Le thème «masturbate» en images : Une vidéo sur YouTube
Le thème « masturbate » abordé sur youtube par Rhema Channel TV
Signée par Rhema Channel TV, cette vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) se concentre sur le thème « masturbate », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.
YouTube permet à tous dans le monde entier de partager leurs passions, leurs talents et leurs idées, offrant une plateforme unique pour s’exprimer.
Cette vidéo, que nous avons récemment découverte (le ), présentait déjà des informations intéressantes. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 2061.
Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:21:54s), le titre (HOW THE SPIRIT OF MASTURBATION AND FORNICATION OPERATE – APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« ►Speaker: L’apôtre Joshua Selman à propos de nous: Nous sommes très passionnés et aidons les gens à vivre une vie déterminée, archivant passionnément leur destin et relancez le monde avec la Parole de Dieu. Avertissement de foire: notre objectif lors de la réalisation de ces vidéos est d’équiper les croyants en particulier, les célibataires, les informations éducatives nécessaires sur leur vie conjugale / relationnelle, leur vie spirituelle, leur vie commerciale, leur vie universitaire et leur vie sociale. Pour un accès facile aux messages partagés sur cette page, recherchez: l’apôtre Joshua Selman au Kenya 2023 apôtre Joshua Selman Ministration Apôtre Joshua Selman Prier dans l’apôtre Joshua Selman Apôtre Joshua Selman SERMON Joshua Selman Live Apôtre Joshua Selman 2021 Joshua Selman apôtre Joshua Selman Messages Joshua Selman Message Koinonia Abuja APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN 2020 APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN 2021 APOSTLE SELMAN 2022 Koinonia Global Live Koinonia Live Stream Apôtre Selman Live Koinonia Abuja Apôtre en direct Joshua Selman Messages de la diffusion en direct Joshua Selman Tongues Apôtre Joshua Selman Koinonia Vidéos Koinonia Apôtre mondial Joshua Seiman SBHIC Connect Selman’s Videos en ligne Sermons Résultats Commandant les messages Koinonia Koinonia Messages 2021 apôtre Joshua Selman Déclaration prophétique apôtre Joshua Selman Rhema Channel TV APOSLE JOSHUA SELMAN APOSTLE JOSHUA AUST MIRACLE SERVICE APOSTLE Joshua Selman Tongues of Fire Apôtre Joshua Selman APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN MINISTRE APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN APOSTLE SELMAN KOINONIASERMONS2 petit clip Koinonia Regardez TV Koinonia Messages 2022 #APOSTLEJOSHUASELMANVIDEO ANSECRETPLACE #APOSTLEJOSHUASELMANSECRETTOBEMINGHETHETYOU #APOSTLEJOSHUASELMANMYSTERY #APOSTLEJOSHUASELMANMYSTREYOFDESTINYHELPER ctlainchiiacalman ».
Visionnez la vidéo directement sous ce texte
Construire un plan d’action pour rompre avec cette habitude
Mettre en avant des actions à entreprendre pour éviter les rechutes
- Mettre en place une routine structurée : Remplissez vos journées d’activités planifiées.
- Mettre en place un emploi du temps clair : Remplissez chaque moment de votre journée avec des activités productives.
Offrir des approches efficaces pour diminuer cette pratique
- Se fixer des objectifs précis : Utilisez des méthodes progressives ou participez au mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence complète.
- Se fixer des objectifs précis : Engagez-vous dans des stratégies progressives ou suivez le mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence totale.
- Se fixer des objectifs clairs : Optez pour une approche progressive ou participez au mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage total.
Valoriser le soutien des proches dans ce processus
- Discuter avec un sexologue : Un professionnel peut guider vers des solutions efficaces. (par exemplece service pour la chasteté masculine)
- Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : Partager ses objectifs avec d’autres aide à rester motivé.
Se pencher sur la dépendance à la masturbation pour en comprendre les effets
Noter les signaux d’une dépendance croissante
La dépendance se caractérise par une pratique de plus en plus fréquente, accompagnée d’une incapacité à contrôler cette activité, au détriment d’autres engagements. Cela peut engendrer des problèmes dans les relations avec un partenaire.
Réfléchir aux impacts sur le corps et l’esprit
L’abus de masturbation et la consommation instinctive de pornographie stimulent de manière constante le système dopaminergique, ce qui peut causer des troubles comme une éjaculation précoce, une baisse d’énergie et une insatisfaction sexuelle.
Examiner les différents aspects de la masturbation et ses manifestations
La masturbation, souvent considérée comme saine pour réduire le stress et mieux connaître son corps, peut poser problème lorsqu’elle dépasse certaines limites.
Évaluer les explications de l’augmentation de cette pratique
Observer les changements comportementaux induits par la pornographie
La pornographie joue un rôle central. Elle stimule fréquemment le désir de se masturber et peut entraîner une perception erronée de la sexualité.
Revoir les facteurs liés à l’esprit et aux émotions
Le stress, l’anxiété et l’insatisfaction dans d’autres aspects de la vie peuvent favoriser cette pratique excessive.
Étudier l’influence de l’isolement et du désir
L’isolement et un désir non comblé, que ce soit dans une relation amoureuse ou dans la vie personnelle, sont des moteurs de cette pratique.
Sexualité et addiction à la masturbation : trouver des solutions
Pour de nombreuses personnes, hommes et femmes confondus, mettre fin à la masturbation peut représenter un véritable défi. Si cette activité est souvent vue comme une pratique saine et normale pour mieux comprendre sa sexualité, elle peut toutefois devenir problématique lorsqu’elle prend une place compulsive et empiète sur d’autres sphères de la vie, comme le travail ou la santé mentale.
Analyser les avantages d’un sevrage réussi
Mettre en lumière le parcours vers une joie pérenne
La diminution de la dépendance entraîne des bénéfices durables dans tous les domaines de la vie.
Illustrer les effets positifs sur les connexions sociales
Les échanges avec un partenaire deviennent plus riches, avec une relation émotionnelle et physique solidifiée.
Présenter l’évolution vers un mieux-être mental
Cesser cette pratique a pour effet une augmentation de l’énergie, une humeur plus stable et une meilleure capacité de concentration.
En somme
Mettre un terme à la masturbation instinctive est un processus qui demande du temps et de la constance. Grâce à une approche structurée et au soutien nécessaire, il devient possible de réussir ce défi et d’accéder aux bienfaits d’une vie plus centrée et enrichissante.
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le post original: Cliquer ici
#Comment #fonctionne #lesprit #masturbation #fornication #lapôtre #Joshua #Selman
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] if a man of God for instance is suffering from masturbation and pornography for instance and a member now comes and says daddy or Papa or whatever I I I’m I’m I love God but I think that there is a challenge in my life how can the man now help this person when the truth is that this is his old is a question he’s asking in the secret he can wear the suit and do a lot of things but in the secret I’ve spoken with many men of God and there are many pastors that have come for counseling and they have opened up themselves man of God I love God but this and that and that area some of them have gone for 40 days fasting some of them have done a lot of things am I being sincere to tonight you know part of my goal is to discuss some of the things that the body of Christ runs away from this is why we do not sustain true spiritual power is that true there are men of God that still go back to sleep in the night and demons still oppress them they wake up wonder what has happened and they still dress and run back to church I’ve shared my story I was I was a preacher and I was doing well I was still being oppressed by demons it was a personal contemplation how can I come and preach and see Miracles and yet go back to bed and demons come to press my neck want to choke me what a paradox yet I see the glory of God so much and I had to be sincere with myself that’s what a lot of us need to do to ourselves tonight you must open up yourself and say something is wrong and and I’m humble enough to find out what is this thing that is making my prayer life up today and down tomorrow some of us the last time you read your Bible was last Friday and it was here and you love the Lord tonight God is going to help us in the name of the Lord Jesus many of us right now we are even afraid of ourselves because the truth is we don’t know what we can do now we don’t even trust what we can do right now praise the Lord the man of God is afraid of counseling ladies because he doesn’t even know what is left the last time he saw something that emerged from him it surprised him H yet we just pretend that everything is okay how could we tell a lie do you know this lie is deception the end of faith is a manifestation where you can walk in Victory brothers and sisters if that Victory is not established in your life I am telling you again something is wrong this is not the gospel that our father has carried there were men who walked upon this Earth and demonstrated effortlessly that the flesh can be conquered is that true there are men of God who walked right now it has become so bad that if they see a young man once you a young preacher people just look at you and Nod say to may God just help us because they can assume and say there is no way this guy is not doing XYZ or if there is blood running in your body no way it has become an acceptable thing because we have seen not to criticize but we have seen Bishops Reverend pastors after 10 20 years in Ministry they come up and they make all kinds of stupid confessions a man has been preaching with parishes and branches and one day he’s stand before his congregation and said I need to confess for the last 15 or 20 years I have been gay I like men how do you explain this what what about the Crusades what about the whe chair it’s not like something happened one year ago to say okay you where did you go I you didn’t pray it has been like that in the last 20 years yet conventions were still held yet powerful Faith teaching were being taught I am the righteousness of God sin has no Dominion in my body and we finish all of that and we go back and we know we are slaves there is a chain that is upon many in the body of Christ and it looks like we are helpless I began to study when I started walking with God after studying ew Kenyon one of the people that I studied very intently was Watchman KNE there are two men that have influenced my life as far as the victory that the cross brings number one is Watchman KNE number two Peter Tan this men demonstrated I saw it through their writings and for peteran is still alive I saw these people mentored my life and made it they it was very real they didn’t just say it is possible they showed me how to make it happen is that true see let me tell you something the fact that something has been settled in Christ does not mean it will manifest automatically in your life are you getting what I’m saying I keep saying this thing again and again there are many of us the way we are now your friend cannot come and stay in the same room with you your friend cannot come and spend weekend with you because you are embarrassed has to find out what they may discover there are many of us our phones and everywhere are passworded we are preachers but they are passworded because even on were embarrassed by what they will find there there are many people now if they are to go and check the history of your laptop the history page in the last three or 4 days we will be amazed at the things that you have [Music] browsed the flesh what is this spiritual element that refuses to let Believers to rise to that position where we demonstrate experientially that certain possibilities are real listen let me tell you something I’m still discussing a few things do you know look at me victory over the flesh is not willpower to Res resist evil willower is just physical it is the natural contribution of a man to keep himself holy are you getting my point that’s not what I’m talking about if I see for right now look at me and I’m lusting after her in my heart I’m Desiring that ah how will I get this lady for instance to commit all kinds of immorality with her and then I let her say k i square up opportunity has not created itself that does not mean that I am free from that grip are you getting my point there are many people the reason why certain things have not happened in our lives is that the atmosphere has not been created it’s not like we are that bold because when if I stand right now and I’m still suffering from the urge for immorality I’m still a slave you are free when the OD leaves you too please are you getting what I’m saying so all this all this willpower thing that people try to do for how long can you use physical strength I tell you there is a system in the spirit and if you do not know that system get ready for Scandal upon scandal in your life is someone following me tonight so it robs The Believer from experiencing what you have been professing Christ the power of sin is broken this and that and that and that and yet we find out that the truth is we are slaves to sin in many respects number two the issue with this nature is that the believer in this condition will hardly experience sustained spiritual growth that’s number two the issue with this kind of nature is that the believer that finds himself in this condition of a carnal life will hardly be able to sustain his or her spiritual growth many of us will testify that it is almost impossible you know when people send me text messages and you know they just want to commend me one of the things they say and I receive it with all humility is that man of God you have been consistent we have known you for XYZ years and it only keeps getting from glory to glory you know that if you are faking something Time Will Reveal it is is that true no you cannot if you fake Holiness time will it will reveal it brothers and sisters if you fake Purity if you fake certain things a day will come there will be a loophole that will reveal that this was not a true conviction if you fake prayer life you fake that you a man of prayer something in your life will create an occasion and men will say k it’s not true there are lots of people have seen them pray let’s pray let’s pray you know that this is not a man of prayer he’s just doing it there is something about a testimony of the altar of incense upon your life when you see a man of prayer is not by jacking and looking matal there is a testimony that there is an incense that right is on your secret place if you don’t fast and you lie or you just do General fasting and you are saying look there is always something in the spirit that betrays you men cannot see it but they can discern that what you are saying is not truly you they can’t explain why they are feeling what they are feeling every time they stay close to you and they pray nothing catches them that’s a sign that is a lie please are we getting are we getting blessed the Lord has brought this to help us we are breaking follow grounds in the spirit and I trust that many people will be released tonight in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ sustain spiritual growth so you find out that a brother or sister is zelous loving the Lord fasting for days and after six or seven months the person now comes back and says I don’t understand this thing know I’ve gone back and you’re like uhuh you mean you that even organized three programs in one week say I’ve gone back do you know why Satan has an advantage of being the lightbearer I’ve told you this so Satan is not a fool Satan knows when you are truly delivered from a thing if you are not even when you try to break it’s like a slave that there is a long shame they can allow you to move so you are just moving and you think it’s victory and you reach a point and Satan says you think I’m so DED and then you come back and you find out some of us have even accepted that see there is no way out everybody is like that no everybody is not like that yes everybody is not like that there is a realm that when you remain when you hear someone else speaking you will think they certain possibilities only become activated under certain atmospheres are you getting what I’m saying number three let’s hurry up the issue with this kind of nature is that it grants access to demonic influences in that believer’s life the problem with remaining in this caral nature is that it grants access it Stills Grant access to demonic activities in that believer’s life so it’s very easy that’s the reason why you find out that sometimes it looks like in our lives Deliverance is endless Deliverance is endless because it looks like the same weights that we are been delivered from and then after a while we return back Jesus gave us a key in the spirit and he said it this way Satan cometh to me have you read that scripture he said and does not find anything that means when Satan looks at you he looks at what belongs to him and that becomes his point of entrance into your life so there are many people do you know that to an extent that many Deliverance Ministries especially Deliverance Ministries that do not work with accurate perception let me tell you what the devil does some sometimes the person comes the man of God is Not So anointed but because these Spirits know that their exit and enter into the believer the believer’s life is it does not have any restraint before the man of God takes his hand to lay on the person the demons just leave a nice exit and the person just gets up and says wow I’m free and then they know that they know what buttons to press in the spirit and you respond to a nature that belongs to them and they get back into your life very simple is someone hearing what I’m saying that’s why for many people they can say ah I was healed or I came to church I was delivered I was blessed I felt light on my way going home something happened a mysterious fight just evolved itself on your way home with somebody and you enter and you feel I’m not normal something has happened yes truly something has happened it was oh Watchman is such a gift to the body of Christ that man had an encounter many of you who do not know Watchman Watchman was an Asian he was locked in the prison for many years and it was during that time he had Encounter With Jesus and Jesus taught him the principle of spiritual victory over the flesh scarce teachings that people don’t teach please if you can look for watch man materials like you to sit on it and grow it may be uncommon but I assure you this truths will make you of dexterity in the spirit are we getting blessed so there are many demonic operations in the lives of people that’s why you can see a pastor a goo can just come and say Rose when I ask you to to bring water did you bring before she says no he has given her a dirty slab ah no something is wrong oh let me tell you something is wrong are you hearing what I’m saying or a man of God sees the Jeep of somebody else and he now starts saying you know the Lord says give and he shall be given unto you we’re going to examine a few things let me rush cuz I have a lot to talk about number four the issue with this kind of nature is that in its worst state please write I’m dictating because I don’t want want us to miss anything in its worst state the believer can lose his salvation through idolatry and Rebellion when this situation becomes acute it sustains the capacity to take the believer to hell and this is where we get the balance notice I told you the caral man is saved by the way let me deliver you once and for all if you are new in this place that there is no such thing as one saved forever saved hello please hear me I speak to you as the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ i’ like you to throw that theology out of your mind if one saved forever saved I like you to justify why Aquila and chilia died because they were part of the church what happened to their salvation number two explain to me the mystery of this man in the Bible called Demas have you read the story of a man called Demas in the Bible Paul the Apostle began to speak and was cautioning people against Demas Demas who used to be a faithful brother who had now deviated from the faith you can listen to my teaching the apostate church and and so there are many believers who are on their way to hell and are convincing themselves that I remember in 1995 I think I can remember you will see somebody in the beer paror arguing as an elder of a church he said Let Jesus come and you see whether I won’t go had baptisma and he believes that based on that he has his baptisma certificate that he was immersed in water he has a day he has the counselor SLE he even has records of foundation class and he’s Justified that even Jesus Christ will admit me to Heaven what a shock hallelujah what is idolatry in the context that I just used idolatry is the worship of other things other than God any other thing that is not God Almighty is idolatry anything let me hurry up the last Point number five now the issue with this nature is that it stops The Believer from becoming a true lamb stand and a written a pistle across his territory of influence it can stop Stop The Believer from being a true lampstand the Bible says ye are the light of the world is that true let me let me finish the dictation I know some of us are writing it can stop the believer from becoming a true lamp stand and a written epistle across his territory of influence God has given every one of US territories of influence but when you remain in this nature of canal it robs you of the opportunity of becoming a true lampstand the Bible says do everything without complaining or arguing it says so that you will be called blameless and pure Children of the Lord you know without uh perversion and this he said that you will shine like stars as you hold forth the word of life you see that John said I saw seven lampstands and that talks about the Catholic Church the perfect Church The Universal Church the Ecclesia of God and they were all burning none you say you you cannot light a candle and put it under a bush the Bible says the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord but the fire of the Holy Ghost is the fire that comes to light your candle so that you can lift it and place it and men can use your life as a reference as a template of what godliness is that when God wants to correct them he will just use your face somebody wants to go to a beor he just sees a vision of you God has spoken to him the person just turns back and says K now wow just like God used Moses and Elijah to represent the law and the prophet God wants to use our lives as spiritual yard sticks to Define to people the scope of what true Holiness is what true righteousness is what true love is what true Victory is but he’s largely not been able to go that far because we have not understood the system that helps us to partner with him is God helping someone tonight Hallelujah .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.4 [Music]
0.4 if a man of God for instance is
0.4 suffering from masturbation and
0.4 pornography for instance and a member
0.4 now comes and says daddy or Papa or
0.4 whatever I I I&;m I&;m I love God but I
0.4 think that there is a challenge in my
0.4 life how can the man now help this
0.4 person when the truth is that this is
0.4 his old is a question he&;s asking in the
0.4 secret he can wear the suit and do a lot
0.4 of things but in the
0.4 secret I&;ve spoken with many men of God
0.4 and there are many pastors that have
0.4 come for counseling and they have opened
0.4 up themselves man of God I love God but
0.4 this and that and that area some of them
0.4 have gone for 40 days
0.4 fasting some of them have done a lot of
0.4 things am I being sincere to tonight you
0.4 know part of my goal is to discuss some
0.4 of the things that the body of Christ
0.4 runs away from this is why we do not
0.4 sustain true spiritual
0.4 power is that true there are men of God
0.4 that still go back to sleep in the night
0.4 and demons still oppress them they wake
0.4 up wonder what has happened and they
0.4 still dress and run back to church I&;ve
0.4 shared my story I was I was a preacher
0.4 and I was doing well I was still being
0.4 oppressed by demons
0.4 it was a personal
0.4 contemplation how can I come and preach
0.4 and see Miracles and yet go back to bed
0.4 and demons come to press my neck want to
0.4 choke me what a paradox yet I see the
0.4 glory of God so much and I had to be
0.4 sincere with myself that&;s what a lot of
0.4 us need to do to ourselves
0.4 tonight you must open up yourself and
0.4 say something is wrong and and I&;m
0.4 humble enough to find out what is this
0.4 thing that is making my prayer life up
0.4 today and down tomorrow some of us the
0.4 last time you read your Bible was last
0.4 Friday and it was
0.4 here and you love the Lord tonight God
0.4 is going to help us in the name of the
0.4 Lord Jesus many of us right now we are
0.4 even afraid of ourselves because the
0.4 truth is we don&;t know what we can do
0.4 now we don&;t even trust what we can do
0.4 right now
0.4 praise the Lord the man of God is afraid
0.4 of counseling ladies because he doesn&;t
0.4 even know what is left the last time he
0.4 saw something that emerged from him it
0.4 surprised
0.4 him H yet we just pretend that
0.4 everything is okay how could we tell a
0.4 lie do you know this lie is deception
0.4 the end of faith is a manifestation
0.4 where you can walk in Victory brothers
0.4 and sisters if that Victory is not
0.4 established in your life I am telling
0.4 you again something is wrong this is not
0.4 the gospel that our father has carried
0.4 there were men who walked upon this
0.4 Earth and demonstrated effortlessly that
0.4 the flesh can be conquered is that true
0.4 there are men of God who walked right
0.4 now it has become so bad that if they
0.4 see a young man once you a young
0.4 preacher people just look at you and Nod
0.4 say to may God just help us because they
0.4 can assume and say there is no way this
0.4 guy is not doing XYZ or if there is
0.4 blood running in your body no way it has
0.4 become an acceptable thing because we
0.4 have seen not to criticize but we have
0.4 seen Bishops Reverend pastors after 10
0.4 20 years in Ministry they come up and
0.4 they make all kinds of stupid
0.4 confessions a man has been preaching
0.4 with parishes and branches and one day
0.4 he&;s stand before his congregation and
0.4 said I need to confess for the last 15
0.4 or 20 years I have been gay I like men
0.4 how do you explain
0.4 this what what about the
0.4 Crusades what about the whe chair it&;s
0.4 not like something happened one year ago
0.4 to say okay you where did you go I you
0.4 didn&;t pray it has been like that in the
0.4 last 20 years yet conventions were still
0.4 held yet powerful Faith teaching were
0.4 being taught I am the righteousness of
0.4 God sin has no Dominion in my body and
0.4 we finish all of that and we go back and
0.4 we know we are slaves there is a chain
0.4 that is upon many in the body of Christ
0.4 and it looks like we are
0.4 helpless I began to study when I started
0.4 walking with God after studying ew
0.4 Kenyon one of the people that I studied
0.4 very intently was Watchman KNE
0.4 there are two men that have influenced
0.4 my life as far as the victory that the
0.4 cross brings number one is Watchman KNE
0.4 number two Peter Tan this men
0.4 demonstrated I saw it through their
0.4 writings and for peteran is still alive
0.4 I saw these people mentored my life and
0.4 made it they it was very real they
0.4 didn&;t just say it is possible they
0.4 showed me how to make it happen
0.4 is that
0.4 true see let me tell you something the
0.4 fact that something has been settled in
0.4 Christ does not mean it will manifest
0.4 automatically in your life are you
0.4 getting what I&;m saying I keep saying
0.4 this thing again and
0.4 again there are many of us the way we
0.4 are now your friend cannot come and stay
0.4 in the same room with you your friend
0.4 cannot come and spend weekend with you
0.4 because you are embarrassed has to find
0.4 out what they may
0.4 discover there are many of us our phones
0.4 and everywhere are passworded we are
0.4 preachers but they are passworded
0.4 because even on were embarrassed by what
0.4 they will find there there are many
0.4 people now if they are to go and check
0.4 the history of your laptop the history
0.4 page in the last three or 4 days we will
0.4 be amazed at the things that you have
0.4 [Music]
0.4 browsed the flesh
0.4 what is this spiritual
0.4 element that refuses to let Believers to
0.4 rise to that position where we
0.4 demonstrate
0.4 experientially that certain
0.4 possibilities are real
0.4 listen let me tell you something I&;m
0.4 still discussing a few things do you
0.4 know look at
0.4 me victory over the flesh is not
0.4 willpower to Res resist evil willower is
0.4 just physical it is the natural
0.4 contribution of a man to keep himself
0.4 holy are you getting my point that&;s not
0.4 what I&;m talking
0.4 about if I see for right now look at me
0.4 and I&;m lusting after her in my heart
0.4 I&;m Desiring that ah how will I get this
0.4 lady for instance to commit all kinds of
0.4 immorality with her and then I let her
0.4 say k i square up
0.4 opportunity has not created itself that
0.4 does not mean that I am free from that
0.4 grip are you getting my point there are
0.4 many people the reason why certain
0.4 things have not happened in our lives is
0.4 that the atmosphere has not been created
0.4 it&;s not like we are that bold because
0.4 when if I stand right now and I&;m still
0.4 suffering from the urge for immorality
0.4 I&;m still a slave you are free when the
0.4 OD leaves you too please are you getting
0.4 what I&;m
0.4 saying so all this all this willpower
0.4 thing that people try to do for how long
0.4 can you use physical strength I tell you
0.4 there is a system in the spirit and if
0.4 you do not know that system get ready
0.4 for Scandal upon scandal in your
0.4 life is someone following me
0.4 tonight so it robs The Believer from
0.4 experiencing what you have been
0.4 professing Christ the power of sin is
0.4 broken this and that and that and that
0.4 and yet we find out that the truth is we
0.4 are slaves to sin in many
0.4 respects number two the issue with this
0.4 nature is that the believer in this
0.4 condition will hardly experience
0.4 sustained spiritual
0.4 growth that&;s number two the issue with
0.4 this kind of nature is that the believer
0.4 that finds himself in this condition of
0.4 a carnal life will hardly be able to
0.4 sustain his or her spiritual
0.4 growth many of us will testify that it
0.4 is almost impossible you know when
0.4 people send me text messages and you
0.4 know they just want to commend me one of
0.4 the things they say and I receive it
0.4 with all humility is that man of God you
0.4 have been
0.4 consistent we have known you for XYZ
0.4 years and it only keeps getting from
0.4 glory to glory you know that if you are
0.4 faking something Time Will Reveal it is
0.4 is that true no you cannot if you fake
0.4 Holiness time will it will reveal it
0.4 brothers and sisters if you fake Purity
0.4 if you fake certain things a day will
0.4 come there will be a loophole that will
0.4 reveal that this was not a true
0.4 conviction if you fake prayer life you
0.4 fake that you a man of prayer something
0.4 in your life will create an occasion and
0.4 men will say k it&;s not true there are
0.4 lots of people have seen them pray let&;s
0.4 pray let&;s pray you know that this is
0.4 not a man of prayer he&;s just doing it
0.4 there is something about a testimony of
0.4 the altar of incense upon your life when
0.4 you see a man of prayer is not by
0.4 jacking and looking matal there is a
0.4 testimony that there is an incense that
0.4 right is on your secret place if you
0.4 don&;t fast and you lie or you just do
0.4 General fasting and you are saying look
0.4 there is always something in the spirit
0.4 that betrays you men cannot see it but
0.4 they can discern that what you are
0.4 saying is not truly you they can&;t
0.4 explain why they are feeling what they
0.4 are feeling every time they stay close
0.4 to you and they pray nothing catches
0.4 them that&;s a sign that is a
0.4 lie please are we getting are we getting
0.4 blessed
0.4 the Lord has brought this to help us we
0.4 are breaking follow grounds in the
0.4 spirit and I trust that many people will
0.4 be released tonight in the name of the
0.4 Lord Jesus
0.4 Christ sustain spiritual growth so you
0.4 find out that a brother or sister is
0.4 zelous loving the Lord fasting for days
0.4 and after six or seven months the person
0.4 now comes back and says I don&;t
0.4 understand this thing know I&;ve gone
0.4 back and you&;re like uhuh you mean you
0.4 that even organized three programs in
0.4 one week say I&;ve gone back do you know
0.4 why
0.4 Satan has an
0.4 advantage of being the lightbearer I&;ve
0.4 told you this so Satan is not a fool
0.4 Satan knows when you are truly delivered
0.4 from a thing if you are not even when
0.4 you try to break it&;s like a slave that
0.4 there is a long shame they can allow you
0.4 to move so you are just moving and you
0.4 think it&;s victory and you reach a point
0.4 and Satan says you think I&;m so DED and
0.4 then you come back and you find out some
0.4 of us have even accepted that see there
0.4 is no way out everybody is like that no
0.4 everybody is not like
0.4 that yes everybody is not like that
0.4 there is a realm that when you remain
0.4 when you hear someone else speaking you
0.4 will think they
0.4 certain possibilities only become
0.4 activated under certain
0.4 atmospheres are you getting what I&;m
0.4 saying number three let&;s hurry up the
0.4 issue with this kind of nature is
0.4 that it grants access to demonic
0.4 influences in that believer&;s life the
0.4 problem with remaining in this caral
0.4 nature is that it grants access it
0.4 Stills Grant access to demonic
0.4 activities in that believer&;s
0.4 life so it&;s very
0.4 easy that&;s the reason why you find out
0.4 that sometimes it looks like in our
0.4 lives Deliverance is
0.4 endless Deliverance is endless because
0.4 it looks like the same weights that we
0.4 are been delivered from and then after a
0.4 while we return back Jesus gave us a key
0.4 in the spirit and he said it this way
0.4 Satan cometh to me have you read that
0.4 scripture he said and does not find
0.4 anything that means when Satan looks at
0.4 you he looks at what belongs to him and
0.4 that becomes his point of entrance into
0.4 your
0.4 life so there are many people do you
0.4 know that to an extent that many
0.4 Deliverance Ministries especially
0.4 Deliverance Ministries that do not work
0.4 with accurate perception let me tell you
0.4 what the devil does some sometimes the
0.4 person comes the man of God is Not So
0.4 anointed but because these Spirits know
0.4 that their exit and enter into the
0.4 believer the believer&;s life is it does
0.4 not have any restraint before the man of
0.4 God takes his hand to lay on the person
0.4 the demons just leave a nice exit and
0.4 the person just gets up and says wow I&;m
0.4 free and then they know that they know
0.4 what buttons to press in the spirit and
0.4 you respond to a nature that belongs to
0.4 them and they get back into your life
0.4 very
0.4 simple is someone hearing what I&;m
0.4 saying that&;s why for many people they
0.4 can say ah I was healed or I came to
0.4 church I was delivered I was blessed I
0.4 felt light on my way going home
0.4 something happened a mysterious fight
0.4 just evolved itself on your way home
0.4 with somebody and you enter and you feel
0.4 I&;m not normal something has happened
0.4 yes truly something has
0.4 happened it was oh Watchman is such a
0.4 gift to the body of Christ that man had
0.4 an encounter many of you who do not know
0.4 Watchman Watchman was an Asian he was
0.4 locked in the prison for many years and
0.4 it was during that time he had Encounter
0.4 With Jesus and Jesus taught him the
0.4 principle of spiritual victory over the
0.4 flesh scarce teachings that people don&;t
0.4 teach please if you can look for watch
0.4 man materials like you to sit on it and
0.4 grow it may be uncommon but I assure you
0.4 this truths will make you of dexterity
0.4 in the
0.4 spirit are we getting
0.4 blessed so there are many demonic
0.4 operations in the lives of people that&;s
0.4 why you can see a pastor a goo can just
0.4 come and say Rose when I ask you to to
0.4 bring water did you bring before she
0.4 says no he has given her a dirty slab ah
0.4 no something is wrong oh let me tell you
0.4 something is wrong are you hearing what
0.4 I&;m
0.4 saying or a man of God sees the Jeep of
0.4 somebody else and he now starts saying
0.4 you know the Lord says give and he shall
0.4 be given unto you we&;re going to examine
0.4 a few things let me rush cuz I have a
0.4 lot to talk about number four the issue
0.4 with this kind of
0.4 nature is that in its worst state please
0.4 write I&;m dictating because I don&;t want
0.4 want us to miss anything in its worst
0.4 state the believer can lose his
0.4 salvation through idolatry and
0.4 Rebellion when this situation becomes
0.4 acute it sustains the capacity to take
0.4 the believer to
0.4 hell and this is where we get the
0.4 balance notice I told you the caral man
0.4 is
0.4 saved by the way let me deliver you once
0.4 and for all if you are new in this place
0.4 that there is no such thing as one saved
0.4 forever saved hello please hear me I
0.4 speak to you as the servant of the Lord
0.4 Jesus
0.4 Christ i&; like you to throw that
0.4 theology out of your
0.4 mind if one saved forever saved I like
0.4 you to justify why Aquila and chilia
0.4 died because they were part of the
0.4 church what happened to their
0.4 salvation number two explain to me the
0.4 mystery of this man in the Bible called
0.4 Demas have you read the story of a man
0.4 called Demas in the Bible Paul the
0.4 Apostle began to speak and was
0.4 cautioning people against
0.4 Demas Demas who used to be a faithful
0.4 brother who had now deviated from the
0.4 faith you can listen to my teaching the
0.4 apostate
0.4 church and and so there are many
0.4 believers who are on their way to hell
0.4 and are convincing themselves that I
0.4 remember in 1995 I think I can remember
0.4 you will see somebody in the beer paror
0.4 arguing as an elder of a church he said
0.4 Let Jesus come and you see whether I
0.4 won&;t go had baptisma and he
0.4 believes that based on that he has his
0.4 baptisma certificate that he was
0.4 immersed in water he has a day he has
0.4 the counselor SLE he even has records of
0.4 foundation class and he&;s Justified that
0.4 even Jesus Christ will admit me to
0.4 Heaven what a
0.4 shock
0.4 hallelujah what is idolatry in the
0.4 context that I just used idolatry is the
0.4 worship of other things other than God
0.4 any other thing that is not God
0.4 Almighty is idolatry
0.4 anything let me hurry up the last Point
0.4 number five now the issue with this
0.4 nature is that it stops The Believer
0.4 from becoming a true lamb
0.4 stand and a written a
0.4 pistle across his territory of
0.4 influence it can stop Stop The Believer
0.4 from being a true lampstand the Bible
0.4 says ye are the light of the world is
0.4 that
0.4 true let me let me finish the dictation
0.4 I know some of us are writing it can
0.4 stop the believer from becoming a true
0.4 lamp stand and a written epistle across
0.4 his territory of
0.4 influence God has given every one of US
0.4 territories of
0.4 influence but when you remain in this
0.4 nature of
0.4 canal it robs you of the opportunity of
0.4 becoming a true
0.4 lampstand the Bible says do everything
0.4 without complaining or arguing it says
0.4 so that you will be called blameless and
0.4 pure Children of the Lord you know
0.4 without uh perversion and this he said
0.4 that you will shine like
0.4 stars as you hold forth the word of
0.4 life you see that John said I saw seven
0.4 lampstands and that talks about the
0.4 Catholic Church the perfect Church The
0.4 Universal Church the Ecclesia of
0.4 God and they were all
0.4 burning
0.4 none you say you you cannot light a
0.4 candle and put it under a bush the Bible
0.4 says the spirit of man is the candle of
0.4 the Lord but the fire of the Holy Ghost
0.4 is the fire that comes to light your
0.4 candle so that you can lift it and place
0.4 it and men can use your life as a
0.4 reference as a template of what
0.4 godliness
0.4 is that when God wants to correct them
0.4 he will just use your face somebody
0.4 wants to go to a beor he just sees a
0.4 vision of you God has spoken to him the
0.4 person just turns back and says K now
0.4 wow just like God used Moses and Elijah
0.4 to represent the law and the prophet God
0.4 wants to use our lives as spiritual yard
0.4 sticks to Define to people the scope of
0.4 what true Holiness is what true
0.4 righteousness is what true love is what
0.4 true Victory
0.4 is but he&;s largely not been able to go
0.4 that far because we have not understood
0.4 the system that helps us to partner with
0.4 him is God helping someone tonight
0.4 Hallelujah
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