corporel

La consommation instinctive de pornographie, couplée à l’addiction à la masturbation, crée une stimulation continue du système dopaminergique, pouvant engendrer des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une fatigue générale ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.

Expliquer ce qu’englobe la masturbation et ses pratiques courantes

Connue pour ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé, comme la gestion du stress et une meilleure conscience corporelle, la masturbation peut devenir problématique si elle est pratiquée de manière instinctive.

Évaluer les répercussions positives d’un arrêt réussi

Exposer les améliorations dans la communication avec autrui

Les échanges avec un conjoint s’améliorent, favorisant une plus grande complicité émotionnelle et physique.

Présenter les étapes vers un équilibre mental amélioré

Mettre fin à cette pratique engendre fréquemment une hausse d’énergie, une humeur plus positive et une meilleure concentration.

Mettre l’accent sur le chemin vers une épanouissement permanent

Réduire la dépendance permet de profiter de changements durables dans la vie personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.

Réfléchir aux facteurs sous-jacents à la croissance de cette pratique

Parler des influences mentales et émotionnelles

Le stress, l’anxiété ou un sentiment d’insatisfaction dans d’autres domaines de la vie peuvent mener à cette pratique excessive.

Examiner comment la pornographie peut façonner les comportements

La pornographie joue un rôle central. Elle stimule fréquemment le désir de se masturber et peut entraîner une perception erronée de la sexualité.

Réfléchir au rôle de l’isolement et du désir

L’isolement et un désir non satisfait dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle sont des éléments clés dans l’engagement dans cette pratique.

Sexualité épanouie : surmonter le défi de la masturbation

Pour de nombreuses personnes, hommes et femmes confondus, mettre fin à la masturbation peut représenter un véritable défi. Si cette activité est souvent vue comme une pratique saine et normale pour mieux comprendre sa sexualité, elle peut toutefois devenir problématique lorsqu’elle prend une place excessive et empiète sur d’autres sphères de la vie, comme le travail ou la santé mentale.

En fin de compte

L’arrêt de la masturbation compulsive nécessite une démarche patiente et persistante. Avec un plan adapté et un soutien bienveillant, il est possible de surmonter ce défi et de vivre une vie plus équilibrée, axée sur des objectifs plus épanouissants.

Pour consulter la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur le lien suivant :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#Dieu #déteste #masturbation #larrête #Exposer #démon #derrière #masturbation

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: the demon behind masturbation many people don’t know this in society and among Believers certain topics are termed controversial the purpose of avoiding these subjects is unknown sadly the fact that these topics are left unattended doesn’t prevent their manifestation among Believers battles are going on in the lives of many people but due to the fear of stigmatization they keep mute and many die in that state one of those battles is with masturbation it’s a topic that’s often whispered about but rarely talked about openly many are trapped in a cycle of Shame and secrecy because they have no control over the lust of their flesh medically some postulations suggest the validity of masturbation but when this unhealthy habit becomes an emotional and mental sickness there are no medical systems to help out the statistics of people given to masturbation are alarming and it seems like there is no help for those who wish to be free if you’re struggling with masturbation and you desire God’s help this message has been crafted to bring about your freedom you don’t have to face this struggle alone There’s Hope For Freedom healing and Redemption by exploring the reasons behind our desires and seeking help from God and others we can break free from the demon of masturbation and find a healthier happier way to live in this message we’ll explore the spiritual side of masturbation and and how it affects our relationships with God and others we’ll talk about the consequences of giving in to our desires and the steps we can take to overcome them and most importantly we’ll discover how to find forgiveness healing and a new start firstly it is important to establish a profound truth God dislikes sin this is not limited to your understanding of what sin is God works by his standards and not that of man sadly that man has found a way to carve out what he considers sin this ideology has gradually crept into the church today we find many trapped in the web of this sinful habit they face the consequences of their ignorance all because they failed to work in obedience to God’s command going further what’s masturbation simply put masturbation involves a person exploring their own body sexually to have pleasure through scripture we see that one of the purposes God created man and woman is for intimacy and procreation he made it clear from the beginning when he created Adam and Eve God also went ahead to influence this will among animals hence it is established that the act of intimacy is for those who have been joined in holy matrimony that said how then did the habit of masturbation come about it emanates from the desire to satisfy sexual urges in an individual and this feeling is sponsored by the inability to control lust it is normal for an adult to feel sexual desires it shows that you’re healthy but that doesn’t Propel you to have sexual relations with yourself defiling your body masturbation is sponsored by lust and here’s what the Bible says about lust 1 Corinthians 6: 18 and 19 declares flee from sexual immorality every other sin a man commits is outside his body but he who sins sexually sins against his own body do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have received from God you are not your own this scripture justifies the fact that sexual immorality is defiling your own body this means that any form of immoral behavior is a sin against your body it could be fornication adultery or masturbation Whatever It Is God considers it a sin make no mistake about this for many argue that since there is no mention of masturbation in the Bible it justifies the habit but I’m here to tell you that masturbation is a sin against your body you’re defiling the Temple of the Lord go created you to please him in every aspect of your life here’s something to note about masturbation the devil schemes to pollute the body of man and place him far away from God why will you have sexual immorality with your body how is it possible that many fantasize about this feeling and then go ahead to satisfy their urges doesn’t this point to the works of darkness it is only the devil that seeks to thwart the plans and designs of God how does he do this James 1: 14 and 15 says Temptation comes from the lure of our evil desires these evil desires lead to evil actions and evil actions lead to death so the Devil comes to project ideas that lure you into having sinful desires about your body he brings to light an Avenue for you to satisfy your lust note that the scripture says Temptation comes from your evil desires not that of the devil he just comes to capitalize on your desires he is like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour and once he can find a loophole in your life he magnifies it until you fall into temptation now what does the devil capitalize on the lust of your eyes the Flesh and your heart in describing lust Jesus said in Matthew 5: 28 but I say anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart this points to the fact that the basis for lust is not just in the ACT but in the thought of your heart many who struggle with masturbation are fueled by the lust of their eyes some are given to pornography sexual affairs with the opposite sex lusting after the opposite sex and and also the inability to control their sexual urges to satisfy their desires the devil suggests the idea of pleasing themselves sexually and when this is done they ignorantly pave the way for the demon of masturbation you notice that those who struggle with the habit of masturbation have trouble quitting they feel an invisible hand pulling them back to it after every attempt to stop it was not like that from the onset what happened the demon of masturbation has taken over their mind and feelings in this state it takes the help of God to break free from it for those who think quitting masturbation is a personal choice you may be wrong because when there is the presence of a demon the will of man is weak it takes God’s mercy to break through Satan can feed evil thoughts and imaginations into your mind from a distance a far off when you entertain his thoughts imaginations and voices you find yourself doing what he wants masturbating as you fantasize about his thoughts and imaginations demons start manipulating your body when you do nothing about the thoughts and feelings that are projected in your heart you give room to the demon of masturbation sadly many fall for the pleasure they enjoy during masturbation but here’s the information that many do not possess which has made them slaves to the demon of love lust masturbation is about thoughts and imaginations and 2 Corinthians 10:5 says casting down arguments and every High thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to The Obedience of Christ what does this tell us the imagination thoughts and desires the demon of masturbation capitalizes on to defile your body can be cast down and bright under the Dominion of Christ and when that happens you manifest the fruit of self-control but many cannot achieve this feat because they walk in Disobedience and you cast down the imagination of lust when your obedience is complete the denim behind masturbation knows this truth and will do everything to keep you in bondage the Bible captures many instructions about immorality but many who struggle with masturbation among other lustful desires have been disobedient to the commands of God hence the their act of Disobedience has opened the door for demonic manipulation in their life you may be struggling with masturbation and despite all the prayers and godly attributes you put forth the demon of masturbation still has his grip on you this could be a result of your continued Disobedience to God’s instruction it has become a foundation for demonic activities in your life dear friend if you’re tied with the chains of masturbation shift your focus Focus from trying to break free by your strength though you started the ACT willingly now you’re no longer in control there’s a demon fueling your desires to sin in combating a demon you need to trust God for his power and make your way right before him sadly the devil has sponsored several scientific ideas to project the habit of masturbation the invention of sex toys and objects like vibrators and the likes have doubled the rate at which people masturbate every Act of the devil is meant to sponsor evil and the invention of these toys has given people a good reason to continue in sexual immorality some ideologies suggest masturbating with sex toys and objects is no longer a sin because it is done with an inanimate object and not with a person all these are lies of the devil he seeks to gain ground among Mankind through sexual immorality but his aim remains to kill steal and Destroy many who struggle with masturbation have been introduced to sex toys and objects for some they carry it along with them due to the depth of their addiction that’s the work of the demon manipulating their thoughts you find an adult struggling to control the urge to masturbate such an individual makes use of any available space and time to satisfy this lust think for a moment how the devil has ruined so many lives with this habit the fruit of self-control has has been overshadowed by lust what’s more the destructive aspect of masturbation is this when the demon of lust manipulates your heart it doesn’t come alone it creates a passage for other demons into your life Jesus spoke about this in Matthew 12: 43- 4 it says when an unclean Spirit goes out of a man he goes through Dry places seeking rest and finds none then it says I will return to the house of left when it arrives it finds the house unoccupied swept clean and put in order then he goes and takes with him seven other Spirits more wicked than himself and they enter and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first so shall it also be with this wicked generation some victims of demonic manipulation gave room to the Devil by polluting their minds with pornography lusting after the opposite sex and even having constant lustful thoughts in their hearts they never knew their actions attracted a demon into their life and after a while more demons come to seek refuge in their life this is a spiritual act that you can’t see with your eyes but it is as real as the sun in the sky you wonder why those struggling with masturbation also indulge in other inordinate acts that pollute their body that’s a result of the invasion of a different unclean Spirit into their life some having gone deep in masturbation have now become homosexuals they burn in lust for people of the same gender all these started from exposing themselves to masturbation keep this in mind when you give in the devil’s schemes he will never let you go rather he brings different shades of sin to lure you deeper one act of sexual immorality can lead to a lifetime of addiction and pollution and a defiled life cannot stand in the presence of God one once you pollute your temple the Holy Spirit can no longer take the center stage of your life consider this question what does the demon of masturbation do to its victims firstly it pollutes their mind after every Act of masturbation it is called an unclean spirit because it defiles the heart of man making your soul inconvenient for godliness and the Holy Spirit to dwell right from the beginning the devil desires to take control of mankind he has devised several techniques to achieve his aim and sadly he has prospered in so many lives if you’re under the web of masturbation know that it is the trick of the devil to keep you in bondage and far from God this message seeks to liberate you from the grip of the demon of masturbation masturbation gives room for the devil to operate in your life there is a way light and darkness can cohabit in the same place one has to leave and this depends on your decision giving room for masturbation means allowing the Devil to find solace in your life secondly the demon of masturbation projects guilt and shame remember the story of Adam and Eve in the garden after Satan had succeeded in deceiving them he left knowing that their eyes were open and they were ashamed that’s the same experience the demon of masturbation brings into the life of its victim shame and guilt keep you far from repentance and receiving Mercy from God it hides your face from those who can offer help to you it keeps you in the darkness of regret and also plunges you into depths of sinful lust all the devil wants is that your life is at his mercy and not under the influence of the Holy Spirit thirdly the demon of masturbation makes you unfit for marriage many broken homes were ruined by the demon of masturbation where one partner only gets satisfaction through objects and toys there is no longer Intimacy in the home this tells us that the habit of masturbation affects both the married and singles the devil seeks to go against the instructions in 1 Corinthians 7: 2 and 3 or says nevertheless because of sexual immorality Let each man have his wife and let each woman have her husband let the husband render to his wife the affection do her and likewise also the wife to her her husband with masturbation medical cases like premature ejaculation and uncontrolled sexual desires become prominent in society this demon of masturbation has destroyed many individuals and even among Believers the fruit of self-control is lacking but in all There’s Hope for anyone who is under the control of the demon of masturbation and any sexual lust God is set to bring Deliverance your way today as we conclude this message I want you to note that aside from God helping you break free from the shackles you have a part to play firstly stay away from anything or person that triggers inordinate sexual urges in your life avoid watching pornographic photos and movies or listening to sexual content every material of sexual immorality in your possession should be disposed of immediately never allow anyone to invade your privacy with such materials this is the season of your freedom so trust God in your prayers and wait patiently note that the urge for sexual immorality may not disappear all at once it is a gradual process but in all trust God for a perfect Deliverance after your freedom from the demon of masturbation and sexual lusts guard your heart jealously and give yourself to the study of the word and prayers in doing this you prevent any reprisal attack from the devil let’s pray merciful father we ask that you deliver anyone under the bondage of lust and masturbation break the chains of this demon and set them free from its grasp purify their hearts minds and bodies and fill them with your Holy Spirit grant them strength to resist temptation and courage to seek accountability renew their sense of purpose and identity in you we claim victory over the habit of masturbation in the name of Jesus Christ amen shalom .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

2.159 the demon behind masturbation many
2.159 people don&;t know this in society and
2.159 among Believers certain topics are
2.159 termed controversial the purpose of
2.159 avoiding these subjects is
2.159 unknown sadly the fact that these topics
2.159 are left unattended doesn&;t prevent
2.159 their manifestation among
2.159 Believers battles are going on in the
2.159 lives of many people but due to the fear
2.159 of stigmatization they keep mute and
2.159 many die in that state one of those
2.159 battles is with masturbation it&;s a
2.159 topic that&;s often whispered about but
2.159 rarely talked about openly many are
2.159 trapped in a cycle of Shame and secrecy
2.159 because they have no control over the
2.159 lust of their flesh medically some
2.159 postulations suggest the validity of
2.159 masturbation but when this unhealthy
2.159 habit becomes an emotional and mental
2.159 sickness there are no medical systems to
2.159 help
2.159 out the statistics of people given to
2.159 masturbation are alarming and it seems
2.159 like there is no help for those who wish
2.159 to be free if you&;re struggling with
2.159 masturbation and you desire God&;s help
2.159 this message has been crafted to bring
2.159 about your freedom you don&;t have to
2.159 face this struggle alone There&;s Hope
2.159 For Freedom healing and
2.159 Redemption by exploring the reasons
2.159 behind our desires and seeking help from
2.159 God and others we can break free from
2.159 the demon of masturbation and find a
2.159 healthier happier way to live in this
2.159 message we&;ll explore the spiritual side
2.159 of masturbation and and how it affects
2.159 our relationships with God and others
2.159 we&;ll talk about the consequences of
2.159 giving in to our desires and the steps
2.159 we can take to overcome them and most
2.159 importantly we&;ll discover how to find
2.159 forgiveness healing and a new start
2.159 firstly it is important to establish a
2.159 profound truth God dislikes sin this is
2.159 not limited to your understanding of
2.159 what sin is God works by his standards
2.159 and not that of
2.159 man sadly that man has found a way to
2.159 carve out what he considers sin this
2.159 ideology has gradually crept into the
2.159 church today we find many trapped in the
2.159 web of this sinful habit they face the
2.159 consequences of their ignorance all
2.159 because they failed to work in obedience
2.159 to God&;s command going further what&;s
2.159 masturbation simply put masturbation
2.159 involves a person exploring their own
2.159 body sexually to have pleasure through
2.159 scripture we see that one of the
2.159 purposes God created man and woman is
2.159 for intimacy and
2.159 procreation he made it clear from the
2.159 beginning when he created Adam and Eve
2.159 God also went ahead to influence this
2.159 will among animals hence it is
2.159 established that the act of intimacy is
2.159 for those who have been joined in holy
2.159 matrimony that said how then did the
2.159 habit of masturbation come about it
2.159 emanates from the desire to satisfy
2.159 sexual urges in an individual and this
2.159 feeling is sponsored by the inability to
2.159 control lust
2.159 it is normal for an adult to feel sexual
2.159 desires it shows that you&;re healthy but
2.159 that doesn&;t Propel you to have sexual
2.159 relations with yourself defiling your
2.159 body masturbation is sponsored by lust
2.159 and here&;s what the Bible says about
2.159 lust 1 Corinthians 6: 18 and 19 declares
2.159 flee from sexual
2.159 immorality every other sin a man commits
2.159 is outside his body but he who sins
2.159 sexually sins against his own body do
2.159 you not know that your body is a temple
2.159 of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom
2.159 you have received from God you are not
2.159 your own this scripture justifies the
2.159 fact that sexual immorality is defiling
2.159 your own body this means that any form
2.159 of immoral behavior is a sin against
2.159 your body it could be fornication
2.159 adultery or masturbation Whatever It Is
2.159 God considers it a sin make no mistake
2.159 about this for many argue that since
2.159 there is no mention of masturbation in
2.159 the Bible it justifies the habit but I&;m
2.159 here to tell you that masturbation is a
2.159 sin against your body you&;re defiling
2.159 the Temple of the Lord go created you to
2.159 please him in every aspect of your life
2.159 here&;s something to note about
2.159 masturbation the devil schemes to
2.159 pollute the body of man and place him
2.159 far away from God why will you have
2.159 sexual immorality with your body how is
2.159 it possible that many fantasize about
2.159 this feeling and then go ahead to
2.159 satisfy their urges doesn&;t this point
2.159 to the works of darkness it is only the
2.159 devil that seeks to thwart the plans and
2.159 designs of God how does he do this James
2.159 1: 14 and 15 says Temptation comes from
2.159 the lure of our evil desires these evil
2.159 desires lead to evil actions and evil
2.159 actions lead to death so the Devil comes
2.159 to project ideas that lure you into
2.159 having sinful desires about your body he
2.159 brings to light an Avenue for you to
2.159 satisfy your lust note that the
2.159 scripture says Temptation comes from
2.159 your evil desires not that of the devil
2.159 he just comes to capitalize on your
2.159 desires he is like a roaring lion
2.159 looking for whom to devour and once he
2.159 can find a loophole in your life he
2.159 magnifies it until you fall into
2.159 temptation now what does the devil
2.159 capitalize on the lust of your eyes the
2.159 Flesh and your
2.159 heart in describing lust Jesus said in
2.159 Matthew 5: 28 but I say anyone who even
2.159 looks at a woman with lust in his eye
2.159 has already committed adultery with her
2.159 in his
2.159 heart this points to the fact that the
2.159 basis for lust is not just in the ACT
2.159 but in the thought of your
2.159 heart many who struggle with
2.159 masturbation are fueled by the lust of
2.159 their eyes some are given to pornography
2.159 sexual affairs with the opposite sex
2.159 lusting after the opposite sex and and
2.159 also the inability to control their
2.159 sexual urges to satisfy their desires
2.159 the devil suggests the idea of pleasing
2.159 themselves sexually and when this is
2.159 done they ignorantly pave the way for
2.159 the demon of
2.159 masturbation you notice that those who
2.159 struggle with the habit of masturbation
2.159 have trouble quitting they feel an
2.159 invisible hand pulling them back to it
2.159 after every attempt to stop it was not
2.159 like that from the onset what happened
2.159 the demon of masturbation has taken over
2.159 their mind and feelings in this state it
2.159 takes the help of God to break free from
2.159 it for those who think quitting
2.159 masturbation is a personal choice you
2.159 may be wrong because when there is the
2.159 presence of a demon the will of man is
2.159 weak it takes God&;s mercy to break
2.159 through Satan can feed evil thoughts and
2.159 imaginations into your mind from a
2.159 distance a far off when you entertain
2.159 his thoughts imaginations and voices you
2.159 find yourself doing what he wants
2.159 masturbating as you fantasize about his
2.159 thoughts and imaginations demons start
2.159 manipulating your body when you do
2.159 nothing about the thoughts and feelings
2.159 that are projected in your heart you
2.159 give room to the demon of
2.159 masturbation sadly many fall for the
2.159 pleasure they enjoy during
2.159 masturbation but here&;s the information
2.159 that many do not possess which has made
2.159 them slaves to the demon of love
2.159 lust masturbation is about thoughts and
2.159 imaginations and 2 Corinthians 10:5 says
2.159 casting down arguments and every High
2.159 thing that exalts itself against the
2.159 knowledge of God bringing every thought
2.159 into captivity to The Obedience of
2.159 Christ what does this tell us the
2.159 imagination thoughts and desires the
2.159 demon of masturbation capitalizes on to
2.159 defile your body can be cast down and
2.159 bright under the Dominion of Christ and
2.159 when that happens you manifest the fruit
2.159 of self-control but many cannot achieve
2.159 this feat because they walk in
2.159 Disobedience and you cast down the
2.159 imagination of lust when your obedience
2.159 is complete the denim behind
2.159 masturbation knows this truth and will
2.159 do everything to keep you in bondage the
2.159 Bible captures many instructions about
2.159 immorality but many who struggle with
2.159 masturbation among other lustful desires
2.159 have been disobedient to the commands of
2.159 God hence the their act of Disobedience
2.159 has opened the door for demonic
2.159 manipulation in their life you may be
2.159 struggling with masturbation and despite
2.159 all the prayers and godly attributes you
2.159 put forth the demon of masturbation
2.159 still has his grip on you this could be
2.159 a result of your continued Disobedience
2.159 to God&;s instruction it has become a
2.159 foundation for demonic activities in
2.159 your life dear friend if you&;re tied
2.159 with the chains of masturbation shift
2.159 your focus Focus from trying to break
2.159 free by your strength though you started
2.159 the ACT willingly now you&;re no longer
2.159 in control there&;s a demon fueling your
2.159 desires to sin in combating a demon you
2.159 need to trust God for his power and make
2.159 your way right before him sadly the
2.159 devil has sponsored several scientific
2.159 ideas to project the habit of
2.159 masturbation the invention of sex toys
2.159 and objects like vibrators and the likes
2.159 have doubled the rate at which people
2.159 masturbate every Act of the devil is
2.159 meant to sponsor evil and the invention
2.159 of these toys has given people a good
2.159 reason to continue in sexual immorality
2.159 some ideologies suggest masturbating
2.159 with sex toys and objects is no longer a
2.159 sin because it is done with an inanimate
2.159 object and not with a person all these
2.159 are lies of the devil he seeks to gain
2.159 ground among Mankind through sexual
2.159 immorality but his aim remains to kill
2.159 steal and Destroy many who struggle with
2.159 masturbation have been introduced to sex
2.159 toys and objects for some they carry it
2.159 along with them due to the depth of
2.159 their addiction that&;s the work of the
2.159 demon manipulating their thoughts you
2.159 find an adult struggling to control the
2.159 urge to masturbate such an individual
2.159 makes use of any available space and
2.159 time to satisfy this lust think for a
2.159 moment how the devil has ruined so many
2.159 lives with this habit the fruit of
2.159 self-control has has been overshadowed
2.159 by lust what&;s more the destructive
2.159 aspect of masturbation is this when the
2.159 demon of lust manipulates your heart it
2.159 doesn&;t come alone it creates a passage
2.159 for other demons into your life Jesus
2.159 spoke about this in Matthew 12: 43- 4 it
2.159 says when an unclean Spirit goes out of
2.159 a man he goes through Dry places seeking
2.159 rest and finds none then it says I will
2.159 return to the house of
2.159 left when it arrives it finds the house
2.159 unoccupied swept clean and put in order
2.159 then he goes and takes with him seven
2.159 other Spirits more wicked than himself
2.159 and they enter and dwell there and the
2.159 last state of that man is worse than the
2.159 first so shall it also be with this
2.159 wicked generation some victims of
2.159 demonic manipulation gave room to the
2.159 Devil by polluting their minds with
2.159 pornography lusting after the opposite
2.159 sex and even having constant lustful
2.159 thoughts in their hearts they never knew
2.159 their actions attracted a demon into
2.159 their life and after a while more demons
2.159 come to seek refuge in their life this
2.159 is a spiritual act that you can&;t see
2.159 with your eyes but it is as real as the
2.159 sun in the sky you wonder why those
2.159 struggling with masturbation also
2.159 indulge in other inordinate acts that
2.159 pollute their body that&;s a result of
2.159 the invasion of a different unclean
2.159 Spirit into their life some having gone
2.159 deep in masturbation have now become
2.159 homosexuals they burn in lust for people
2.159 of the same gender all these started
2.159 from exposing themselves to masturbation
2.159 keep this in mind when you give in the
2.159 devil&;s schemes he will never let you go
2.159 rather he brings different shades of sin
2.159 to lure you
2.159 deeper one act of sexual immorality can
2.159 lead to a lifetime of addiction and
2.159 pollution and a defiled life cannot
2.159 stand in the presence of God one once
2.159 you pollute your temple the Holy Spirit
2.159 can no longer take the center stage of
2.159 your
2.159 life consider this question what does
2.159 the demon of masturbation do to its
2.159 victims firstly it pollutes their mind
2.159 after every Act of
2.159 masturbation it is called an unclean
2.159 spirit because it defiles the heart of
2.159 man making your soul inconvenient for
2.159 godliness and the Holy Spirit to dwell
2.159 right from the beginning the devil
2.159 desires to take control of mankind he
2.159 has devised several techniques to
2.159 achieve his aim and sadly he has
2.159 prospered in so many lives if you&;re
2.159 under the web of masturbation know that
2.159 it is the trick of the devil to keep you
2.159 in bondage and far from God this message
2.159 seeks to liberate you from the grip of
2.159 the demon of
2.159 masturbation masturbation gives room for
2.159 the devil to operate in your life there
2.159 is a way light and darkness can cohabit
2.159 in the same place one has to leave and
2.159 this depends on your decision giving
2.159 room for masturbation means allowing the
2.159 Devil to find solace in your
2.159 life secondly the demon of masturbation
2.159 projects guilt and shame remember the
2.159 story of Adam and Eve in the garden
2.159 after Satan had succeeded in deceiving
2.159 them he left knowing that their eyes
2.159 were open and they were ashamed that&;s
2.159 the same experience the demon of
2.159 masturbation brings into the life of its
2.159 victim shame and guilt keep you far from
2.159 repentance and receiving Mercy from God
2.159 it hides your face from those who can
2.159 offer help to you it keeps you in the
2.159 darkness of regret and also plunges you
2.159 into depths of sinful lust all the devil
2.159 wants is that your life is at his mercy
2.159 and not under the influence of the Holy
2.159 Spirit thirdly the demon of masturbation
2.159 makes you unfit for marriage many broken
2.159 homes were ruined by the demon of
2.159 masturbation where one partner only gets
2.159 satisfaction through objects and toys
2.159 there is no longer Intimacy in the home
2.159 this tells us that the habit of
2.159 masturbation affects both the married
2.159 and singles the devil seeks to go
2.159 against the instructions in 1
2.159 Corinthians 7: 2 and 3 or says
2.159 nevertheless because of sexual
2.159 immorality Let each man have his wife
2.159 and let each woman have her husband let
2.159 the husband render to his wife the
2.159 affection do her and likewise also the
2.159 wife to her her husband with
2.159 masturbation medical cases like
2.159 premature ejaculation and uncontrolled
2.159 sexual desires become prominent in
2.159 society this demon of masturbation has
2.159 destroyed many individuals and even
2.159 among Believers the fruit of
2.159 self-control is lacking but in all
2.159 There&;s Hope for anyone who is under the
2.159 control of the demon of masturbation and
2.159 any sexual lust God is set to bring
2.159 Deliverance your way today as we
2.159 conclude this message I want you to note
2.159 that aside from God helping you break
2.159 free from the shackles you have a part
2.159 to play firstly stay away from anything
2.159 or person that triggers inordinate
2.159 sexual urges in your life avoid watching
2.159 pornographic photos and movies or
2.159 listening to sexual content every
2.159 material of sexual immorality in your
2.159 possession should be disposed of
2.159 immediately never allow anyone to invade
2.159 your privacy with such materials this is
2.159 the season of your freedom so trust God
2.159 in your prayers and wait
2.159 patiently note that the urge for sexual
2.159 immorality may not disappear all at once
2.159 it is a gradual process but in all trust
2.159 God for a perfect
2.159 Deliverance after your freedom from the
2.159 demon of masturbation and sexual lusts
2.159 guard your heart jealously and give
2.159 yourself to the study of the word and
2.159 prayers in doing this you prevent any
2.159 reprisal attack from the devil let&;s
2.159 pray merciful father we ask that you
2.159 deliver anyone under the bondage of lust
2.159 and masturbation break the chains of
2.159 this demon and set them free from its
2.159 grasp purify their hearts minds and
2.159 bodies and fill them with your Holy
2.159 Spirit grant them strength to resist
2.159 temptation and courage to seek
2.159 accountability renew their sense of
2.159 purpose and identity in you we claim
2.159 victory over the habit of masturbation
2.159 in the name of Jesus Christ amen shalom

, masturbate,Dieu déteste la masturbation l’arrête! (Exposer le démon derrière la masturbation)
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