Youtube (masturbate): Est-il acceptable de se masturber sans porno?

A voir sur YouTube, le thème « masturbate » avec cette vidéo

Disponible sur YouTube (), cette vidéo créée par Ben Uyama traite du thème « masturbate ».

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La durée (00:07:13s) de la vidéo, le titre (Is It Okay to Masturbate Without Porn? « ⚡Peke mon programme gratuit de 30 jours ici 👉 Hé les gars, j’ai reçu de nombreuses demandes pour rejoindre mon programme payant – mais je n’ai pas le temps! J’ai donc décidé de vous donner gratuitement mon programme. Je n’accepte que quelques personnes par semaine, alors veuillez passer rapidement à l’action 👉 ——————- ⚡ ⚡Scovenant Eyes 30 jours gratuitement Accès Utilisez le code promotionnel « Ben » à la caisse à 👉 Je recommande les yeux d’alliance car il bloque du porno sur tous vos appareils et permet à votre cerveau de se détoxifier et de recâbler. Il ne faut que 30 jours pour arrêter, alors essayez les yeux d’alliance pendant 30 jours avec un essai gratuit. ——————- L’une des questions les plus courantes que les personnes qui pratiquent la rétention de nofap et de sperme sont: « Est-il acceptable de se masturber sans regarder du porno? » Ce que nous avons trouvé dans notre pratique, c’est que ce n’est pas la meilleure question à poser. Au lieu de cela, deux questions utiles que vous devriez poser sont: 1. Comment puis-je me sentir juste après me masturber? 2. Est-ce que je veux prendre l’habitude de se masturber dans mon avenir? Plongeons-nous dans chacun de ces éléments: 1. Comment me sentir-je juste après me masturber? Rappelez-vous la dernière fois que vous avez échoué à la rétention de NOFAP et de sperme? Comment vous êtes-vous senti imminente après? Les chances sont, pas si géniales! Dans la plupart des cas, les gens ont honte, déprimés et dégonflés (jeu de mots). En plus de cela, généralement lorsque les gens grimpent à l’échelle de la dépendance, ils commencent à se sentir de moins en moins coupables après se masturber. En un mot, se sentir déprimé et dégonflé ne sont pas des sentiments que vous devez garder avec vous si vous masturber vous provoque ces sentiments. 2. Est-ce que je veux prendre l’habitude de se masturber dans mon avenir? C’est là que viennent les vrais avantages de la rétention de NOFAP et de sperme. Voulez-vous vous marier? Vous avez des enfants? Obtenez votre travail de rêve? Démarrer une entreprise? Être un leader? Si c’est le cas, alors les chances sont que la version de vous n’a plus besoin de masturbation. La réalité est qu’une dépendance à la masturbation (même sans porno) n’est pas propice à une vie épanouissante et excitante. À plus de façons qu’autrement, la masturbation vous alourdira et vous tiendra de ce que vous voulez réaliser dans la vie. Cette vidéo plonge dans cette question plus profondément. ——————- (À propos de ce canal) Je suis Ben Uyama, un consultant certifié en toxicomanie sexuelle, spécialisé dans la récupération porno. Depuis plus de 10 ans, j’ai aidé les hommes à battre le porno et à commencer à vivre – et maintenant je veux partager tout ce que j’ai appris avec vous. Mon mariage a été au fond des rochers pendant des années jusqu’à ce que je fasse quelque chose à ce sujet, donc mon seul espoir est d’aider quiconque passe par les mêmes défis que je suis passé. ——————- #nofap #quitporn #pornkillslove ——————- (à propos de cette chaîne) I «M Ben Uyama, un consultant certifié en toxicomanie sexuelle, spécialisé dans la récupération porno. Depuis plus de 10 ans, j’aide les hommes à battre le porno et à réaliser plus – et maintenant je veux partager tout ce que j’ai appris avec vous. Je suis marié pendant plus de 11 ans et j’ai deux enfants. Mon mariage a été au fond des rochers pendant des années jusqu’à ce que je fasse quelque chose à ce sujet, donc mon seul espoir est d’aider les hommes à réaliser plus qu’ils n’auraient jamais cru possible. ——————- * Certains des liens qui apparaissent sur cette vidéo proviennent de sociétés pour lesquelles je pourrais gagner une commission d’conseil ou une prime de référence. (TagStotranslate) Rétention du sperme ».

La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase

Évaluer les résultats d’un arrêt réussi

Exposer les étapes menant à un bonheur à long terme

Réduire la dépendance peut offrir des avantages à long terme dans les aspects personnels, professionnels et sociaux.

Présenter les changements bénéfiques dans les relations sociales

Les échanges avec un partenaire deviennent plus riches, avec une relation émotionnelle et physique solidifiée.

Décrire le processus d’amélioration de la santé mentale

L’arrêt entraîne fréquemment une énergie accrue, une humeur plus positive et une concentration plus nette.

Masturbation et vie sexuelle : enjeux et défis à relever

Pour certaines personnes, hommes et femmes, la masturbation est un acte naturel souvent associé à l’exploration de la sexualité. Toutefois, lorsque cette pratique prend le dessus et se mue en addiction, elle peut interférer avec divers aspects de la vie, rendant le processus d’arrêt particulièrement difficile.

S’informer sur les caractéristiques et les impacts de la dépendance à la masturbation

Analyser ce qu’est la masturbation et les comportements associés

Activité sexuelle courante, la masturbation est souvent reconnue pour ses effets positifs sur la santé, notamment la diminution du stress et une meilleure connaissance de son corps. Néanmoins, lorsqu’elle est pratiquée de manière fréquente, elle peut devenir problématique.

Détecter les signes qui témoignent d’une dépendance

La dépendance se caractérise par une pratique de plus en plus fréquente, accompagnée d’une incapacité à contrôler cette activité, au détriment d’autres engagements. Cela peut engendrer des problèmes dans les relations avec un partenaire.

Enquêter sur les effets sur la santé psychique et corporelle

Une dépendance à la masturbation, souvent associée à un usage excessif de pornographie, sollicite constamment le système dopaminergique, engendrant des problèmes tels que l’éjaculation précoce, la baisse d’énergie et une insatisfaction dans les relations sexuelles.

Rechercher les causes de l’intensification de cette pratique

Examiner comment la pornographie peut façonner les comportements

La pornographie est un facteur influent. Elle accentue souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut brouiller la perception de la sexualité.

Comprendre l’influence de la solitude et du désir

La solitude et l’insatisfaction dans les relations ou la vie personnelle sont également des facteurs contribuant à cette pratique.

Étudier les éléments liés à la psychologie et aux émotions

Des niveaux élevés de stress, d’anxiété ou d’insatisfaction dans d’autres domaines peuvent alimenter cette pratique compulsive.

Concevoir un parcours pour se libérer de cette pratique

Recommander des méthodes adaptées pour limiter cette activité

  • Détecter les facteurs déclencheurs : Identifiez les situations qui suscitent l’envie.
  • Repérer les déclencheurs : Notez ce qui provoque le désir.
  • Repérer les déclencheurs d’envie : Identifiez les situations qui provoquent ce besoin.

Présenter des stratégies pour prévenir les rechutes

  • Se déconnecter de la pornographie : Bloquez les accès aux contenus explicites.
  • Limiter l’accès à la pornographie : Utilisez des filtres et bloqueurs pour restreindre l’accès aux contenus inappropriés.

Montrer l’importance de s’appuyer sur son entourage

  • Discuter avec un sexologue : Un professionnel peut guider vers des solutions efficaces. (en particulierce leader de cage de chasteté)
  • Participer à des groupes de soutien : Partager ses progrès aide à maintenir la motivation.

En fin de compte

Mettre un terme à la masturbation compulsive est un processus qui demande du temps et de la constance. Grâce à une approche structurée et au soutien nécessaire, il devient possible de réussir ce défi et d’accéder aux bienfaits d’une vie plus centrée et enrichissante.

Si vous voulez voir la vidéo sur YouTube, utilisez ce lien pour y accéder :
la source: Cliquer ici

#Estil #acceptable #masturber #sans #porno #Expliqué #par #spécialiste #toxicomanie #sexuelle

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: i’m going to talk about this from a practical and also experiential perspective on whether or not masturbating just by itself without watching any porn but how to masturbate in a way that actually can be helpful hey guys benji here helping you quit porn for good and achieve more in your life whatever you want you want more money you want a better body better health better relationships better sex you can have that all with the practice of quitting porn no fap semen retention so that you can have better focus more confidence and better drive so this is a very common question that a lot of people ask in our groups and also when i’m working with people one-on-one can i just masturbate and experience that that climax and that pleasure without associating that with pornography to answer this question let me ask you two really important questions number one is how do you feel after you masturbate what is your feeling in most cases what men feel and women as well feel after masturbating is a sense of deflation literature literally and emotionally deflation meaning that you masturbate you’re feeling your emotional state it becomes ah i did it again the cycle continues especially when you’re early on in your sexual um arousal journey especially if you remember when you’re a teenager the feeling after masturbation masturbating is very scared even disgusted even like like i’ve done something terrible i’ve sinned i’ve committed a grave sin or something like that and usually that feeling of tremendous guilt kind of weans off and and dies off over time and that is a clear indication that the act of masturbating has become more and more of a emotional crutch and also an addiction so that it becomes less you become less less sensitive to it and more desensitized so ask yourself how do you feel after masturbating do you feel i’m on top of the world i’m ready to work out and start a business and go on a date and make a difference in the world i’m willing to bet no in most cases it’s always a sense of deflation the second important question you should ask yourself is does masturbating even without pornography is it something that you want to bring with you into the future all right like i just mentioned masturbating is an addictive behavior it is very addictive because of the stimulation right sexual sexuality is is addictive it’s it’s arousing right and especially as if you’re masturbating to specific pornographic content or even through fantasy my question for you is is that habit and that addiction something that you want to bring with you into your future is that something you want to bring with you into your relationships into your marriage is this something you want to bring with you even after you have children is something you want to bring with you into your working your working career something you want to bring with you into your schoolwork into your your day-to-day life if the answer is yeah you want to bring with you then okay i guess it’s okay to masturbate but at the same time most people no i’m willing to bet it’s not something that you want to rely on but rather you want to have control over your your sexuality as opposed to having it control you so overall is it okay to masturbate without porn you can do it it’s okay but you can ask yourself and be honest if it’s something that you want to do and bring with you and is it something that’s already affecting you in a negative way and you do you really want to live your life like that the big caveat here is that the vast majority of people who are masturbating are also associating that with pornography meaning they’re watching pornography they’re creating a very strong sexual imprint of pornography and the problem with that is that when you do become have that strong sexual imprinting when you’re masturbating to a specific kind of content whether pornographic or fantasizing then you become addicted to that content and then you become less and less attracted to actual sex in relationship and you become actually desensitized to a real relationship because you’ve relied so heavily on masturbating to that pornographic content so if you’re in the vast majority of people who are masturbating to porn my recommendation for for all of you is to disassociate porn and masturbation to completely uh unlink them and disconnect them in this way you can actually start to wean off the porn addiction and just if you’re going to masturbate and you decide to masturbate just do it for the sake of of masturbating as an act and try not to fantasize or associate that with anything that sexual importing that i’m talking about is very strong this is usually why people especially nowadays develop very interesting and unique fetishes and addictions is because typically people are exposed to content when they’re very young or they’ve exposed to content that is very graphic and very extreme and aggressive and they masturbate to that even very strange things like like a water bottle or or anything you can become sexually imprinted to that because of the act of having the sexual stimulus of masturbating to that my personal experience and advice as a man who is married for now 11 years and we have kids children is that masturbation is not something that is conducive to a healthy family relationship or life career etc whatever you want in your life whatever you want to achieve it’s generally not conducive and i believe that the purpose of sexuality the perfect purpose of sex drive is to give not to receive it’s to be selfless with your sexuality and not selfish and the more we are selfless and giving to our your spouse your wife the more that your sexuality becomes actually more intense and more beautiful and my personal experience as well as the guys that i work with is that focusing that sexual sexuality on an actual physical sexual relationship and have that imprinting so strongly associated with a human being is infinitely more valuable it’s more precious it’s more wholesome it’s more fulfilling and in the end it’ll make you more happy so if you’re ready to start with the process of giving up important masturbation and actually living a thriving life and having a relationship that’s genuine i want to gift to you guys a my 21 day reboot program i’m going to give it to you guys right here on youtube for free if you go to my website and you use my coupon code it’s ben ben i want to give that to you guys it’s a 21 day reboot of actually challenging you to give up porn masturbation for 21 days on the premise on the foundation of of having your vision set on something bigger and i talk about this in the video that you’re going to get when you sign up for that and it’s through that process that porn masturbation all this stuff becomes just an afterthought it becomes an old friend that lives under your bed or in your closet in your garage that you just don’t need anymore because it’s unhealthy for you right so go check it out go to put in the coupon code ben if you want to get for free if this video was helpful i would encourage you to smash the like button because it does help more people find the video and also consider subscribing because i’m putting videos out like just like this just for you guys and uh consider checking out other videos right here on the channel it’s good to have you take care [Music] .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0 i&;m going to talk about this from a
0 practical and also experiential
0 perspective on whether or not
0 masturbating just by itself without
0 watching any porn but how to masturbate
0 in a way that actually can be helpful
0 hey guys benji here helping you quit
0 porn for good and achieve more in your
0 life whatever you want you want more
0 money you want a better body better
0 health better relationships better sex
0 you can have that all with the practice
0 of quitting porn no fap semen retention
0 so that you can have better focus more
0 confidence and better drive so this is a
0 very common question that a lot of
0 people ask in our groups and also when
0 i&;m working with people one-on-one can i
0 just masturbate and experience that that
0 climax and that pleasure without
0 associating that with pornography to
0 answer this question let me ask you two
0 really important questions number one is
0 how do you feel after you masturbate
0 what is your feeling
0 in most cases what men feel and women as
0 well feel after masturbating is a sense
0 of deflation literature literally and
0 emotionally deflation meaning that you
0 masturbate you&;re feeling your emotional
0 state it becomes ah i did it again the
0 cycle continues especially when you&;re
0 early on in your sexual um arousal
0 journey especially if you remember when
0 you&;re a teenager the feeling after
0 masturbation masturbating is very scared
0 even disgusted even like like i&;ve done
0 something terrible i&;ve sinned i&;ve
0 committed a grave sin or something like
0 that and usually that feeling of
0 tremendous guilt kind of weans off and
0 and dies off over time and that is a
0 clear indication that the act of
0 masturbating has become more and more of
0 a emotional crutch and also an addiction
0 so that it becomes less you become less
0 less sensitive to it and more
0 desensitized so ask yourself how do you
0 feel after masturbating do you feel i&;m
0 on top of the world i&;m ready to work
0 out and start a business and go on a
0 date and make a difference in the world
0 i&;m willing to bet no
0 in most cases it&;s always a sense of
0 deflation the second important question
0 you should ask yourself is does
0 masturbating even without pornography is
0 it something that you want to bring with
0 you into the future all right like i
0 just mentioned masturbating is an
0 addictive behavior it is very addictive
0 because of the stimulation right sexual
0 sexuality is is addictive it&;s it&;s
0 arousing right and especially as if
0 you&;re masturbating to specific
0 pornographic content or even through
0 fantasy my question for you is is that
0 habit and that addiction something that
0 you want to bring with you into your
0 future is that something you want to
0 bring with you into your relationships
0 into your marriage is this something you
0 want to bring with you even after you
0 have children is something you want to
0 bring with you into your working your
0 working career something you want to
0 bring with you into your schoolwork into
0 your your day-to-day life if the answer
0 is yeah you want to bring with you then
0 okay i guess it&;s okay to masturbate but
0 at the same time most people no i&;m
0 willing to bet it&;s not something that
0 you want to rely on but rather you want
0 to have control over your your sexuality
0 as opposed to having it control you so
0 overall is it okay to masturbate without
0 porn you can do it it&;s okay but you can
0 ask yourself and be honest if it&;s
0 something that you want to do and bring
0 with you and is it something that&;s
0 already affecting you in a negative way
0 and you do you really want to live your
0 life like that the big caveat here is
0 that the vast majority of people who are
0 masturbating are also associating that
0 with pornography meaning they&;re
0 watching pornography they&;re creating a
0 very strong sexual imprint of
0 pornography and the problem with that is
0 that when you do become have that strong
0 sexual imprinting when you&;re
0 masturbating to a specific kind of
0 content whether pornographic or
0 fantasizing then you become addicted to
0 that content and then you become less
0 and less attracted to actual sex in
0 relationship and you become actually
0 desensitized to a real relationship
0 because you&;ve relied so heavily on
0 masturbating to that pornographic
0 content so if you&;re in the vast
0 majority of people who are masturbating
0 to porn my recommendation for for all of
0 you is to disassociate porn and
0 masturbation to completely uh unlink
0 them and disconnect them in this way you
0 can actually start to wean off the porn
0 addiction and just if you&;re going to
0 masturbate and you decide to masturbate
0 just do it for the sake of of
0 masturbating as an act and try not to
0 fantasize or associate that with
0 anything that sexual importing that i&;m
0 talking about is very strong this is
0 usually why people especially nowadays
0 develop very interesting and unique
0 fetishes and addictions is because
0 typically people are exposed to content
0 when they&;re very young or they&;ve
0 exposed to content that is very graphic
0 and very extreme and aggressive and they
0 masturbate to that even very strange
0 things like like a water bottle or
0 or anything you can become sexually
0 imprinted to that because of the act of
0 having the sexual stimulus of
0 masturbating to that my personal
0 experience and advice as a man who is
0 married for now 11 years and we have
0 kids children is that masturbation is
0 not something that is conducive to a
0 healthy family relationship or life
0 career etc whatever you want in your
0 life whatever you want to achieve it&;s
0 generally not conducive and i believe
0 that the purpose of sexuality the
0 perfect purpose of sex drive is to give
0 not to receive it&;s to be selfless with
0 your sexuality and not selfish and the
0 more we are selfless and giving to our
0 your spouse your wife the more that your
0 sexuality becomes actually more intense
0 and more beautiful and my personal
0 experience as well as the guys that i
0 work with is that focusing that sexual
0 sexuality on an actual physical sexual
0 relationship and have that imprinting so
0 strongly associated with a human being
0 is infinitely more valuable it&;s more
0 precious it&;s more wholesome it&;s more
0 fulfilling and in the end it&;ll make you
0 more happy so if you&;re ready to start
0 with the process of giving up important
0 masturbation and actually living a
0 thriving life and having a relationship
0 that&;s genuine i want to gift to you
0 guys a my 21 day reboot program i&;m
0 going to give it to you guys right here
0 on youtube for free if you go to my
0 website
0 and you use my coupon code it&;s ben ben
0 i want to give that to you guys it&;s a
0 21 day reboot of actually challenging
0 you to give up porn masturbation for 21
0 days on the premise on the foundation of
0 of having your vision set on something
0 bigger and i talk about this in the
0 video that you&;re going to get when you
0 sign up for that and it&;s through that
0 process that porn masturbation all this
0 stuff becomes just an afterthought it
0 becomes an old friend that lives under
0 your bed or in your closet in your
0 garage that you just don&;t need anymore
0 because it&;s unhealthy for you right so
0 go check it out go to put
0 in the coupon code ben if you want to
0 get for free
0 if this video was helpful i would
0 encourage you to smash the like button
0 because it does help more people find
0 the video and also consider subscribing
0 because i&;m putting videos out like just
0 like this just for you guys and uh
0 consider checking out other videos right
0 here on the channel it&;s good to have
0 you take care
0 [Music]

, Youtube (masturbate): Est-il acceptable de se masturber sans porno?Aller à la source
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