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Le thème «No Fap» en vidéo : Une publication sur YouTube

Publication sur le thème « No Fap » par The Formal Edit

Sur YouTube, publié par The Formal Edit (), une vidéo se concentre sur le thème « No Fap », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.

YouTube permet à tous dans le monde entier de partager leurs passions, leurs talents et leurs idées, offrant une plateforme unique pour s’exprimer.

Lors de notre récente consultation de cette vidéo (), elle totalisait des interactions. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 82355.

*NO FAP* CHALLENGE« Salut les gars! J’espère que vous allez très bien. Pour me connecter avec moi pour mes mises à jour de la vie quotidienne ou demandez un nouveau sujet, suivez-moi sur https://www.instagram.com/theformaledit/ Donc, dans cette vidéo, je n’ai essayé aucun FAP et en ai dit à Benfits. Comme mes vidéos précédentes, je n’ai pas dit que la masturbation était mauvaise, c’est naturel mais l’équilibre est important. Lorsque nous ne sommes pas en mesure de faire un équilibre, aucun FAP ne contribue vraiment à nous procurer cette discipline. Quels ont été les vrais avantages de non FAP et ce que tout est juste un battage médiatique (mon opinion personnelle). #Nofap #success #Motivation #Masturbation #WillPower #Control #menproblems #menhacks #boys #PersonalProblems #Indianmen #nofapMotivation Dans cette vidéo: 00:00 Introduction 00:27 Phases différentes de la vie 01:18 Pourquoi notre âge est-il important? 01:40 Oreo & Masturbation 02:07 Comment aucune FAP ne peut-elle aider? 02:25 Pourquoi les cours en ligne sont mauvais? 02:40 Problème d’accessibilité 02:59 Demande très élevée 03:32 Non FAP et testostérone 03:57 Real avantage de No FAP 04:29 Comment il augmente la puissance 04:59 * Comment démarrer sans FAP *? 07:25 Expérience personnelle et suggestion Instagram: @theformaledit https://instagram.com/theformaledit connectez-vous avec moi sur: Instagram: @theformaledidit https://www.instagram.com/theformalidEdit/ Facebook: https: //wwwacardbook .com / theformaledit / twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/theformaledit pour les demandes de PR / commercial: theformaledit@gmail.com. . Continuez à aimer et à soutenir les remerciements et les salutations, Karron S dhinggra (Tagstotranslate) Pas ) sexe ».

La vidéo est affichée juste en dessous pour votre consultation

La vie des hommes change avec l’abstinence, notamment en termes de santé et de concentration.

Examiner les effets de l’abstinence sur la fonction sexuelle.

Les dysfonctions érectiles fréquentes chez les hommes peuvent être atténuées par l’abstinence, comme le montrent diverses études.

Évaluer les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme permet de mieux comprendre ses effets positifs.

L’abstinence réduit l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en améliorant la confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent de témoignages montrant de réels progrès psychologiques.

Discuter de la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression provoquées par la dépendance à la masturbation.

Les hommes souffrent fréquemment d’anxiété en raison de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, ils constatent une diminution de leur dépression et un renforcement de leur capacité à contrôler leurs comportements.

Approches clés pour réussir sur NoFap

Livres et ressources en ligne pour mieux comprendre NoFap.

Des recherches approfondies et des articles scientifiques, y compris les travaux de Nicole Prause, éclairent l’impact de la pornographie et de la masturbation sur la santé, tout en proposant des approches pour les traiter scientifiquement.

Stratégies de la communauté NoFap pour éviter la masturbation

Les habitudes comme l’exercice, la méditation et éviter les déclencheurs sont essentielles pour maintenir une motivation forte et une concentration optimale.

La gestion des rechutes passe par des techniques simples et efficaces.

Les rechutes ne sont pas une fin en soi, elles font partie intégrante du processus, selon une étude scientifique. L’important est d’en tirer des leçons, de s’appuyer sur ses objectifs et de chercher de l’aide dans la communauté Nofap.

Hommes et NoFap : une approche moderne du bien-être

Examiner l’influence de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

Des études scientifiques ont démontré que la pornographie peut avoir des conséquences graves, notamment la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, les troubles émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause, par exemple, a publié une étude sur les effets négatifs de la masturbation et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

Il s’agit, dans NoFap, de se détacher de la masturbation pour retrouver sa clarté mentale.

NoFap, une initiative globale, propose aux hommes de s’abstenir de pornographie et de masturbation afin de réduire leur dépendance. Ce mouvement met en avant les bénéfices pour la santé mentale, la vitalité et l’équilibre émotionnel.

Les motivations des pratiquants de NoFap sont diverses, mais toutes sont tournées vers l’amélioration personnelle.

Les membres de NoFap s’unissent pour combattre les effets de la pornographie, améliorer leur fonction érectile et réduire l’anxiété. Des études montrent qu’après l’arrêt de la pornographie, plusieurs hommes sondés ont connu une réduction des symptômes de dépression et de pensées suicidaires.

La plateforme NoFap offre un soutien crucial aux hommes qui souhaitent améliorer leur bien-être.

Explorer comment les forums et les groupes de soutien contribuent à l’amélioration des résultats pour les participants.

Les groupes de soutien en ligne, comme ceux de la communauté NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider les participants à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, comme le prouvent les recherches scientifiques. Ces forums permettent d’apporter une aide précieuse à ceux qui cherchent à arrêter la masturbation.

Les forums NoFap permettent d’accéder à une communauté de soutien avec des discussions ouvertes.

Les forums sont essentiels pour aider les hommes à partager leurs histoires, obtenir des conseils et renforcer leur engagement envers l’abstinence.

Souligner le rôle essentiel du soutien social et émotionnel pour ceux qui s’engagent dans l’abstinence.

Les forums de Nofap constituent un outil précieux pour les hommes, leur permettant de surmonter l’anxiété, la dépression, et les défis du parcours d’abstinence en partageant des conseils et des solutions pour éviter les rechutes. Recourir à un accompagnement professionnel est souvent utilenotamment cette sociétépour le monde entier.

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la source: Cliquer ici

#Aucune #masturbation #pour #jours #défi #Pas #défi #Challenge #Comment #Avantages #sans #FAP #Hommes #personnels

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: You are excited when the process ends excitement level downs arrangement of CD and cassette was very difficult at our time I chant the moon mantra because as per science when new moon day you follow strict NPP(NO PHONE POLICY ), when you go to the washroom, obviously you will masturbate alone hello guys, welcome back to my channel this is Karron S Dhinggra, your own THE FORMAL EDIT today we will talk, about whether to masturbate harmfully? is it a sin this is not like that, we had talked to the medical experts when we talk about no fap revolution is it hype? or it is true if it is true, then I was doing it for one month, will it affect or not if it affects, then how to control it everything will be discussed in this video, so watch this video till the end pubic hair will grow which explores your body physically and biologically after that, a passionate stage comes in which you follow the passion of your life and your testosterone is at its peak at this time means there is a high chance of diversion towards masturbation in which you will waste your time and energy and after that a stage came when responsibilities are you, you create new life after that, a stage will come in which you will think that there are lots of things other than masturbation and sex In the last stage, you can only talk about these not physically possible nowadays children will happy with non-sense things when I was 22 years old, then my college friend Sunita who have long hairs his brother is at home Sharma Ji, you’re very naughty the most crucial stage is passion, your and mine age means make it and break it the carrier needs your mind, energy, and your time and you’re giving all this to masturbate so you will not get success and there is no regret that’s why you need to understand the concept of balance if you don’t maintain the balance then no fap comes into the pitch which helps you for example, if you want to eat something sweet and area were there you had told me not to eat oreo when you go to school, you don’t remember and only eat one-two and when you’re are free at home you eat one you enjoy, then you eat one more (sound) and you will eat the whole packet and if you eat only one then balance will maintain and will not affect your body and if you’re a whole packet, then your stomach and skill will become evil and after that, you will regret that’s why balance is important saying is so easy, in video, it seems so easy but it’s not easy to control our urges in real life That’s why no fap comes into the pitch not maintain balance but it will take you in discipline and track by which you will get detox and positive vibes will come that yes you can control so that a base will create nowadays you’re doing work from home and your mind will divert the biggest problem is accessibility this means it is in hand at our time CD, cassette arrangement was complicated and the internet was very slow, refresh to know the score of Sachin Tendulkar it will search after the innings end and nowadays a sixth-class child has a phone which is like just type and which sounds very cringe but for happines dopamine and creatinine kick for 10-15 seconds and they are dependent on this content, and then they will daily watch and got bored adn excitement level ends and then you will invest more time in searching for something new which gives you kick your time and energy will waste and you will get into a trap so better is to do it fast, by which your excitement level goes up most people say that testosterone level goes up by no fap some studies say, 35-45 % goes up, some say 0% and some say that it kicks for a week and then after normal but its a proven fact if you follow these diets and workout then your testosterone will increase fastly and effectively so people say the body will form, skin clears by doing no fap and hair will grow again the answer is a big no, now I will tell you the main thing you will get mental motivation when you enter this process you will search and get excited and when the process ends Your excitement level downs you came into real-world again and you will again need excitement, so you want to repeat that process again masturbate then a chain will form, that addiction small change which makes you feel guilt I have to study rather than do this I had wasted a lot of time and you will feel guilty and if you do not fap, then your mental guilt will go if you wanna do anything like dieting, quit smoking and alcohol you need to strengthen your will power, if your will power is strong then you will control your sexual urge but most difficult is to control your sexual urge that’s why no fap is the best way to get control over it if you do this and if your willpower is strong, then there are high chances of success in your life because you didn’t distribute energy anywhere, so the balance will be maintained in your life and you will give your energy to the right place and you will get focused and if your no fap breaks in some hours then these points are applicable to you number 1 is a strict NPP when you go to the washroom, obviously you will masturbate alone don’t take your phone with you, because as per studies social media and phone instigates 78% more masturbating second is moon mantra , i tried it personally, many people believe , many don’t the moon is basically your inner soul, it fluctuates a lot, and emotional swings which is responsible for your willpower I will chant the moon mantra, because as per science when a full moon day in that, your mood swings will fluctuate a lot so try chanting moon mantras use reputed brand wifi because they will comply with Indian laws like airtel, MTNL which blocks porn sites if you’re using local wifi then you have options and if you have more options you will go to the bathroom social media trigger a lot because filters were very down so I suggest you to follow motivation accounts where you get that motivation, rather than the accounts that arouse you more you have seen, that when you’re busy, it will not come to your mind and when you are free, to work from home, all records break the main point is, that you have to stay busy make a schedule for the next day, whether you’re at your home do gaming, hobby, gyming, and studies talk to someone but if you’re busy then it will not come into your mind like I joined lawn tennis at this age by which my mind got divert or to make my body active and also avoid aphrodisiacs food which arouse yous sexually like chocolate, pickles and this list you can eat and drink things that don’t produce heat in the body like water, lemon, or coconut water, and meditate for 10-15 minute and release sweat from your body, endocrine means feel-good hormones will create in your body which gives you positive energy adn motivates you your youtube playlist and your Instagram following will always be motivational by which you will get positive energy and focus adn if there is a schedule for years and you’re bored of that same schedule then put some new hobby or interesting activity as I told you that I added lawn tennis which increases the excitement level and if you don’t excite about your life people masturbate more because dopamine is excitement for small-time my personal general suggestion for no fap is no fap first week period is toughest because you have to stop it initially after that you will get motivated During that period you’re killing your urge During that time don’t do dieting, because dieting makes people cranky you will get irritated and eat comfort food at least for the first week have that, after that you will get into a schedule and you will get motivation then you think yes you can do it, after it and after that, it’s very normal to get into a normal diet which is good for skin and hair and you’re getting stronger with no fap and if you improve your diet you will get a whole package of skin hair body and so this is my personal experience about no fap if this video is interesting for you, then like, share, and comment adn share it with your friends on WhatsApp .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0 You are excited when the process ends
0 excitement level downs
0 arrangement of CD and cassette was very difficult at our time
0 I chant the moon mantra because as per science when new moon day
0 you follow strict NPP(NO PHONE POLICY ), when you go to the washroom, obviously you will masturbate alone
0 hello guys, welcome back to my channel
0 this is Karron S Dhinggra, your own THE FORMAL EDIT
0 today we will talk, about whether to masturbate harmfully?
0 is it a sin
0 this is not like that, we had talked to the medical experts
0 when we talk about no fap revolution
0 is it hype?
0 or it is true
0 if it is true, then I was doing it for one month, will it affect or not
0 if it affects, then how to control it
0 everything will be discussed in this video, so watch this video till the end
0 pubic hair will grow which explores your body physically and biologically
0 after that, a passionate stage comes
0 in which you follow the passion of your life and your testosterone is at its peak at this time
0 means there is a high chance of diversion towards masturbation
0 in which you will waste your time and energy and after that
0 a stage came when responsibilities are you, you create new life
0 after that, a stage will come
0 in which you will think that there are lots of things other than masturbation and sex
0 In the last stage, you can only talk about these
0 not physically possible
0 nowadays children
0 will happy with non-sense things
0 when I was 22 years old, then my college friend Sunita
0 who have long hairs
0 his brother is at home
0 Sharma Ji, you&;re very naughty
0 the most crucial stage is passion, your and mine age
0 means make it and break it
0 the carrier needs your mind, energy, and your time and you&;re giving all this to masturbate
0 so you will not get success and there is no regret
0 that&;s why you need to understand the concept of balance
0 if you don&;t maintain the balance then no fap comes into the pitch which helps you
0 for example, if you want to eat something sweet and area were there
0 you had told me not to eat oreo
0 when you go to school, you don&;t remember and only eat one-two
0 and when you&;re are free at home you eat one
0 you enjoy, then you eat one more
0 (sound)
0 and you will eat the whole packet and if you eat only one then balance will maintain and will not affect your body
0 and if you&;re a whole packet, then your stomach and skill will become evil and after that, you will regret
0 that&;s why balance is important
0 saying is so easy, in video, it seems so easy
0 but it&;s not easy to control our urges in real life
0 That&;s why no fap comes into the pitch
0 not maintain balance but it will take you in discipline and track
0 by which you will get detox
0 and positive vibes will come that yes you can control
0 so that a base will create
0 nowadays you&;re doing work from home and your mind will divert
0 the biggest problem is accessibility
0 this means it is in hand
0 at our time CD, cassette arrangement was complicated
0 and the internet was very slow, refresh to know the score of Sachin Tendulkar
0 it will search after the innings end
0 and nowadays a sixth-class child has a phone
0 which is like just type and
0 which sounds very cringe but for happines
0 dopamine and creatinine kick for 10-15 seconds
0 and they are dependent on this content, and then
0 they will daily watch and got bored
0 adn excitement level ends
0 and then you will invest more time in searching for something new which gives you kick
0 your time and energy will waste
0 and you will get into a trap
0 so better is to do it fast, by which your excitement level goes up
0 most people say that testosterone level goes up by no fap
0 some studies say, 35-45 % goes up, some say 0% and some say that it kicks for a week
0 and then after normal
0 but its a proven fact
0 if you follow these diets and workout
0 then your testosterone will increase fastly and effectively
0 so people say the body will form, skin clears by doing no fap and hair will grow again
0 the answer is a big no, now I will tell you the main thing
0 you will get mental motivation when you enter this process
0 you will search and get excited and when the process ends
0 Your excitement level downs
0 you came into real-world again
0 and you will again need excitement, so you want to repeat that process
0 again masturbate
0 then a chain will form, that addiction small change which makes you feel guilt
0 I have to study rather than do this
0 I had wasted a lot of time
0 and you will feel guilty
0 and if you do not fap, then your mental guilt will go
0 if you wanna do anything like dieting, quit smoking and alcohol
0 you need to strengthen your will power, if your will power is strong
0 then you will control your sexual urge
0 but most difficult is to control your sexual urge
0 that&;s why no fap is the best way
0 to get control over it
0 if you do this and if your willpower is strong, then there are high chances of success in your life
0 because you didn&;t distribute energy anywhere, so the balance will be maintained in your life
0 and you will give your energy to the right place
0 and you will get focused
0 and if your no fap breaks in some hours
0 then these points are applicable to you
0 number 1 is a strict NPP
0 when you go to the washroom, obviously you will masturbate alone
0 don&;t take your phone with you, because as per studies
0 social media and phone instigates 78% more masturbating
0 second is moon mantra , i tried it personally, many people believe , many don&;t
0 the moon is basically your inner soul, it fluctuates a lot, and emotional swings
0 which is responsible for your willpower
0 I will chant the moon mantra, because as per science when a full moon day
0 in that, your mood swings will fluctuate a lot
0 so try chanting moon mantras
0 use reputed brand wifi
0 because they will comply with Indian laws like airtel, MTNL
0 which blocks porn sites
0 if you&;re using local wifi
0 then you have options and if you have more options
0 you will go to the bathroom
0 social media trigger a lot because filters were very down
0 so I suggest you to follow motivation accounts
0 where you get that motivation, rather than the accounts that arouse you more
0 you have seen, that when you&;re busy, it will not come to your mind
0 and when you are free, to work from home, all records break
0 the main point is, that you have to stay busy
0 make a schedule for the next day, whether you&;re at your home
0 do gaming, hobby, gyming, and studies
0 talk to someone
0 but if you&;re busy then it will not come into your mind
0 like I joined lawn tennis at this age by which my mind got divert
0 or to make my body active
0 and also avoid aphrodisiacs food which arouse yous sexually like chocolate, pickles and this list
0 you can eat and drink things that don&;t produce heat in the body
0 like water, lemon, or coconut water, and meditate for 10-15 minute
0 and release sweat from your body, endocrine means feel-good hormones will create in your body
0 which gives you positive energy adn motivates you
0 your youtube playlist and your Instagram following will always be motivational by
0 which you will get positive energy and focus adn if there is a schedule for years
0 and you&;re bored of that same schedule
0 then put some new hobby or interesting activity as I told you that I added lawn tennis
0 which increases the excitement level
0 and if you don&;t excite about your life
0 people masturbate more because dopamine is excitement for small-time
0 my personal general suggestion for no fap is
0 no fap first week period is toughest because you have to stop it initially after that you will get motivated
0 During that period you&;re killing your urge
0 During that time don&;t do dieting, because dieting makes people cranky
0 you will get irritated
0 and eat comfort food
0 at least for the first week
0 have that, after that
0 you will get into a schedule and you will get motivation
0 then you think yes you can do it, after it
0 and after that, it&;s very normal to get into a normal diet
0 which is good for skin and hair and you&;re getting stronger with no fap
0 and if you improve your diet
0 you will get a whole package
0 of skin hair body and
0 so this is my personal experience about no fap
0 if this video is interesting for you, then like, share, and comment
0 adn share it with your friends on WhatsApp

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