A voir sur YouTube, le thème « masturbate » avec cette vidéo
ElderSphere développe le thème « masturbate »
Une vidéo, partagée par ElderSphere sur YouTube ( ), offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « masturbate ».
La plateforme YouTube regroupe toute sorte d’informations et de vidéos, avec des critiques détaillées, des présentation de thématiques et des analyses approfondies de la société.
Nous avons pris connaissance de cette vidéo il y a peu (). Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 1783.
Vous noterez la durée (00:07:45s), le titre (Is Masturbation a Sin? The Answer Will Shock You!), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« Dans cette vidéo, nous explorons la question de savoir si la masturbation est un péché, plongeant dans ce que la Bible dit sur la luxure, la maîtrise de soi et l’honorant Dieu de notre corps. Bien que la Bible ne mentionne pas directement la masturbation, elle fournit des enseignements importants sur la sexualité et la pureté. Nous discuterons des principes bibliques, des pensées lubriques et comment aborder ce sujet d’une manière qui s’aligne sur les valeurs chrétiennes. Si vous vous êtes interrogé sur ce problème, cette vidéo offre des informations, une compassion et une grâce pour vous aider à naviguer dans votre vie. Mots-clés: La masturbation est-elle un péché, une perspective biblique sur la masturbation, des opinions chrétiennes sur la sexualité, la maîtrise de soi et la pureté, honorant Dieu de votre corps, surmontant la culpabilité, la foi et la sexualité, la vie sexuelle saine, les croyances chrétiennes sur la luxure, le maintien de la pureté après 60 ans, Les soins personnels chrétiens (tagstotranslate) sont la masturbation une perspective biblique du péché ».
La vidéo est disponible pour visionnage directement ci-dessous
Sexualité épanouie : surmonter le défi de la masturbation
Arrêter la masturbation peut être un parcours semé d’embûches pour beaucoup. Ce comportement, bien qu’il soit une manière naturelle et saine d’explorer la sexualité, peut s’avérer problématique lorsqu’il vire à l’addiction, compromettant ainsi la qualité des relations personnelles, la productivité au travail et le bien-être mental.
Établir un plan pour mettre fin à cette pratique
Montrer l’importance de s’appuyer sur son entourage
- Discuter avec un sexologue : Un professionnel peut guider vers des solutions efficaces. notamment cette société pour le monde entier.
- S’engager dans des groupes de soutien : L’interaction avec d’autres vous aide à maintenir votre motivation.
Offrir des approches efficaces pour diminuer cette pratique
- Remplacer cette habitude par d’autres occupations : Pratiquez une activité physique ou testez de nouveaux passe-temps.
- Analyser les éléments déclencheurs : Prenez conscience de ce qui crée l’envie.
- Définir des objectifs clairs : Suivez des actions progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage complet.
Présenter un plan de prévention contre les rechutes
- Se déconnecter de la pornographie : Bloquez les accès aux contenus explicites.
- Mettre en place un emploi du temps clair : Remplissez chaque moment de votre journée avec des activités productives.
Mettre en lumière les défis liés à la dépendance à la masturbation
Examiner les différents aspects de la masturbation et ses manifestations
Souvent associée à des bienfaits comme une gestion accrue du stress et une meilleure compréhension de son corps, la masturbation, lorsqu’elle est excessive, peut engendrer certains problèmes.
Détecter les signes qui témoignent d’une dépendance
Lorsque la masturbation devient une habitude compulsive, elle se manifeste par une fréquence élevée et un manque de contrôle, ce qui peut perturber les interactions avec son partenaire.
Explorer l’impact sur le bien-être mental et corporel
L’abus de masturbation, souvent lié à la consommation de pornographie, entraîne une stimulation répétée du système dopaminergique, ce qui peut conduire à des déséquilibres tels que l’éjaculation précoce, une fatigue accrue ou un sentiment d’insatisfaction dans les relations sexuelles.
Observer les facteurs liés à l’essor de cette pratique
Analyser les éléments psychologiques et émotionnels
L’anxiété, le stress ou un vide dans d’autres aspects de la vie peuvent engendrer cette pratique instinctive.
Analyser l’effet de la pornographie sur les attitudes et comportements
La pornographie représente un facteur fondamental. Elle nourrit fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la vision de la sexualité.
Étudier l’impact de l’isolement sur le désir
Le manque de satisfaction dans un couple ou dans la vie personnelle, associé à la solitude, peut être un facteur déclencheur de cette pratique.
Observer les avantages d’un sevrage réussi
Exposer les améliorations dans la communication avec autrui
Les relations avec un partenaire deviennent plus profondes, avec un lien émotionnel et physique renforcé.
Montrer comment la santé mentale s’améliore au fil du temps
L’arrêt entraîne fréquemment une énergie accrue, une humeur plus positive et une concentration plus nette.
Démontrer les étapes nécessaires pour un bonheur durable
Moins de dépendance mène à des gains durables dans la vie personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.
En dernière analyse
Cesser la masturbation compulsive nécessite du temps et de la détermination. En adoptant un plan bien conçu et avec un soutien approprié, ce défi peut être relevé, ouvrant la voie à une vie plus équilibrée et centrée sur des objectifs significatifs.
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#masturbation #estelle #péché #réponse #vous #choquera
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: hello everyone and welcome recently I’ve received many comments from viewers expressing concern about a topic that can often be difficult to talk about masturbation and whether it is a sin it’s a question that many people struggle with particularly when trying to reconcile personal Behavior with their faith and religious beliefs I want to acknowledge that this is a sensitive topic and I completely understand why it can be hard to approach but it’s important to address it with an open heart grounded in understanding and compassion So today we’re going to take a deep dive into what the Bible says about masturbation and I’ll try to shed some light on how this practice fits within Christian teachings I understand that many of you are worried about this and I appreciate you reaching out for guidance in this video we’ll explore the Biblical context the teachings on lust self-control and Holiness and offer you Clarity on how to approach this in your own life let’s start by talking about the broader understanding of sexuality and its place in our spiritual journey as we know from Genesis 1: 27-28 God created us with the gift of sexuality the Bible tells us so God created Mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them male and female he created them God blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number fill the Earth and subdue it right from the beginning God intended for for us to be sexual beings he created US male and female and blessed us with the ability to procreate sexuality is a good thing in the context that God created it but it also comes with responsibility sexuality is intended to be experienced in a way that honors God and this means that any sexual behavior whether within marriage or not should align with his teachings but what does this have to do with masturbation it’s important to understand that while the Bible doesn’t directly mention masturbation IT addresses sexual behavior Purity and lust which can help guide us in understanding how masturbation fits into our lives in Matthew 5: 27-28 Jesus speaks about lust and its connection to sin you have heard that it was said You shall not commit adultery but I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart this verse is often cited when discussing masturbation because it points to the importance of what is happening inside our minds Jesus makes it clear that even harboring lustful thoughts can be equated to committing adultery in the heart masturbation often involves sexual thoughts or fantasies and this is why many believe that masturbation could be sinful if it’s accompanied by lustful thinking the key here is the mental state associated with masturbation the Bible encourages us to keep our thoughts pure Philippians 4:8 says finally brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is Noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things if masturbation leads to impure thoughts lustful fantasies or objectification of others it can become sinful it’s not just the act itself but the thoughts and intent behind it that matter in the Christian faith if masturbation is performed with with a mindset of Purity and self-control some argue that it may not be inherently sinful however this is something each individual must consider and pray about personally another key biblical principle when discussing masturbation is self-control in 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-5 the Apostle Paul writes it is God’s will that you should be Sanctified that you should avoid sexual immorality that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is wholly and honorable not imp passionate lust like the pagans who do not know God the call to self-control and Holiness is Central to the Christian Life our bodies are not our own they belong to God and we are called to honor him with them this applies to all areas of life including our sexuality masturbation when done excessively or compulsively could become a form of self-gratification that undermines self-control overindulgence in any form what whether it’s food entertainment or sexual activity can lead to sinful Behavior if it’s not managed with self-control the act of masturbation like any Behavior should be measured by how it aligns with the principle of honoring God with our bodies if it becomes a regular habit interferes with relationships or takes on an unhealthy or obsessive nature it could be a sign that self-control is lacking practicing self-discipline and keeping our bodies in a state of Holiness is a call for every Christian and this includes our sexual lives it’s important to remember that sin begins in the heart and the mind as we see in Matthew 15: 18-19 but the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart and these defile them for out of the heart come evil thoughts murder adultery sexual immorality theft false testimony slander this reinforces the idea that our actions are a reflection of our hearts it masturbation is accompanied by lustful thoughts pornography or objectification it can lead to sinful behavior in the eyes of the Bible sin starts with our thoughts while the Bible does not prohibit sexual intimacy within the right context the state of our hearts and Minds is what truly matters therefore if masturbation is linked with unhealthy fantasies shame or guilt or if it becomes a form of Escape or addiction it might not align with God’s design for for our sexuality but if it’s approached in a way that honors God and doesn’t lead to sinful thought patterns some argue that it may not be inherently wrong throughout this discussion I want to emphasize one key Point Grace the Bible teaches us that we are all imperfect and that we can always return to God for forgiveness no one is beyond Redemption and God understands our struggles if masturbation or any other issue is something that causes you guilt or confusion I encourage you to bring it to God In Prayer Romans 3:23 reminds us that for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God none of us are perfect but through God’s grace we are forgiven if masturbation is something that is a constant source of guilt or discomfort for you I encourage you to pray for clarity self-discipline and understanding seek wisdom through scripture prayer and perhaps counseling with a trusted spiritual adviser or pastor the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and God seeking to live in alignment with his will thank you for joining me in this important discussion it’s a complex and personal topic and I hope that this exploration of biblical principles has helped you gain a better understanding of how to approach masturbation in light of your faith remember we are all works in progress and we can always strive to live with integrity and honor God with our bodies whether you’ve reached a conclusion or are still in prayer over this matter know that you’re not alone and God’s grace is greater than any of our struggles stay kind to yourself keep seeking God’s Will and remember that your journey is about progress not Perfection God bless .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.32 hello everyone and welcome recently I&;ve
0.32 received many comments from viewers
0.32 expressing concern about a topic that
0.32 can often be difficult to talk about
0.32 masturbation and whether it is a sin
0.32 it&;s a question that many people
0.32 struggle with particularly when trying
0.32 to reconcile personal Behavior with
0.32 their faith and religious beliefs I want
0.32 to acknowledge that this is a sensitive
0.32 topic and I completely understand why it
0.32 can be hard to approach but it&;s
0.32 important to address it with an open
0.32 heart grounded in understanding and
0.32 compassion So today we&;re going to take
0.32 a deep dive into what the Bible says
0.32 about masturbation and I&;ll try to shed
0.32 some light on how this practice fits
0.32 within Christian teachings I understand
0.32 that many of you are worried about this
0.32 and I appreciate you reaching out for
0.32 guidance in this video we&;ll explore the
0.32 Biblical context the teachings on lust
0.32 self-control and Holiness and offer you
0.32 Clarity on how to approach this in your
0.32 own life let&;s start by talking about
0.32 the broader understanding of sexuality
0.32 and its place in our spiritual journey
0.32 as we know from Genesis 1:
0.32 27-28 God created us with the gift of
0.32 sexuality the Bible tells us so God
0.32 created Mankind in his own image in the
0.32 image of God he created them male and
0.32 female he created them God blessed them
0.32 and said to them be fruitful and
0.32 increase in number fill the Earth and
0.32 subdue it right from the beginning God
0.32 intended for for us to be sexual beings
0.32 he created US male and female and
0.32 blessed us with the ability to procreate
0.32 sexuality is a good thing in the context
0.32 that God created it but it also comes
0.32 with
0.32 responsibility sexuality is intended to
0.32 be experienced in a way that honors God
0.32 and this means that any sexual behavior
0.32 whether within marriage or not should
0.32 align with his teachings but what does
0.32 this have to do with
0.32 masturbation it&;s important to
0.32 understand that while the Bible doesn&;t
0.32 directly mention masturbation IT
0.32 addresses sexual behavior Purity and
0.32 lust which can help guide us in
0.32 understanding how masturbation fits into
0.32 our lives in Matthew 5:
0.32 27-28 Jesus speaks about lust and its
0.32 connection to sin you have heard that it
0.32 was said You shall not commit adultery
0.32 but I tell you that anyone who looks at
0.32 a woman lustfully has already committed
0.32 adultery with her in his heart this
0.32 verse is often cited when discussing
0.32 masturbation because it points to the
0.32 importance of what is happening inside
0.32 our minds Jesus makes it clear that even
0.32 harboring lustful thoughts can be
0.32 equated to committing adultery in the
0.32 heart masturbation often involves sexual
0.32 thoughts or fantasies and this is why
0.32 many believe that masturbation could be
0.32 sinful if it&;s accompanied by lustful
0.32 thinking the key here is the mental
0.32 state associated with
0.32 masturbation the Bible encourages us to
0.32 keep our thoughts pure Philippians 4:8
0.32 says
0.32 finally brothers and sisters whatever is
0.32 true whatever is Noble whatever is right
0.32 whatever is pure whatever is lovely
0.32 whatever is admirable if anything is
0.32 excellent or praiseworthy think about
0.32 such things if masturbation leads to
0.32 impure thoughts lustful fantasies or
0.32 objectification of others it can become
0.32 sinful it&;s not just the act itself but
0.32 the thoughts and intent behind it that
0.32 matter in the Christian faith if
0.32 masturbation is performed with with a
0.32 mindset of Purity and self-control some
0.32 argue that it may not be inherently
0.32 sinful however this is something each
0.32 individual must consider and pray about
0.32 personally another key biblical
0.32 principle when discussing masturbation
0.32 is self-control in 1 Thessalonians 4:
0.32 3-5 the Apostle Paul writes it is God&;s
0.32 will that you should be Sanctified that
0.32 you should avoid sexual immorality that
0.32 each of you should learn to control your
0.32 own body in a way that is wholly and
0.32 honorable not imp passionate lust like
0.32 the pagans who do not know God the call
0.32 to self-control and Holiness is Central
0.32 to the Christian Life our bodies are not
0.32 our own they belong to God and we are
0.32 called to honor him with them this
0.32 applies to all areas of life including
0.32 our sexuality masturbation when done
0.32 excessively or compulsively could become
0.32 a form of self-gratification that
0.32 undermines self-control overindulgence
0.32 in any form what whether it&;s food
0.32 entertainment or sexual activity can
0.32 lead to sinful Behavior if it&;s not
0.32 managed with self-control the act of
0.32 masturbation like any Behavior should be
0.32 measured by how it aligns with the
0.32 principle of honoring God with our
0.32 bodies if it becomes a regular habit
0.32 interferes with relationships or takes
0.32 on an unhealthy or obsessive nature it
0.32 could be a sign that self-control is
0.32 lacking practicing self-discipline and
0.32 keeping our bodies in a state of
0.32 Holiness is a call for every Christian
0.32 and this includes our sexual lives it&;s
0.32 important to remember that sin begins in
0.32 the heart and the mind as we see in
0.32 Matthew 15:
0.32 18-19 but the things that come out of a
0.32 person&;s mouth come from the heart and
0.32 these defile them for out of the heart
0.32 come evil thoughts murder adultery
0.32 sexual immorality theft false testimony
0.32 slander this reinforces the idea that
0.32 our actions are a reflection of our
0.32 hearts it masturbation is accompanied by
0.32 lustful thoughts pornography or
0.32 objectification it can lead to sinful
0.32 behavior in the eyes of the Bible sin
0.32 starts with our thoughts while the Bible
0.32 does not prohibit sexual intimacy within
0.32 the right context the state of our
0.32 hearts and Minds is what truly matters
0.32 therefore if masturbation is linked with
0.32 unhealthy fantasies shame or guilt or if
0.32 it becomes a form of Escape or addiction
0.32 it might not align with God&;s design for
0.32 for our sexuality but if it&;s approached
0.32 in a way that honors God and doesn&;t
0.32 lead to sinful thought patterns some
0.32 argue that it may not be inherently
0.32 wrong throughout this discussion I want
0.32 to emphasize one key Point Grace the
0.32 Bible teaches us that we are all
0.32 imperfect and that we can always return
0.32 to God for forgiveness no one is beyond
0.32 Redemption and God understands our
0.32 struggles if masturbation or any other
0.32 issue is something that causes you guilt
0.32 or confusion I encourage you to bring it
0.32 to God In Prayer Romans 3:23 reminds us
0.32 that for all have sinned and fall short
0.32 of the glory of God none of us are
0.32 perfect but through God&;s grace we are
0.32 forgiven if masturbation is something
0.32 that is a constant source of guilt or
0.32 discomfort for you I encourage you to
0.32 pray for clarity self-discipline and
0.32 understanding seek wisdom through
0.32 scripture prayer and perhaps counseling
0.32 with a trusted spiritual adviser or
0.32 pastor the most important thing is to be
0.32 honest with yourself and God seeking to
0.32 live in alignment with his will thank
0.32 you for joining me in this important
0.32 discussion it&;s a complex and personal
0.32 topic and I hope that this exploration
0.32 of biblical principles has helped you
0.32 gain a better understanding of how to
0.32 approach masturbation in light of your
0.32 faith remember we are all works in
0.32 progress and we can always strive to
0.32 live with integrity and honor God with
0.32 our bodies whether you&;ve reached a
0.32 conclusion or are still in prayer over
0.32 this matter know that you&;re not alone
0.32 and God&;s grace is greater than any of
0.32 our struggles stay kind to yourself keep
0.32 seeking God&;s Will and remember that
0.32 your journey is about progress not
0.32 Perfection God bless
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Cet article, qui traite du thème « Masturbate vs NoFap « , vous est délibérément offert par masturbating-men.com. La raison d’être de masturbating-men.com est de parler de Masturbate vs NoFap dans la transparence la plus générale en vous procurant la visibilité de tout ce qui est publié sur ce sujet sur le web La chronique a été générée de la manière la plus honnête que possible. S’il advenait que vous projetez d’apporter quelques notes concernant le domaine de « Masturbate vs NoFap » vous avez la possibilité de d’échanger avec notre rédaction. Dans peu de temps, on mettra en ligne d’autres informations pertinentes autour du sujet « Masturbate vs NoFap « . Ainsi, consultez régulièrement notre site.