Youtube (chasteté): La culture de la pureté est une arnaque …

À propos du thème «chasteté» : Une exploration vidéo sur YouTube

Disponible sur YouTube (), cette vidéo créée par Najja Iman examine le thème « chasteté » et mérite que l’on en parle quelques minutes.

La plateforme YouTube est propose des vidéos allant des derniers succès musicaux aux comédies hilarantes, en passant par des documentaires captivants.

Au moment où nous avons consulté la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 322.

Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:27:05s), le titre (purity culture is a scam…), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« « Aimé, maintenant nous sommes des enfants de Dieu; et il n’a pas encore été révélé ce que nous serons, mais nous savons que lorsqu’il sera révélé, nous serons comme lui, car nous le verrons comme il est. Et tous ceux qui ont Cet espoir en lui se purifie, tout comme il est pur.  » (1 Jean 3: 2-3) « Mon ancien moi a été crucifié avec le Christ. Ce n’est plus moi qui vive, mais Christ vit en moi. Donc je vis dans ce corps terrestre en faisant confiance au Fils de Dieu, qui aimait moi et s’est donné pour moi.  » (Gal 2:20) Rejoignez la pureté sexuelle de 21 jours rapidement ⬇ Liens de podcast: Verses mentionné: Romans 12: 1-2 1 John 3: 2-4 1 John 3: 9 Luc 14:28 1 Cor 6: 18-20 John 14:15 Chanson du jour: William McDowell – Je me donne Mes listes de lecture! PROYAGE 🎶 chrétien R & b 🎶 Ready accepter Jésus? Lisez ce message de salut: ——————————————————————— – FAQ Quel âge ai-je? 22 Quel est mon travail? Entrepreneur / créateur de mode Dans quelle école suis-je allé? UC Berkeley Quelle est ma dénomination? Non confessionnel Suivez mes sociaux pour que nous puissions être amis! ⬇⬇⬇ Insta: Twitter: tiktok: defop: / affilié_najjaiman Shop ma marque! 🛍 Stream My Music 🎶 Enquêtes commerciales: #faithtalk #Lightheworld Christian Podcast, Christianity, Faith Talks, Bible Study, How To Rosther À Dieu, surmontant la luxure, se libérant du péché sexuel, surmontant la masturbation, mot d’encouragement, Jésus est roi, Jésus vous aime, comment être une jeune parole chrétienne, restant pur, pureté, honorant Dieu, vivant une vie sainte, sainteté, louange, culte (tagstotranslate) najja iman ».

Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous

Approches spécifiques pour la chasteté masculine contrôlée :

Les temps anciens en Grèce et à Rome.

La chasteté dans les civilisations grecques et romaines se rattachait fréquemment à l’idée de pureté et de vertu. Toutefois, l’utilisation de ceintures de chasteté pour imposer la pureté n’était pas fréquente. Elle trouvait sa base dans des principes spirituels et religieux. Les Vestales, prêtresses de la déesse Vesta à Rome, avaient pour devoir de rester vierges sous peine de mort. Un tel exemple montre une forme très poussée de chasteté institutionnalisée.

L’Égypte antique est reconnue comme l’une des plus grandes civilisations de l’humanité.

La chasteté était parfois une décision volontaire prise par les prêtres et prêtresses en Égypte. Ils croyaient que l’abstinence renforçait leur pouvoir spirituel. Cependant, il n’existe aucune preuve matérielle indiquant l’usage de dispositifs physiques pour assurer la chasteté. Le contrôle de la sexualité passait surtout par une autodiscipline rigoureuse. Les traditions religieuses influençaient aussi la gestion de la sexualité.

Le Moyen Âge est souvent perçu comme l’époque des ceintures de chasteté. Cependant, la réalité historique est différente.

Il est courant de relier les ceintures de chasteté au Moyen Âge. Toutefois, ce lien avec les ceintures de chasteté est dû à des récits légendaires tardifs. Il est dit que les croisés utilisaient des ceintures de chasteté pour protéger la fidélité de leurs femmes. Ces ceintures étaient utilisées pour préserver la fidélité des épouses pendant l’absence de leurs maris. Les textes et les images ont joué un rôle important dans la diffusion de cette idée. Néanmoins, les preuves historiques de cette pratique sont rares.

Durant le Moyen Âge, la chasteté était perçue comme un pilier de la morale. Les règles de chasteté permettaient aux élites de maintenir leur emprise sur la société.

Dans de nombreuses cultures, la chasteté des femmes était associée à la foi religieuse.

Durant le Moyen Âge, la chasteté des femmes était considérée comme essentielle. Les vertus de chasteté avant et après le mariage étaient promues avec insistance par l’Église. La chasteté des femmes était liée à leur rôle de gardiennes de la pureté familiale et à la légitimité des héritiers.

Les chevaliers ont adapté leurs règles de chasteté à la lumière des croisades.

Les croisades, entreprises religieuses organisées par les chevaliers européens pour reconquérir Jérusalem des musulmans, sont aussi associées à des principes de chasteté.

Les membres des ordres monastiques devaient suivre des préceptes stricts en matière de chasteté pour honorer leur vocation.

Les ordres religieux médiévaux, tels que les bénédictins et les cisterciens, observaient des vœux de chasteté sévères. Les vœux de chasteté des religieux médiévaux étaient vus comme une forme de renoncement aux plaisirs mondains pour atteindre une plus grande pureté spirituelle. Les récits de la période médiévale soulignent l’importance de la chasteté dans les aspects religieux, moraux, et sociaux de la vie. Que ce soit à travers des ceintures de chasteté mythiques, des vœux solennels avant les croisades, ou des luttes personnelles contre la tentation, la chasteté représentait un concept central entouré de mysticisme et de dévotion. La chasteté, à travers les histoires médiévales, était employée pour contrôler, affirmer le pouvoir, et poursuivre des idéaux spirituels dans un monde souvent déchiré entre le corps et l’âme.

Les équipements pour les hommes et les femmes : La lutte contre la masturbation et les premiers dispositifs de chasteté.

La masturbation était vue comme une menace sévère pour la santé mentale et physique durant l’ère victorienne. Les médecins de l’époque et les moralistes proposaient des mesures strictes pour éviter ce qu’ils appelaient « l’auto-abus ». En réponse, il y a eu le développement et l’utilisation de dispositifs de chasteté, tant pour les hommes que pour les femmes. Aujourd’hui, la chasteté est adoptée pour des motifs variés, et des services d’accompagnement personnalisés sont à disposition comme à Paris.

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#culture #pureté #est #une #arnaque

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] hey y’all what’s popping it’s na Iman welcome and welcome back to light the world a podcast for young Christians on a mission to light the world if you’re new here hey Bae thanks for stopping by if you’re not new hey Bae thanks for coming back so you see the title before you look at me sideways and start commenting crazy stuff calling me a wolf is she clothing this is not a video excusing sexual sin or anything related to that please let me explain what I mean by Purity culture is a scam but before we get started the song of the day is Give Myself Away by William McDow I think that’s the name of the song it ties in perfectly to the theme of the video sexual Purity giving yourself away giving your body up to God as a Living Sacrifice okay so I titled the episode Purity culture is a scam because it is if you think this going to be a video of me just giving out a bunch of reasons why I am abandoning Purity that’s not what this is you’ve been click baited just in case anybody doesn’t know what Purity culture is let me lay out a definition real quick I got this from Google purity culture describes a set of norms practices and beliefs that became imbued with gospel like significance for young evangelicals sexual Purity we learned was an instruction book for how to achieve relation and personal salvation so I want to talk about sexual Purity today and Purity culture because I feel like it’s harmful I feel like the the language around Purity C culture is harmful and it has nothing to do with gospel so I think Purity culture has a negative connotation in Purity culture we treat virginity and sexual Purity like it’s an exchange system if that makes sense I grew up in a Christian household it was me my sister two living Brothers when I passed away so was four kids in the house two girls two boys my sister and I we had talks about sexual Purity in like Middle School maybe Elementary School like as early as I can remember my parents were talking to me about purity we did this whole program I think I’ve talked about it on this channel before we did this like booklet about purity it was called passport to Purity and it was talking about like the significance of staying pure and um you know not having sex and when you’re young if if all you’re hearing from your parents is like don’t have sex negative ideas around sex like you’re going to grow up and be conditioned to think that sex is negative um if you’re not being taught about it in the correct way the way that we speak it makes uh sub subconsciously makes us think that there’s something bad about sex so when we place these expectations on kids and Christians period to just not have sex stay a virgin stay pure don’t let anybody touch you because if you let somebody touch you you’ll be tainted and God will not love you God will not forgive you you’ll be dirty and you’ll be kicked out you’ll be ban Bish forever from the kingdom and you won’t receive salvation all these ideas it just places an unreasonable impossible burden on a Christian to stay pure not have sex and no one ever gives an explanation as to why we not supposed to have sex why we stay pure what does it even mean to be pure so this video is really going to be an urge to my Christian brothers and sisters and some encouragement to y’all to stay pure for God not because you want something in return but because he deserves that God deserves our Purity we owe him our Purity and it doesn’t have anything to do with Purity culture it doesn’t have anything to do with virginity it doesn’t have anything to do with not having sex ever and viewing sex as bad and demonic because it’s not I’m doing a 21-day fast it’s called The narrowgate Challenge the narrowgate fast this lady I follow on Instagram started it her name is Amma Freda I think that’s how you pronounce her name her Instagram is free things you guys should join the challenge the fast by the time I upload this video it will probably be day eight or day seven but you guys can still join and just like catch up but yes so I’m on this fast it’s it’s a sexual Purity fast and it’s aimed at people who struggle with lust and um masturbation and porn addiction and all these things I thank God have been freed from all that it’s not a flex if it’s a flex then God gets the glory but I wanted to do this because I want to strengthen my understanding about sexual Purity why we remain pure for God and what it means to be pure and why it’s so important as a Christian to live a lifestyle of Purity and what I’m learning Purity is not just about sex it’s not just about how many bodies you have having no bodies it’s not about being a virgin Purity is it’s a entire world it’s about your heart it’s about your spirit it’s about your mind Purity is not just about sex but sex is a really important like Factor when it comes to purity because the word says that our bodies are temples that the Holy Spirit dwells in so if these temples if these bodies that we possess are vessels for you know God to live inside of one of the easiest ways that we can defile our own bodies is by stepping outside of the design that God has created us for and a lifestyle that he designed us to live which is a lifestyle of Purity when God created us he created us in a specific way and and if you’re a Believer you have been called to honor him with your body now the fast that I’m doing I read a devotional every day in day one the the the theme or the prompt for day one was talking about how sexual Purity is an invitation to Holiness I love the way she put this the way that God operates he is above everything he’s holy he’s perfect he’s undefiled he’s clean pure God is pure so once we join with Christ and come into fellowship with him we have to be pure as well because you cannot fellowship with the holy God if you’re not holy yourself if you’re not clean yourself if you’re not pure yourself so when we step into Christ it’s like God is calling us to be pure and holy like he is so Purity for the Christian is an invitation that you have to accept and you should accept it CU if not what’s the point of being in this this body that we call the body of Christ if you will not accept the invitation to to Purity and to holiness but um this is how I see it God calls us in he draws Us in and there’s a there’s a few rules and boundaries that he sets like okay you want to you want to be with me you want to live with me there’s a few things you got to do you have to give up something to be in full communion with God the way that Jesus gave up his life on the cross we too when we come into Christ have to give something up and that something is our lives it’s our bodies 1 Corinthians 6:20 says don’t you realize that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and with given to you by God you do not belong to yourself for God bought you with the high price so you must honor God with your body I am talking to Christians right now it doesn’t apply if you’re not a Christian if you want to be one I will pray for you I will pray for you but right now I’m speaking to my my Christians that I identify as one with Christ God bought you with a price a high price and in return he wants he wants you to live like he bought you like he purchased your body when he sent his son down to die on the cross there has to be a change and that change has to be a a change of mind a change of heart and a change of attitude and just the way you perceive everything when I came into Christ I’ve spoken about how I struggled with masturbation I talked about that when I got Reb baptized everything had to change I no longer felt comfortable about engaging in sexual sin anymore there was a conviction inside of me because I knew that I no longer mine I no longer belong to myself I now have to answer to somebody and if I want to honor God I have to honor him with my body right so let’s go back to the invitation part how Purity is an invitation to Holiness right to receive an invitation means that your hand picked if I give you an invitation to my birthday party I want you at my party now it’s up to you to accept that invitation and come you can say I don’t want to come so I’m not going to come or you could show up and we have a good time God has invited everyone to a life of Purity but if you don’t accept that invitation then you’re just not going to accept it he’s invited me to Purity and I’ve accepted that invitation I see it as a privilege and a gift and a strength it’s easy to see um Purity or abstinence celibacy virginity whatever just not having sex as a prison sentence we see it as a burden like dang like God you really want me to struggle out here like I’m horny like why do I have to live like this and God is saying I am not doing this to punish you I am not suggesting anything that is going to hurt you I’m looking out for you in ways that you you might not understand but he is looking looking out for us when he commands us to Holiness when he commands us to Purity and because God chose us to pursue this path to live a life similar to Jesus means that he trusts us with a huge responsibility so if God trusts me enough to invite me to a life of Purity I have to live up to that standard he said because he expects me to live up to that standard he said this walk sexual Purity being a Christian it’s not for the weak and that’s exactly why everyone is not called to a lifestyle of submission to God if it was easy everybody would be a Christian a lot of people say they’re Christians news flash not everybody that says they’re a Christian is a Christian that’s just what it is but God has chosen us to be an example to the world that you do not have to conform to the world’s idea of normal the world is perverted and the world is going to continue to to normalize and create new ways of perversion but when I think about sexual Purity it’s not about virginity it’s not about not having sex it’s about your mind and your heart you can be a virgin and watch corn I don’t know if I can say that word on here p o r n okay you can be you can be a virgin and watch corn you can be a virgin and think sexual thoughts 24/7 you could be a virgin and mastbate you could be a virgin and have the dirtiest mind you could be abstinent celibate and still be very sexual like it’s not about just not having sex and it’s it’s it’s damaging to place these expectations on on people Youth and just Christians as a whole to just not have sex period it’s like an exchange like if you don’t have sex God will bless you don’t have sex because if you do have sex God’s not going to bless you we place these ideas into people’s minds and we make them think that the standard for being a good Christian is not having sex that’s not true it’s one piece of the puzzle but it’s not the whole thing so again like I said I can only speak for myself and and um hope to be an encouragement to anybody watching this that might be sug with Purity the way that God allowed me to change my entire lifestyle and come out of a lifestyle of lust lustfulness sexual immorality and just dirtiness filthiness was by changing my mindset he’s helped me change my mindset to see this life as his the Bible says if you love me you would keep my Commandments that’s John 14:15 it’s a command for us to be pure to honor God with our bodies we going to keep it here at 1 Corinthians 6:20 you do not belong to yourself for God bought you with the high price so you must honor God with your body that’s it that’s all that it is that’s a command right there you must honor God with your body so if I love God I am going to keep that commandment I’m going to obey that commandment I’m going to honor him with my body God has allowed me to see my body as a vessel for him to step out of his will for me and engage in things that will Direct ly harm me not only me but the holy spirit that lives inside of me that just proves that I don’t love him there’s a verse that says um sexual sin is the only sin that you commit against your own body this is 1 Corinthians 618 actually it’s right above no other sin clearly affects the body as this one does for sexual immorality is a sin against your own body you’re harming not only yourself but the spirit that’s in you and each time you engage in these things these acts it’s like you’re suppressing the Holy Spirit and you’re pushing him out so I’m walking in sexual Purity because I love God and to love God is to keep his Commandments which says honor God with your body keep his Temple undefiled be pure as he is pure and holy as he is Holy that’s not a suggestion that’s God’s law so when I think about it what I’m about to say this is not an exaggeration this should just be how it is every single Christian should be living a lifestyle of sexual Purity we shouldn’t be walking in sexual immorality and that’s that’s it like does that sound radical to say does that sound like I’m being judgmental if there’s Christians out here that are willfully engaging in sex I don’t care like we are supposed to look separate from the world right we are in the world but not of it if the word says do not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind if we’re out here having sex like the world is having sex out here being lustful dirty thoughts nasty crude language how are we different from the world at what point do we separate ourselves and differentiate ourselves from the world what makes us a Christian if we’re not obeying God’s law what makes us a Christian if we’re not obeying his Commandments like I’m not understanding your sexual Purity is on you like that’s the one of the few things that you have control over full control over it’s up to you to make sure that you don’t give your body over to the enemy you don’t give your sexual Purity over to the enemy or anyone else because your body belongs to God your body is an offering to God your body is not an offering to the world your body is not an offering to your boyfriend your body is not an offering to that boy that texted you at 3:00 in the morning your body is not an offering to that boy that told you that you fine your body is not an offering to anyone but God but you can make it an offering to everyone else you can you can do that you have a choice it’s up to you to make that choice and say my body is a vessel that God lives inside of and I’m going to act like that is true and say no to sexual immorality I’m going to say no to sexual impurity it doesn’t matter if you’ve had sex with 30,000 people in the past once you coming to Christ your slate has been wiped clean and and Jesus now expects you to live in a way that honors him it’s not just about sex but at the same time sex is such a big deal y’all see how the world makes sex seem like it’s just oh it’s just so good I really can’t speak to it I don’t know okay I don’t know I really don’t know but um man the world has made sex an idol like I think sex might be one of the biggest Idols that the world has created and isn’t it crazy that something so pure that God created is now so perverted it’s become so perverted in ways that I can’t even explain like but that’s how the enemy Works he takes what God has made beautiful and good and pure and holy and he absolutely rewrites the whole entire story he makes it completely dark and disgusting but don’t be confused sex is still beautiful it’s still created by God it’s still pure it’s still it’s still beautiful when it’s done in the right way and like if you want to go back to the original command when God created Adam he created Eve he created them for each other they joined together he said be fruitful and multiply and they had children right I truly believe that if God wanted it to be any other way he would have made it a different way he would have made us a different way if God wanted us out here just being with everybody he would have made it that way but he didn’t make it that way and it’s not up it’s not my job to try to figure out why God made it so that his children would have to live a life of Purity but that’s just what it is and like I genuinely believe that what differentiates a Christian from a non-Christian is our ideas of Purity it’s not about abstaining from sex it’s about seeing your body as a it’s a vessel you give yourself away like the song says I give myself away so you can use me you give yourself away to God so he can use you for the things that he created you to do you give yourself away because Jesus gave himself for you on the cross if you have that mindset shift it will be easy to flee from lust because you’re not placing a burden on yourself you’re placing everything onto Jesus like it’s not about like I said in my other my last video it’s not about me anymore so when I have temptations to you know engage in lust okay yeah the Temptation is going to come like I might still want to do something you know what I’m saying I might still want to you know I might and I do I’m not going to sit here and light’ and act like I don’t get tempted anymore because that’s not true I’m a human being and I still am in this body and I have flesh like there’s still a freaking War inside of my body but I’m telling youall it’s not a battle anymore to the point where my flesh is winning the spirit is knocking my flesh out daily and we know the word says that we die daily we crucify our flesh every single day if you have that mindset shift that yes I might want to engage in sex I might want to have sex with somebody I might want to text a dude at 2:00 in the morning when I’m ovulating sexual Purity is not so hard when you realize God has created you for him above everything else God’s created you for him for his purpose he’s created you to be in communion with him now if he has a partner in mind for you to marry down the line beautiful amazing I can’t wait but if not he created you for himself and that’s enough that’s enough that has to be enough is God not enough these are genuine questions that you have to ask yourself Life as a Christian is hard and ain’t nobody sitting over here acting like it’s not I’ll be the first one to tell you it’s not easy but that’s why you have to decide whether or not you going to accept the invitation cuz you don’t have to accept it you don’t even have to open it you could leave it closed throw it in the trash can and walk away nobody nobody is telling you to become a Christian nobody is telling you to stay a Christian your faith is on you period you can decide what you do with your life God has given us free will but do not do not play with God don’t play with yourself and make it seem like you want him when you really don’t like I always say this on here you have to become so transparent and honest with yourself look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself do I really want this do I really want this life do I really want to walk this walk do I really want to fight this fight the Bible says to count the cost Luke 14:28 count the cost before you came into Christ did you count the cost did you determine everything that you would have to give up cuz the biggest thing that you have to give up is your life it’s your body what else could you give up this is what we have this is all we have is this body you come into Christ you got to give it up and what does that look like it looks like remaining pure we were once in the world but we’re no longer in the world what we used to do when we was in the world it’s not going to fly with God anymore he’s not going to put up with it it’s a difference between stumbling into sin and living a lifestyle of it and we have to be honest with ourselves we cannot abuse God’s grace we know what he says about sexual immorality so why do we keep going back to it like that’s not that’s not the life of a Christian first John 3:9 those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning because God’s life is in them so they can’t keep on sinning because they are children of God if you were born into God’s family if you were given an invitation and you received that invitation you opened it and you accepted that invitation God’s life is now inside of you you accepted Christ your body is now a temple that the Holy Spirit lives in God lives inside of you you can’t keep sinning and this not a game it’s something you have to get serious about you have to deal aggressively with it as what’s his name Philip Anthony Mitchell would say you have to deal aggressively with it stop flirting with sin stop flirting with lust stop flirting with it because it’s not a game like this is something that you have to be so passionate about so passionate about pleasing God and hating s it’s not cute anymore it was cute when we was in the world and we didn’t know when we was ignorant but we’re not ignorant no more God says my people perish for lack of knowledge you know now you can’t act like you don’t know you know what the Bible says you know what his command is and it is in his word that you are to remain pure as he is pure holy as he is Holy 1 John 3:3 says and all who has this all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure just as he is pure everyone who sins is breaking God’s law for all sin is contrary to the law of God you don’t want to be in opposition it’s not like you walk around feeling like you’re Shackled that’s not what the Christian lifestyle is supposed to feel like bro Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly we’re walking in Freedom we’re walking in Joy God does not want you to feel oppressed now that you are expected to live a lifestyle of Purity bro like that should be your natural desire I don’t know how to express this any better honestly like I said the Christian if anything should be sexually pure we all struggle with certain things right but at what point do you break out of that struggle and experience Freedom At what point do you stop flirting with sexual sin and you say I’m done because who has control over you is it the Holy Spirit or is it your flesh I want to go back to the the whole thing about purity culture being a scam because what I’ve noticed is that even when I was growing up like I was I was taught to you know remain pure abstinent uh until marriage right the whole thing is like okay I’m abstinent I’m I’m waiting until marriage I’m waiting until marriage I just had this like Revelation yesterday like maybe that was this morning I don’t remember I was like okay I’m saying like I’m absin I’m abstinent I’m waiting until marriage abson it means refraining from sex for a period of time so I’m refraining from sex until I get married but let’s say what I don’t get married I don’t want that to happen but let’s just be realistic some of us are not going to get married and the whole Purity culture thing it puts out the idea that like if you don’t have sex God is going to give you a husband if you don’t have sex God is going to give you a wife what if you don’t what if you don’t these are conversations that you have to have like that might not happen Paul was single Jesus was single like you might not get married so at that point how do you reframe your mindset to be okay with a full lifestyle of sexual Purity are you okay with that we have to reach a point where we’re okay with that because that very well maybe some of our realities and we have to be okay with it we can’t see it as a prison sentence we have to see it as a privilege I believe that God gives these assignments to the ones that he knows can handle it he invites those into Purity I have a purity rank I did passport to Purity when I was a kid I still think it’s a scam when you put the focus on yourself and not Jesus you you already lost bro you already got it messed up you don’t have a proper understanding of what true Purity is Romans 12:12 says and so dear brothers and sisters I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you let them be a living and holy sacrifice the kind he will find acceptable this is truly the way to worship Him don’t copy the behaviors and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think then you will learn to know God’s will for you which is good and pleasing and perfect a life of worship is a life of surrender it’s a life of submission in order to worship God you have to surrender yourself to him how do you surrender yourself you give yourself away this says I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you just sit and think about all he’s done for you you don’t have to be rich you don’t have to be famous you could be sick you know on your deathbed and still God has done so much for you because he sent his son to die on the cross to set you free from from the the the Trap of sin and death that’s enough he don’t have to do anything else and all he’s asking in return is for us to honor him with our bodies to be examples to the world we don’t have to live like them he has given us a way out of that ghon they got going on in the world like they are on something else I just want to say your body is a temple you are worth so much more than rubies diamonds gold what got bought you with a high price do you know how much much you’re worth though cuz God knows God sees your worth fully do you know how much you’re worth you’re worth more than a sneaky link than a situation you’re worth more than a boyfriend you’re worth more than a girlfriend you are worth more you have to see yourself as more and break out of what culture has has conditioned you to think about sex it’s okay to stay pure for God Purity is cool and don’t let anybody ever tell you that it’s not it’s not weird maybe it is weird cuz the world is not doing it but it’s it’s totally normal in God’s eyes this is what he expects of us this is what he wants from us you got to keep your ear to the word like this because if you don’t have it to the word you going to have it to the world and the world is going to tell you that you’re weird for keeping your body Sanctified and set apart for God the world going to tell you that you’re weird the world is going to say girl what you mean you ain’t had sex in 3 years girl if you don’t go get some D girl what you mean you waitting until marriage what if the sex is bad on your wedding night don’t you want to test the cry before you buy it rebuke that in the name of Jesus no I don’t want to test a car I’m good I’m listening to my father and that’s what I’m going to continue to do world will never understand why we do what we do the things of God are foolish to the unbeliever they not going to get it I pray that they do but they probably not going to get it and that’s not on my business like I don’t know what to say Purity is about honoring God with your body giving yourself to him allowing yourself to be a vessel for him to work through allowing your body to be just another instrument that he can use for his glory you have to take yourself out of the equation and walk in humility cuz it ain’t about you it’s not about you anymore if you wanted to be about you you would up coming coming to Christ if you wanted to be the main character you would not have given your life to Christ why when we get baptized we say I gave my life to Christ that’s not just a fancy saying no we literally give our life to Jesus what does that mean it means something got to change something got to change something got to change one more thing I’m going to say this last thing and I will be done with my yapping for tonight I want you to see Purity as a privilege and not a prison sentence come on iteration God’s commands are an expression of love for us He commands us to be pure He commands us to be holy He commands us to be obedient because he loves us and he wants the best for us and he knows the best for us and a lifestyle of Purity is the most beneficial way for a Christian to live it’s the only way for a Christian to live in communion with God I pray Purity over your lives I pray that God will change your mindset he will help you change your mindset change your vision and your perception of of of Purity I pray that you will see yourself as someone that belongs to God not everybody can say that they’re in fellowship with God you’re special act like it okay thank you that’s all I have to say I was a little fired up tonight I’m not going to lie it’s all passion cuz I love y’all but God loves you more so I hope you know that cuz it’s true anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it I will talk to you’all on my next episode love y’all bye get in your bed Prett what .

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7.23 [Music]
7.23 hey y&;all what&;s popping it&;s na Iman
7.23 welcome and welcome back to light the
7.23 world a podcast for young Christians on
7.23 a mission to light the world if you&;re
7.23 new here hey Bae thanks for stopping by
7.23 if you&;re not new hey Bae thanks for
7.23 coming back so you see the title
7.23 before you look at me sideways and start
7.23 commenting crazy stuff calling me a wolf
7.23 is she clothing this is not a video
7.23 excusing sexual sin or anything related
7.23 to that please let me explain what I
7.23 mean by Purity culture is a scam but
7.23 before we get started the song of the
7.23 day is Give Myself Away by William McDow
7.23 I think that&;s the name of the song it
7.23 ties in perfectly to the theme of the
7.23 video sexual Purity giving yourself away
7.23 giving your body up to God as a Living
7.23 Sacrifice okay so I titled the episode
7.23 Purity culture is a scam because it is
7.23 if you think this going to be a video of
7.23 me just giving out a bunch of reasons
7.23 why I am abandoning Purity that&;s not
7.23 what this is you&;ve been click baited
7.23 just in case anybody doesn&;t know what
7.23 Purity culture is let me lay out a
7.23 definition real quick I got this from
7.23 Google purity culture describes a set of
7.23 norms practices and beliefs that became
7.23 imbued with gospel like significance for
7.23 young evangelicals sexual Purity we
7.23 learned was an instruction book for how
7.23 to achieve relation
7.23 and personal salvation so I want to talk
7.23 about sexual Purity today and Purity
7.23 culture because I feel like it&;s harmful
7.23 I feel like the the language around
7.23 Purity C culture is harmful and it has
7.23 nothing to do with gospel so I think
7.23 Purity culture has a negative
7.23 connotation in Purity culture we treat
7.23 virginity and sexual Purity like it&;s an
7.23 exchange system if that makes sense I
7.23 grew up in a Christian household it was
7.23 me my sister two living Brothers when I
7.23 passed away so was four kids in the
7.23 house two girls two boys my sister and I
7.23 we had talks about sexual Purity in like
7.23 Middle School maybe Elementary School
7.23 like as early as I can remember my
7.23 parents were talking to me about purity
7.23 we did this whole program I think I&;ve
7.23 talked about it on this channel before
7.23 we did this like booklet about purity it
7.23 was called passport to Purity and it was
7.23 talking about like the significance of
7.23 staying pure and um you know not having
7.23 sex and when you&;re young if if all
7.23 you&;re hearing from your parents is like
7.23 don&;t have sex negative ideas around sex
7.23 like you&;re going to grow up and be
7.23 conditioned to think that sex is
7.23 negative um if you&;re not being taught
7.23 about it in the correct way the way that
7.23 we speak it makes uh sub subconsciously
7.23 makes us think that there&;s something
7.23 bad about sex so when we place these
7.23 expectations on kids and Christians
7.23 period to just not have sex stay a
7.23 virgin stay pure don&;t let anybody touch
7.23 you because if you let somebody touch
7.23 you you&;ll be tainted and God will not
7.23 love you God will not forgive you you&;ll
7.23 be dirty and you&;ll be kicked out you&;ll
7.23 be ban Bish forever from the kingdom and
7.23 you won&;t receive salvation all these
7.23 ideas it just places an unreasonable
7.23 impossible burden on a Christian to stay
7.23 pure not have sex and no one ever gives
7.23 an explanation as to why we not supposed
7.23 to have sex why we stay pure what does
7.23 it even mean to be pure so this video is
7.23 really going to be an urge to my
7.23 Christian brothers and sisters and some
7.23 encouragement to y&;all to stay pure for
7.23 God not because you want something in
7.23 return but because he deserves that God
7.23 deserves our Purity we owe him our
7.23 Purity and it doesn&;t have anything to
7.23 do with Purity culture it doesn&;t have
7.23 anything to do with virginity it doesn&;t
7.23 have anything to do with not having sex
7.23 ever and viewing sex as bad and demonic
7.23 because it&;s not I&;m doing a 21-day fast
7.23 it&;s called The narrowgate Challenge the
7.23 narrowgate fast this lady I follow on
7.23 Instagram started it her name is Amma
7.23 Freda I think that&;s how you pronounce
7.23 her name her Instagram is free things
7.23 you guys should join the challenge the
7.23 fast by the time I upload this video it
7.23 will probably be day eight or day seven
7.23 but you guys can still join and just
7.23 like catch up but yes so I&;m on this
7.23 fast it&;s it&;s a sexual Purity fast and
7.23 it&;s aimed at people who struggle with
7.23 lust and um masturbation and porn
7.23 addiction and all these things I thank
7.23 God have been freed from all that it&;s
7.23 not a flex if it&;s a flex then God gets
7.23 the glory but I wanted to do this
7.23 because I want to strengthen my
7.23 understanding about sexual Purity why we
7.23 remain pure for God and what it means to
7.23 be pure and why it&;s so important as a
7.23 Christian to live a lifestyle of Purity
7.23 and what I&;m learning Purity is not just
7.23 about sex it&;s not just about how many
7.23 bodies you have having no bodies it&;s
7.23 not about being a virgin Purity is it&;s
7.23 a entire world it&;s about your heart
7.23 it&;s about your spirit it&;s about your
7.23 mind Purity is not just about sex but
7.23 sex is a really important like Factor
7.23 when it comes to purity because the word
7.23 says that our bodies are temples that
7.23 the Holy Spirit dwells in so if these
7.23 temples if these bodies that we possess
7.23 are vessels for you know God to live
7.23 inside of one of the easiest ways that
7.23 we can defile our own bodies is by
7.23 stepping outside of the design that God
7.23 has created us for and a lifestyle that
7.23 he designed us to live which is a
7.23 lifestyle of Purity when God created us
7.23 he created us in a specific way and and
7.23 if you&;re a Believer you have been
7.23 called to honor him with your body now
7.23 the fast that I&;m doing I read a
7.23 devotional every day in day one the the
7.23 the theme or the prompt for day one was
7.23 talking about how sexual Purity is an
7.23 invitation to Holiness I love the way
7.23 she put this the way that God operates
7.23 he is above everything he&;s holy he&;s
7.23 perfect he&;s
7.23 undefiled he&;s clean pure God is pure so
7.23 once we join with Christ and come into
7.23 fellowship with him we have to be pure
7.23 as well because you cannot fellowship
7.23 with the holy God if you&;re not holy
7.23 yourself if you&;re not clean yourself if
7.23 you&;re not pure yourself so when we step
7.23 into Christ it&;s like God is calling us
7.23 to be pure and holy like he is so Purity
7.23 for the Christian is an invitation that
7.23 you have to accept and you should accept
7.23 it CU if not what&;s the point of being
7.23 in this this body that we call the body
7.23 of Christ if you will not accept the
7.23 invitation to to Purity and to holiness
7.23 but um this is how I see it God calls us
7.23 in he draws Us in and there&;s a there&;s
7.23 a few rules and boundaries that he sets
7.23 like okay you want to you want to be
7.23 with me you want to live with me there&;s
7.23 a few things you got to do you have to
7.23 give up something to be in full
7.23 communion with God the way that Jesus
7.23 gave up his life on the cross we too
7.23 when we come into Christ have to give
7.23 something up and that something is our
7.23 lives it&;s our bodies 1 Corinthians 6:20
7.23 says don&;t you realize that your body is
7.23 a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in
7.23 you and with given to you by God you do
7.23 not belong to yourself for God bought
7.23 you with the high price so you must
7.23 honor God with your body I am talking to
7.23 Christians right now it doesn&;t apply if
7.23 you&;re not a Christian if you want to be
7.23 one I will pray for you I will pray for
7.23 you but right now I&;m speaking to my my
7.23 Christians that I identify as one with
7.23 Christ God bought you with a price a
7.23 high price and in return he wants he
7.23 wants you to live like he bought you
7.23 like he purchased your body when he sent
7.23 his son down to die on the cross there
7.23 has to be a change and that change has
7.23 to be a a change of mind a change of
7.23 heart and a change of attitude and just
7.23 the way you perceive everything when I
7.23 came into Christ I&;ve spoken about how I
7.23 struggled with masturbation I talked
7.23 about that when I got Reb baptized
7.23 everything had to change I no longer
7.23 felt comfortable about engaging in
7.23 sexual sin anymore there was a
7.23 conviction inside of me because I knew
7.23 that I no longer mine I no longer belong
7.23 to myself I now have to answer to
7.23 somebody and if I want to honor God I
7.23 have to honor him with my body
7.23 right so let&;s go back to the invitation
7.23 part how Purity is an invitation to
7.23 Holiness right to receive an invitation
7.23 means that your hand picked if I give
7.23 you an invitation to my birthday party I
7.23 want you at my party now it&;s up to you
7.23 to accept that invitation and come you
7.23 can say I don&;t want to come so I&;m not
7.23 going to come or you could show up and
7.23 we have a good time God has invited
7.23 everyone to a life of Purity but if you
7.23 don&;t accept that invitation then you&;re
7.23 just not going to accept it he&;s invited
7.23 me to Purity and I&;ve accepted that
7.23 invitation I see it as a privilege and a
7.23 gift and a strength it&;s easy to see um
7.23 Purity or abstinence celibacy virginity
7.23 whatever just not having sex as a prison
7.23 sentence we see it as a burden like dang
7.23 like God you really want me to struggle
7.23 out here like I&;m horny like why do I
7.23 have to live like this and God is saying
7.23 I am not doing this to punish you I am
7.23 not suggesting anything that is going to
7.23 hurt you I&;m looking out for you in ways
7.23 that you you might not understand but he
7.23 is looking looking out for us when he
7.23 commands us to Holiness when he commands
7.23 us to Purity and because God chose us to
7.23 pursue this path to live a life similar
7.23 to Jesus means that he trusts us with a
7.23 huge responsibility so if God trusts me
7.23 enough to invite me to a life of Purity
7.23 I have to live up to that standard he
7.23 said because he expects me to live up to
7.23 that standard he said this walk sexual
7.23 Purity being a Christian it&;s not for
7.23 the weak and that&;s exactly why everyone
7.23 is not called to a lifestyle of
7.23 submission to God if it was easy
7.23 everybody would be a Christian a lot of
7.23 people say they&;re Christians news flash
7.23 not everybody that says they&;re a
7.23 Christian is a Christian that&;s just
7.23 what it is but God has chosen us to be
7.23 an example to the world that you do not
7.23 have to conform to the world&;s idea of
7.23 normal the world is perverted and the
7.23 world is going to continue to to
7.23 normalize and create new ways of
7.23 perversion but when I think about sexual
7.23 Purity it&;s not about virginity it&;s not
7.23 about not having sex it&;s about your
7.23 mind and your heart you can be a virgin
7.23 and watch corn I don&;t know if I can say
7.23 that word on here p o r n okay you can
7.23 be you can be a virgin and watch corn
7.23 you can be a virgin and think sexual
7.23 thoughts 24/7 you could be a virgin and
7.23 mastbate you could be a virgin and have
7.23 the dirtiest mind you could be abstinent
7.23 celibate and still be very sexual like
7.23 it&;s not about just not having sex and
7.23 it&;s it&;s it&;s damaging to place these
7.23 expectations on on people Youth and just
7.23 Christians as a whole to just not have
7.23 sex period it&;s like an exchange like if
7.23 you don&;t have sex God will bless you
7.23 don&;t have sex because if you do have
7.23 sex God&;s not going to bless you we
7.23 place these ideas into people&;s minds
7.23 and we make them think that the standard
7.23 for being a good Christian is not having
7.23 sex that&;s not true it&;s one piece of
7.23 the puzzle but it&;s not the whole thing
7.23 so again like I said I can only speak
7.23 for myself and and um hope to be an
7.23 encouragement to anybody watching this
7.23 that might be sug with Purity the way
7.23 that God allowed me to change my entire
7.23 lifestyle and come out of a lifestyle of
7.23 lust lustfulness sexual immorality and
7.23 just dirtiness filthiness was by
7.23 changing my mindset he&;s helped me
7.23 change my mindset to see this life as
7.23 his the Bible says if you love me you
7.23 would keep my Commandments that&;s John
7.23 14:15 it&;s a command for us to be pure
7.23 to honor God with our bodies we going to
7.23 keep it here at 1 Corinthians 6:20 you
7.23 do not belong to yourself for God bought
7.23 you with the high price so you must
7.23 honor God with your body that&;s it
7.23 that&;s all that it is that&;s a command
7.23 right there you must honor God with your
7.23 body so if I love God I am going to keep
7.23 that commandment I&;m going to obey that
7.23 commandment I&;m going to honor him with
7.23 my body God has allowed me to see my
7.23 body as a vessel for him to step out of
7.23 his will for me and engage in things
7.23 that will Direct ly harm me not only me
7.23 but the holy spirit that lives inside of
7.23 me that just proves that I don&;t love
7.23 him there&;s a verse that says um sexual
7.23 sin is the only sin that you commit
7.23 against your own body this is 1
7.23 Corinthians 618 actually it&;s right
7.23 above no other sin clearly affects the
7.23 body as this one does for sexual
7.23 immorality is a sin against your own
7.23 body you&;re harming not only yourself
7.23 but the spirit that&;s in you and each
7.23 time you engage in these things these
7.23 acts it&;s like you&;re suppressing the
7.23 Holy Spirit and you&;re pushing him out
7.23 so I&;m walking in sexual Purity because
7.23 I love God and to love God is to keep
7.23 his Commandments which says honor God
7.23 with your body keep his Temple undefiled
7.23 be pure as he is pure and holy as he is
7.23 Holy that&;s not a suggestion that&;s
7.23 God&;s law so when I think about it what
7.23 I&;m about to say this is not an
7.23 exaggeration this should just be how it
7.23 is every single Christian should be
7.23 living a lifestyle of sexual Purity we
7.23 shouldn&;t be walking in sexual
7.23 immorality and that&;s that&;s it like
7.23 does that sound radical to say does that
7.23 sound like I&;m being judgmental if
7.23 there&;s Christians out here that are
7.23 willfully engaging in sex I don&;t care
7.23 like we are supposed to look separate
7.23 from the world right we are in the world
7.23 but not of it if the word says do not
7.23 conform to this world but be transformed
7.23 by the renewing of your mind if we&;re
7.23 out here having sex like the world is
7.23 having sex out here being lustful dirty
7.23 thoughts nasty crude language how are we
7.23 different from the world at what point
7.23 do we separate ourselves and
7.23 differentiate ourselves from the world
7.23 what makes us a Christian if we&;re not
7.23 obeying God&;s law what makes us a
7.23 Christian if we&;re not obeying his
7.23 Commandments
7.23 like I&;m not understanding your sexual
7.23 Purity is on you like that&;s the one of
7.23 the few things that you have control
7.23 over full control over it&;s up to you to
7.23 make sure that you don&;t give your body
7.23 over to the enemy you don&;t give your
7.23 sexual Purity over to the enemy or
7.23 anyone else because your body belongs to
7.23 God your body is an offering to God your
7.23 body is not an offering to the world
7.23 your body is not an offering to your
7.23 boyfriend your body is not an offering
7.23 to that boy that texted you at 3:00 in
7.23 the morning your body is not an offering
7.23 to that boy that told you that you fine
7.23 your body is not an offering to anyone
7.23 but God but you can make it an offering
7.23 to everyone else you can you can do that
7.23 you have a choice it&;s up to you to make
7.23 that choice and say my body is a vessel
7.23 that God lives inside of and I&;m going
7.23 to act like that is true and say no to
7.23 sexual immorality I&;m going to say no to
7.23 sexual impurity it doesn&;t matter if
7.23 you&;ve had sex with 30,000 people in the
7.23 past once you coming to Christ your
7.23 slate has been wiped clean and and Jesus
7.23 now expects you to live in a way that
7.23 honors him it&;s not just about sex but
7.23 at the same time sex is such a big deal
7.23 y&;all see how the world makes sex seem
7.23 like it&;s just oh it&;s just so good I
7.23 really can&;t speak to it I don&;t know
7.23 okay I don&;t know I really don&;t know
7.23 but um man the world has made sex an
7.23 idol like I think sex might be one of
7.23 the biggest Idols that the world has
7.23 created and isn&;t it crazy that
7.23 something so pure that God created is
7.23 now so perverted it&;s become so
7.23 perverted in ways that I can&;t even
7.23 explain like but that&;s how the enemy
7.23 Works he takes what God has made
7.23 beautiful and good and pure and holy and
7.23 he absolutely rewrites the whole entire
7.23 story he makes it completely dark and
7.23 disgusting but don&;t be confused sex is
7.23 still beautiful it&;s still created by
7.23 God it&;s still pure it&;s still it&;s
7.23 still beautiful when it&;s done in the
7.23 right way and like if you want to go
7.23 back to the original command when God
7.23 created Adam he created Eve he created
7.23 them for each other they joined together
7.23 he said be fruitful and multiply and
7.23 they had children right I truly believe
7.23 that if God wanted it to be any other
7.23 way he would have made it a different
7.23 way he would have made us a different
7.23 way if God wanted us out here just being
7.23 with everybody he would have made it
7.23 that way but he didn&;t make it that way
7.23 and it&;s not up it&;s not my job to try
7.23 to figure out why God made it so that
7.23 his children would have to live a life
7.23 of Purity but that&;s just what it is and
7.23 like I genuinely believe that what
7.23 differentiates a Christian from a
7.23 non-Christian is our ideas of Purity
7.23 it&;s not about abstaining from sex it&;s
7.23 about seeing your body as a it&;s a
7.23 vessel you give yourself away like the
7.23 song says I give myself away so you can
7.23 use me you give yourself away to God so
7.23 he can use you for the things that he
7.23 created you to do you give yourself away
7.23 because Jesus gave himself for you on
7.23 the cross if you have that mindset shift
7.23 it will be easy to flee from lust
7.23 because you&;re not placing a burden on
7.23 yourself you&;re placing everything onto
7.23 Jesus like it&;s not about like I said in
7.23 my other my last video it&;s not about me
7.23 anymore so when I have temptations to
7.23 you know engage in lust okay yeah the
7.23 Temptation is going to come like I might
7.23 still want to do something you know what
7.23 I&;m saying I might still want to you
7.23 know I might and I do I&;m not going to
7.23 sit here and light&; and act like I don&;t
7.23 get tempted anymore because that&;s not
7.23 true I&;m a human being and I still am in
7.23 this body and I have flesh like there&;s
7.23 still a freaking War inside of my body
7.23 but I&;m telling youall it&;s not a battle
7.23 anymore to the point where my flesh is
7.23 winning the spirit is knocking my flesh
7.23 out daily and we know the word says that
7.23 we die daily we crucify our flesh every
7.23 single day if you have that mindset
7.23 shift that yes I might want to engage in
7.23 sex I might want to have sex with
7.23 somebody I might want to text a dude at
7.23 2:00 in the morning when I&;m
7.23 ovulating sexual Purity is not so hard
7.23 when you realize God has created you for
7.23 him above everything else God&;s created
7.23 you for him for his purpose he&;s created
7.23 you to be in communion with him now if
7.23 he has a partner in mind for you to
7.23 marry down the line beautiful amazing I
7.23 can&;t wait but if not he created you for
7.23 himself and that&;s enough that&;s enough
7.23 that has to be enough is God not enough
7.23 these are genuine questions that you
7.23 have to ask yourself Life as a Christian
7.23 is hard and ain&;t nobody sitting over
7.23 here acting like it&;s not I&;ll be the
7.23 first one to tell you it&;s not easy but
7.23 that&;s why you have to decide whether or
7.23 not you going to accept the invitation
7.23 cuz you don&;t have to accept it you
7.23 don&;t even have to open it you could
7.23 leave it closed throw it in the trash
7.23 can and walk away nobody nobody is
7.23 telling you to become a Christian nobody
7.23 is telling you to stay a Christian your
7.23 faith is on you period you can decide
7.23 what you do with your life God has given
7.23 us free will but do not do not play with
7.23 God don&;t play with yourself and make it
7.23 seem like you want him when you really
7.23 don&;t like I always say this on here you
7.23 have to become so transparent and honest
7.23 with yourself look yourself in the
7.23 mirror and ask yourself do I really want
7.23 this do I really want this life do I
7.23 really want to walk this walk do I
7.23 really want to fight this fight the
7.23 Bible says to count the cost Luke 14:28
7.23 count the cost before you came into
7.23 Christ did you count the cost did you
7.23 determine everything that you would have
7.23 to give up cuz the biggest thing that
7.23 you have to give up is your life it&;s
7.23 your body what else could you give up
7.23 this is what we have this is all we have
7.23 is this body you come into Christ you
7.23 got to give it up and what does that
7.23 look like it looks like remaining pure
7.23 we were once in the world but we&;re no
7.23 longer in the world what we used to do
7.23 when we was in the world it&;s not going
7.23 to fly with God anymore he&;s not going
7.23 to put up with it it&;s a difference
7.23 between stumbling into sin and living a
7.23 lifestyle of it and we have to be honest
7.23 with ourselves we cannot abuse God&;s
7.23 grace we know what he says about sexual
7.23 immorality so why do we keep going back
7.23 to it like that&;s not that&;s not the
7.23 life of a Christian first John 3:9 those
7.23 who have been born into God&;s family do
7.23 not make a practice of sinning because
7.23 God&;s life is in them so they can&;t keep
7.23 on sinning because they are children of
7.23 God if you were born into God&;s family
7.23 if you were given an invitation and you
7.23 received that invitation you opened it
7.23 and you accepted that invitation God&;s
7.23 life is now inside of you you accepted
7.23 Christ your body is now a temple that
7.23 the Holy Spirit lives in God lives
7.23 inside of you you can&;t keep sinning and
7.23 this not a game it&;s something you have
7.23 to get serious about you have to deal
7.23 aggressively with it as what&;s his name
7.23 Philip Anthony Mitchell would say you
7.23 have to deal aggressively with it stop
7.23 flirting with sin stop flirting with
7.23 lust stop flirting with it because it&;s
7.23 not a game like this is something that
7.23 you have to be so passionate about so
7.23 passionate about pleasing God and hating
7.23 s it&;s not cute anymore it was cute when
7.23 we was in the world and we didn&;t know
7.23 when we was ignorant but we&;re not
7.23 ignorant no more God says my people
7.23 perish for lack of knowledge you know
7.23 now you can&;t act like you don&;t know
7.23 you know what the Bible says you know
7.23 what his command is and it is in his
7.23 word that you are to remain pure as he
7.23 is pure holy as he is Holy 1 John 3:3
7.23 says and all who has this all who have
7.23 this eager expectation will keep
7.23 themselves pure just as he is pure
7.23 everyone who sins is breaking God&;s law
7.23 for all sin is contrary to the law of
7.23 God you don&;t want to be in opposition
7.23 it&;s not like you walk around feeling
7.23 like you&;re Shackled that&;s not what the
7.23 Christian lifestyle is supposed to feel
7.23 like bro Jesus came so that we may have
7.23 life and have it more abundantly we&;re
7.23 walking in Freedom we&;re walking in Joy
7.23 God does not want you to feel oppressed
7.23 now that you are expected to live a
7.23 lifestyle of Purity bro like that should
7.23 be your natural desire I don&;t know how
7.23 to express this any better honestly like
7.23 I said the Christian if anything should
7.23 be sexually pure we all struggle with
7.23 certain things right but at what point
7.23 do you break out of that struggle and
7.23 experience Freedom At what point do you
7.23 stop flirting with sexual sin and you
7.23 say I&;m done because who has control
7.23 over you is it the Holy Spirit or is it
7.23 your flesh I want to go back to the the
7.23 whole thing about purity culture being a
7.23 scam because what I&;ve noticed is that
7.23 even when I was growing up like I was I
7.23 was taught to you know remain pure
7.23 abstinent uh until marriage right the
7.23 whole thing is like okay I&;m abstinent
7.23 I&;m I&;m waiting until marriage I&;m
7.23 waiting until marriage I just had this
7.23 like Revelation yesterday like maybe
7.23 that was this morning I don&;t remember I
7.23 was like okay I&;m saying like I&;m absin
7.23 I&;m abstinent I&;m waiting until marriage
7.23 abson it means refraining from sex for a
7.23 period of time so I&;m refraining from
7.23 sex until I get married but let&;s say
7.23 what I don&;t get married I don&;t want
7.23 that to happen but let&;s just be
7.23 realistic some of us are not going to
7.23 get married and the whole Purity culture
7.23 thing it puts out the idea that like if
7.23 you don&;t have sex God is going to give
7.23 you a husband if you don&;t have sex God
7.23 is going to give you a wife what if you
7.23 don&;t what if you don&;t these are
7.23 conversations that you have to have like
7.23 that might not happen Paul was single
7.23 Jesus was single like you might not get
7.23 married so at that point how do you
7.23 reframe your mindset to be okay with a
7.23 full lifestyle of sexual Purity are you
7.23 okay with that we have to reach a point
7.23 where we&;re okay with that because that
7.23 very well maybe some of our realities
7.23 and we have to be okay with it we can&;t
7.23 see it as a prison sentence we have to
7.23 see it as a privilege I believe that God
7.23 gives these assignments to the ones that
7.23 he knows can handle it he invites those
7.23 into Purity I have a purity rank I did
7.23 passport to Purity when I was a kid I
7.23 still think it&;s a scam when you put the
7.23 focus on yourself and not Jesus you you
7.23 already lost bro you already got it
7.23 messed up you don&;t have a proper
7.23 understanding of what true Purity is
7.23 Romans 12:12 says and so dear brothers
7.23 and sisters I plead with you to give
7.23 your bodies to God because of all he has
7.23 done for you let them be a living and
7.23 holy sacrifice the kind he will find
7.23 acceptable this is truly the way to
7.23 worship Him don&;t copy the behaviors and
7.23 customs of this world but let God
7.23 transform you into a new person by
7.23 changing the way you think then you will
7.23 learn to know God&;s will for you which
7.23 is good and pleasing and perfect a life
7.23 of worship is a life of surrender it&;s a
7.23 life of submission in order to worship
7.23 God you have to surrender yourself to
7.23 him how do you surrender yourself you
7.23 give yourself away this says I plead
7.23 with you to give your bodies to God
7.23 because of all he has done for you just
7.23 sit and think about all he&;s done for
7.23 you you don&;t have to be rich you don&;t
7.23 have to be famous you could be sick you
7.23 know on your deathbed and still God has
7.23 done so much for you because he sent his
7.23 son to die on the cross to set you free
7.23 from from the the the Trap of sin and
7.23 death that&;s enough he don&;t have to do
7.23 anything else and all he&;s asking in
7.23 return is for us to honor him with our
7.23 bodies to be examples to the world we
7.23 don&;t have to live like them he has
7.23 given us a way out of that ghon they got
7.23 going on in the world like they are on
7.23 something else I just want to say your
7.23 body is a temple you are worth so much
7.23 more than rubies diamonds gold what got
7.23 bought you with a high price do you know
7.23 how much much you&;re worth though cuz
7.23 God knows God sees your worth fully do
7.23 you know how much you&;re worth you&;re
7.23 worth more than a sneaky link than a
7.23 situation you&;re worth more than a
7.23 boyfriend you&;re worth more than a
7.23 girlfriend you are worth more you have
7.23 to see yourself as more and break out of
7.23 what culture has has conditioned you to
7.23 think about sex it&;s okay to stay pure
7.23 for God Purity is cool and don&;t let
7.23 anybody ever tell you that it&;s not it&;s
7.23 not weird maybe it is weird cuz the
7.23 world is not doing it but it&;s it&;s
7.23 totally normal in God&;s eyes this is
7.23 what he expects of us this is what he
7.23 wants from us you got to keep your ear
7.23 to the word like this because if you
7.23 don&;t have it to the word you going to
7.23 have it to the world and the world is
7.23 going to tell you that you&;re weird for
7.23 keeping your body Sanctified and set
7.23 apart for God the world going to tell
7.23 you that you&;re weird the world is going
7.23 to say girl what you mean you ain&;t had
7.23 sex in 3 years girl if you don&;t go get
7.23 some D girl what you mean you waitting
7.23 until marriage what if the sex is bad on
7.23 your wedding night don&;t you want to
7.23 test the cry before you buy it rebuke
7.23 that in the name of Jesus no I don&;t
7.23 want to test a car I&;m good I&;m
7.23 listening to my father and that&;s what
7.23 I&;m going to continue to do world will
7.23 never understand why we do what we do
7.23 the things of God are foolish to the
7.23 unbeliever they not going to get it I
7.23 pray that they do but they probably not
7.23 going to get it and that&;s not on my
7.23 business like I don&;t know what to say
7.23 Purity is about honoring God with your
7.23 body giving yourself to him allowing
7.23 yourself to be a vessel for him to work
7.23 through allowing your body to be just
7.23 another instrument that he can use for
7.23 his glory you have to take yourself out
7.23 of the equation and walk in humility cuz
7.23 it ain&;t about you it&;s not about you
7.23 anymore if you wanted to be about you
7.23 you would up coming coming to Christ if
7.23 you wanted to be the main character you
7.23 would not have given your life to Christ
7.23 why when we get baptized we say I gave
7.23 my life to Christ that&;s not just a
7.23 fancy saying no we literally give our
7.23 life to Jesus what does that mean it
7.23 means something got to change something
7.23 got to change something got to change
7.23 one more thing I&;m going to say this
7.23 last thing and I will be done with my
7.23 yapping for tonight I want you to see
7.23 Purity as a privilege and not a prison
7.23 sentence come on iteration God&;s
7.23 commands are an expression of love for
7.23 us He commands us to be pure He commands
7.23 us to be holy He commands us to be
7.23 obedient because he loves us and he
7.23 wants the best for us and he knows the
7.23 best for us and a lifestyle of Purity is
7.23 the most beneficial way for a Christian
7.23 to live it&;s the only way for a
7.23 Christian to live in communion with God
7.23 I pray Purity over your lives I pray
7.23 that God will change your mindset he
7.23 will help you change your mindset change
7.23 your vision and your perception of of of
7.23 Purity I pray that you will see yourself
7.23 as someone that belongs to God not
7.23 everybody can say that they&;re in
7.23 fellowship with God you&;re special act
7.23 like it okay thank you that&;s all I have
7.23 to say I was a little fired up tonight
7.23 I&;m not going to lie it&;s all passion
7.23 cuz I love y&;all but God loves you more
7.23 so I hope you know that cuz it&;s true
7.23 anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it I
7.23 will talk to you&;all on my next episode
7.23 love y&;all bye
7.23 get in your
7.23 bed Prett what

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