YouTube : Le thème « masturbate » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative
Vidéo sur le thème « masturbate » par THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Une vidéo, partagée par THE BEAT by Allen Parr sur YouTube (depuis le ),
est consacrée au thème « masturbate » et en présente quelques aspects.
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Pour une évaluation complète, il faut considérer la durée (00:05:11s), le titre (IS MASTURBATION A SIN? SHOULD CHRISTIANS MASTURBATE?), ainsi que le commentaire de l’auteur :« Veuillez regarder: « La seule chose que chaque chrétien devrait faire, mais la plupart ne le sont pas! » – ~ – La masturbation est-elle un péché? Cette question a été posée plusieurs fois sous diverses formes. La masturbation est un sujet qui est interdit pour l’église. La masturbation est-elle un péché? Eh bien, avant de répondre à cette question, je vous encourage à vous poser les six questions que je pose dans cette vidéo. ________________________________________________________________________ Apprenez à étudier la Bible: Le rythme fournit des outils, de la formation et de l’enseignement conçus pour équiper les gens de Dieu pour faire l’œuvre de Dieu. Abonnez-vous à The Beat: Téléchargez mon nouvel ebook intitulé « Five Keys to Unlocking Your Purpose » ~ Téléchargez les notes À cette vidéo: Visitez mon site Web: ____________________________________________________________________ pour plus d’informations sur ce sujet, consultez ces liens … Regardez? V = hv1a9m5_o6y ____________________________________________________________ Site Web: YouTube: (tagstotranslate) est la masturbation est un péché? (T) Les chrétiens peuvent-ils masturber ».
Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous
Masturbation, désir et équilibre : le défi d’un nouveau départ
Pour de nombreuses personnes, hommes et femmes confondus, mettre fin à la masturbation peut représenter un véritable défi. Si cette activité est souvent vue comme une pratique saine et normale pour mieux comprendre sa sexualité, elle peut toutefois devenir problématique lorsqu’elle prend une place excessive et empiète sur d’autres sphères de la vie, comme le travail ou la santé mentale.
Démystifier la dépendance à la masturbation pour mieux la combattre
Expliquer ce qu’englobe la masturbation et ses pratiques courantes
La masturbation est une activité sexuelle qui, dans des limites raisonnables, contribue à réduire le stress et à améliorer la connaissance de soi. Cependant, une pratique instinctive peut être source de difficultés.
Repérer les premiers signes d’une dépendance
Une personne dépendante à la masturbation peut se retrouver à la pratiquer de façon de plus en plus fréquente, perdant ainsi le contrôle, ce qui peut affecter négativement ses relations intimes.
Scruter les conséquences sur le plan psychologique et physique
L’excès de masturbation lié à , une perte de vitalité ou une insatisfaction dans la vie sexuelle.
Établir un plan pour mettre fin à cette pratique
Insister sur le rôle essentiel du soutien de la communauté
- Voir un sexologue : Les conseils d’un spécialiste peuvent être précieux pour avancer. notamment ce spécialiste de la chasteté.
- S’impliquer dans des groupes de soutien : Échanger ses expériences renforce l’engagement.
Suggérer des solutions pour prévenir les rechutes
- Établir une routine quotidienne : Organisez vos journées avec des tâches et activités prévues.
- Planifier une journée équilibrée : Remplissez vos journées avec des activités variées et planifiées.
Mettre en avant des stratégies efficaces pour contrôler cette pratique
- Détecter les facteurs déclencheurs : Identifiez les situations qui suscitent l’envie.
- Remplacer cette habitude par des activités saines : Pratiquez des sports ou adoptez de nouveaux loisirs.
- Repérer les déclencheurs d’envie : Identifiez les situations qui provoquent ce besoin.
Étudier les effets positifs d’un arrêt complet
Présenter les changements positifs dans les relations humaines
Les rapports avec un conjoint évoluent, créant une connexion émotionnelle et physique plus forte et plus épanouissante.
Montrer le processus pour atteindre une satisfaction durable
Réduire la dépendance permet de profiter de changements durables dans la vie personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.
Présenter l’évolution vers un mieux-être mental
Abandonner cette habitude favorise souvent une plus grande énergie, une meilleure humeur et une concentration accrue.
Analyser les influences responsables de l’accroissement de cette pratique
Analyser l’impact de la solitude et du désir
Le désir insatisfait et la solitude, qu’elles soient relationnelles ou personnelles, peuvent pousser à une pratique compulsive.
Examiner les aspects psychiques et émotionnels
L’angoisse, le stress ou un manque de contentement dans d’autres domaines peuvent inciter à cette pratique instinctive.
Analyser les effets comportementaux de l’exposition à la pornographie
La pornographie représente un facteur fondamental. Elle nourrit fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la vision de la sexualité.
En dernière analyse
L’arrêt de la masturbation fréquente implique un parcours long et exigeant. Grâce à un plan détaillé et un soutien approprié, il devient possible de franchir cette étape et de savourer les bienfaits d’une vie plus équilibrée, centrée sur des projets plus gratifiants.
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#masturbation #estelle #péché #Les #chrétiens #devraientils #masturber
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: is masturbation a sin that’s our topic today on the [Music] beat hey what’s up beat family my name is Alan par thank you all so much for tuning in today we’re doing a little bit of Q&A and this question has come up so often what’s wrong with masturbation is it a sin will I go to hell for doing it and so let me just first and foremost say that this is a real issue I struggled with it personally whenever I was a single before I got married and so let me just encourage you to tell you that God loves you he doesn’t hate you you’re not going to hell it is a real issue and the Very fact that you’re struggling with it is proof that God is working in you now with that being said the question we want to answer today is is it a sin so I want to challenge you to ask yourself these six questions before you answer number one am I lusting Jesus very clearly said that if I look upon a woman and lust for her I’ve already committed adultery in my heart so let’s be clear on what lust is if I’m married that means I’m imagining myself or fantasizing about someone who’s not my wife if I’m single that means I’m fantasizing about anyone because I’m not married and therefore I don’t have a spouse the second question that I would ask is is this leading to other forms of sexual sin one of the ways that Satan tempts both single people and married people is through sexual boredom so if you’re single there is going to come a time where you’re going to be be bored with fantasizing about it thinking about it imagining it and you are going to want to carry that out which is going to lead to fornication if you are married it’s going to come a point where you’re going to be tired of imagining yourself with this other person and you’re going to ultimately want to have an adulterous affair with them and if you’re married or single often times masturbation is accompanied with pornography the two tend to go together like brother and sister and the Bible says that each one of us is tempted when we are drawn away by our own lust in other words the enemy is watching you to see what you are lusting for and then using that against you so the question you have to ask yourself is why would I want to open myself up to be tempted even more in this area of sexual sin the third question I would challenge you to ask is is this wise Paul says that all things are lawful for me but not all things are beneficial or expedient in other words what he’s saying is there’s a lot of things that the Bible doesn’t say this is wrong or this is a sin we can smoke crack we can sniff cocaine right we can text while driving it doesn’t even say that if you’re single and you’re dating somebody that you can’t spend the night with them but are any of those things that I just mentioned wise will they get us closer to God and the answer is no and I would put masturbation in that same category the fourth question that I would challenge us to ask is is this becoming an addiction in my life in other words is it getting to the point where I can’t go very long without doing this is it getting to the point where I am being mastered dominated and controlled by my sexual desire is it getting to the point where I do not have the strength or The Willpower to resist this particular Temptation you know masturbation is very deceiving because on the front end it promises you relief from your sexual tension but not realizing that what it actually does is it increases your hunger thirst and craving for it even more the fifth question that I want to challenge you to ask is am I being convicted while I’m doing this James says to him who knows to do right and does not do it to him it is sin so ask yourself how do I feel right before I do it how do I feel when I’m doing it and then how do I feel immediately after I do it if you feel any remorse at all then you can be assured that that is the holy spirit that is convicting you to stop whatever it is you’re doing and the sixth and final question if you’re married that you definitely want to ask yourself is is this becoming a replacement for intimacy with my spouse sex and marriage is supposed to be a complete and total giving of yourself and giving pleasure to your spouse as the Bible says in 1 Corinthians chapter 7 but masturbation is the exact opposite it focuses on how I can get my needs met and if not careful that mentality will trickle into the bedroom and it will destroy the intimacy that you may have with your spouse in addition it can actually decrease your desire for your spouse because now in your mind you have an easier quicker and maybe even a better way for you to get your needs met and to have an outlet for your sexual desires which then can ultimately reduce or even remove the urgency to work on developing better Intimacy in your marriage with your spouse so is masturbation of sin well once again there is no specific scripture in the Bible that says you cannot touch yourself so if you can do it without answering no to the six questions that I mentioned in this video then perhaps for you it is not a sin but for most of us it is and so I just want to encourage you today if you are wrestling with this issue that God can give you the self-control he can give you the ability and the power to overcome so that you can experience victory in this area of your life hey guys once again if you want the notes to this video feel free to click the link in the description box below thank you all so much for watching I’ll see you next time on the beat .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.16 is masturbation a sin that&;s our topic
0.16 today on the
0.16 [Music]
0.16 beat hey what&;s up beat family my name
0.16 is Alan par thank you all so much for
0.16 tuning in today we&;re doing a little bit
0.16 of Q&A and this question has come up so
0.16 often what&;s wrong with masturbation is
0.16 it a sin will I go to hell for doing it
0.16 and so let me just first and foremost
0.16 say that this is a real issue I
0.16 struggled with it personally whenever I
0.16 was a single before I got married and so
0.16 let me just encourage you to tell you
0.16 that God loves you he doesn&;t hate you
0.16 you&;re not going to hell it is a real
0.16 issue and the Very fact that you&;re
0.16 struggling with it is proof that God is
0.16 working in you now with that being said
0.16 the question we want to answer today is
0.16 is it a sin so I want to challenge you
0.16 to ask yourself these six questions
0.16 before you answer number one am I
0.16 lusting Jesus very clearly said that if
0.16 I look upon a woman and lust for her
0.16 I&;ve already committed adultery in my
0.16 heart so let&;s be clear on what lust is
0.16 if I&;m married that means I&;m imagining
0.16 myself or fantasizing about someone
0.16 who&;s not my wife if I&;m single that
0.16 means I&;m fantasizing about anyone
0.16 because I&;m not married and therefore I
0.16 don&;t have a spouse the second question
0.16 that I would ask is is this leading to
0.16 other forms of sexual sin one of the
0.16 ways that Satan tempts both single
0.16 people and married people is through
0.16 sexual boredom so if you&;re single there
0.16 is going to come a time where you&;re
0.16 going to be be bored with fantasizing
0.16 about it thinking about it imagining it
0.16 and you are going to want to carry that
0.16 out which is going to lead to
0.16 fornication if you are married it&;s
0.16 going to come a point where you&;re going
0.16 to be tired of imagining yourself with
0.16 this other person and you&;re going to
0.16 ultimately want to have an adulterous
0.16 affair with them and if you&;re married
0.16 or single often times masturbation is
0.16 accompanied with pornography the two
0.16 tend to go together like brother and
0.16 sister and the Bible says that each one
0.16 of us is tempted when we are drawn away
0.16 by our own lust in other words the enemy
0.16 is watching you to see what you are
0.16 lusting for and then using that against
0.16 you so the question you have to ask
0.16 yourself is why would I want to open
0.16 myself up to be tempted even more in
0.16 this area of sexual sin the third
0.16 question I would challenge you to ask is
0.16 is this wise Paul says that all things
0.16 are lawful for me but not all things are
0.16 beneficial or expedient in other words
0.16 what he&;s saying is there&;s a lot of
0.16 things that the Bible doesn&;t say this
0.16 is wrong or this is a sin we can smoke
0.16 crack we can sniff cocaine right we can
0.16 text while driving it doesn&;t even say
0.16 that if you&;re single and you&;re dating
0.16 somebody that you can&;t spend the night
0.16 with them but are any of those things
0.16 that I just mentioned wise will they get
0.16 us closer to God and the answer is no
0.16 and I would put masturbation in that
0.16 same category the fourth question that I
0.16 would challenge us to ask is is this
0.16 becoming an addiction in my life in
0.16 other words is it getting to the point
0.16 where I can&;t go very long without doing
0.16 this is it getting to the point where I
0.16 am being mastered dominated and
0.16 controlled by my sexual desire is it
0.16 getting to the point where I do not have
0.16 the strength or The Willpower to resist
0.16 this particular Temptation you know
0.16 masturbation is very deceiving because
0.16 on the front end it promises you relief
0.16 from your sexual tension but not
0.16 realizing that what it actually does is
0.16 it increases your hunger thirst and
0.16 craving for it even more the fifth
0.16 question that I want to challenge you to
0.16 ask is am I being convicted while I&;m
0.16 doing this James says to him who knows
0.16 to do right and does not do it to him it
0.16 is sin so ask yourself how do I feel
0.16 right before I do it how do I feel when
0.16 I&;m doing it and then how do I feel
0.16 immediately after I do it if you feel
0.16 any remorse at all then you can be
0.16 assured that that is the holy spirit
0.16 that is convicting you to stop whatever
0.16 it is you&;re doing and the sixth and
0.16 final question if you&;re married that
0.16 you definitely want to ask yourself is
0.16 is this becoming a replacement for
0.16 intimacy with my spouse sex and marriage
0.16 is supposed to be a complete and total
0.16 giving of yourself and giving pleasure
0.16 to your spouse as the Bible says in 1
0.16 Corinthians chapter 7 but masturbation
0.16 is the exact opposite it focuses on how
0.16 I can get my needs met and if not
0.16 careful that mentality will trickle into
0.16 the bedroom and it will destroy the
0.16 intimacy that you may have with your
0.16 spouse in addition it can actually
0.16 decrease your desire for your spouse
0.16 because now in your mind you have an
0.16 easier quicker and maybe even a better
0.16 way for you to get your needs met and to
0.16 have an outlet for your sexual desires
0.16 which then can ultimately reduce or even
0.16 remove the urgency to work on developing
0.16 better Intimacy in your marriage with
0.16 your spouse so is masturbation of sin
0.16 well once again there is no specific
0.16 scripture in the Bible that says you
0.16 cannot touch yourself so if you can do
0.16 it without answering no to the six
0.16 questions that I mentioned in this video
0.16 then perhaps for you it is not a sin but
0.16 for most of us it is and so I just want
0.16 to encourage you today if you are
0.16 wrestling with this issue that God can
0.16 give you the self-control he can give
0.16 you the ability and the power to
0.16 overcome so that you can experience
0.16 victory in this area of your life hey
0.16 guys once again if you want the notes to
0.16 this video feel free to click the link
0.16 in the description box below thank you
0.16 all so much for watching I&;ll see you
0.16 next time on the beat
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