Le thème «masturbate», une vidéo sur YouTube
Sean Nalewanyj développe le thème « masturbate »
Sur YouTube, publié par Sean Nalewanyj (), une vidéo traite du thème « masturbate ».
La diversité des créateurs sur YouTube assure une richesse de perspectives et d’approches, rendant chaque visionnage unique et intéressant.
Lorsque nous avons consulté la vidéo (), elle avait collecté du trafic. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 89471.
Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:08:36s), le titre (Masturbation RUINS Muscle Growth? (REAL TRUTH!)), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Obtenez votre plan de formation et de nutrition gratuit: https://www.seannal.com/Custom Premium Quality, Science Based Based Supplements:
https://www.realsciencecyletics.com/ (Économisez 15% avec le code de coupon YouTube15) Moi:
https://www.instagram.com/sean_nalewanyj ———————————— ————————————————- Masturbation Et la musculation: y a-t-il une connexion? La masturbation affecte-t-elle la croissance musculaire? La masturbation réduit-elle la testostérone? C’est une peur courante parmi les nombreux haltérophiles et c’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles beaucoup suivent la voie « No FAP ». Ils croient que cela peut les aider à augmenter naturellement la testostérone et ainsi construire des muscles plus rapidement. Mais y a-t-il une vraie vérité à cela? Dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, je passe en revue les études de masturbation et de testostérone qui sont disponibles pour déterminer si c’est quelque chose dont vous devez vous soucier. Si vous avez demandé « La masturbation est-elle mauvaise pour mes gains » ou si vous masturber avant un entraînement est nocif, assurez-vous de regarder cette vidéo et de commenter également votre propre expérience. (Tagstotranslate) Bodybuilding (T) Fitness (T) Build Muscle (T) gymnase (T) Entraînement (T) Masturbation and Bodybuilding (T) masturbation testostérone (T) masturbation avant l’entraînement (T) masturbation et culturisme (T) testostérone ».
La vidéo est accessible directement sous ce paragraphe
Analyser les influences responsables de l’accroissement de cette pratique
Explorer l’impact comportemental de la consommation de pornographie
La pornographie est un élément majeur. Elle renforce souvent le besoin de se masturber et peut distordre la perception de la sexualité.
Analyser l’impact de la solitude et du désir
La solitude et l’insatisfaction dans les relations ou la vie personnelle sont également des facteurs contribuant à cette pratique.
Mettre en lumière les éléments psychologiques et émotionnels
Le stress, l’anxiété et des manques dans d’autres domaines de la vie peuvent amener à cette pratique fréquente.
Faire le point sur la dépendance à la masturbation et ses conséquences
Explorer la masturbation et les façons dont elle est pratiquée
La masturbation, souvent considérée comme saine pour réduire le stress et mieux connaître son corps, peut poser problème lorsqu’elle dépasse certaines limites.
Identifier les indices d’une dépendance éventuelle
La masturbation compulsive, symptôme de la dépendance, entraîne une fréquence accrue et une perte de maîtrise, ce qui peut créer des tensions dans les relations avec un partenaire.
Examiner les retombées sur la santé mentale et physique
L’addiction à la masturbation, souvent liée à un usage excessif de pornographie, perturbe le système dopaminergique, entraînant des problèmes tels que l’éjaculation précoce, la fatigue ou un manque de satisfaction sexuelle.
Formuler une stratégie pour arrêter
Suggérer des actions pratiques pour diminuer cette pratique
- Remplacer cette habitude par d’autres occupations : Pratiquez une activité physique ou testez de nouveaux passe-temps.
- Repérer les déclencheurs : Identifiez ce qui vous pousse à avoir envie.
- Définir des objectifs clairs : Suivez des actions progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage complet.
Proposer des étapes à suivre pour prévenir les rechutes
- Restreindre l’accès à la pornographie : Activez des logiciels ou extensions pour bloquer les sites explicites.
- Restreindre l’accès à la pornographie : Mettez en place des bloqueurs pour empêcher l’accès aux contenus indésirables.
Mettre l’accent sur l’importance d’un réseau de soutien
- Parler à un sexologue : Un professionnel peut offrir des conseils adaptés. (notamment ce lien)
- S’impliquer dans des groupes de soutien : Échanger ses expériences renforce l’engagement.
Mesurer les gains d’un arrêt efficace
Illustrer les effets positifs sur les connexions sociales
Les rapports amoureux deviennent plus épanouissants, avec une connexion plus intense sur les plans émotionnel et physique.
Raconter le cheminement vers une santé mentale renforcée
Lorsque l’on arrête, on peut observer une meilleure énergie, une humeur plus stable et une concentration renforcée.
Faire ressortir le chemin qui mène à un bonheur stable
Moins de dépendance mène à des gains durables dans la vie personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.
Sexualité et addiction à la masturbation : trouver des solutions
Arrêter la masturbation peut être un parcours semé d’embûches pour beaucoup. Ce comportement, bien qu’il soit une manière naturelle et saine d’explorer la sexualité, peut s’avérer problématique lorsqu’il vire à l’addiction, compromettant ainsi la qualité des relations personnelles, la productivité au travail et le bien-être mental.
En récapitulant
Mettre fin à la masturbation habituelle est un processus qui requiert patience et persévérance. Avec une approche structurée et le soutien adéquat, il est possible de surmonter cette épreuve et de récolter les bienfaits d’une vie plus harmonieuse et focalisée sur des objectifs épanouissants.
Pour visionner la vidéo directement sur YouTube, veuillez suivre ce lien :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici
#masturbation #ruine #croissance #musculaire #Vraie #vérité
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: damn it so is masturbation killing your gains this might seem like a goofy topic but this is actually a really common question that comes up i’ve been asked this a million and one times over the years and if you just look at the view count on most masturbation and bodybuilding videos you’ll see just how many people are curious about this topic now the basic fear that most guys have is pretty simple they’re worried that ejaculation is going to decrease their testosterone levels and since testosterone is the primary muscle building hormone in the body that that’s going to lead to reduced muscle growth and to be totally honest this is something that i actually remember being concerned about in my younger living days as well and i would say that it actually is a valid question i mean even in some competitive sports it’s not uncommon to hear about athletes abstaining from sex and masturbation prior to competitions in mike tyson’s prime he says that he went five years without having sex for similar reasons so let’s break it down i see people just kind of tossing answers around on this without really backing it by solid evidence so let’s look at this objectively so first off in a pure physical sense in other words if you take two individuals who are following the exact same training and nutrition protocol with the only difference being that one of them is consistently flogging the dolphin three times a day while the other is living the full-blown red pill no-fap lifestyle would there be any difference in muscle growth between the two now there are a variety of studies that have looked into this as far as how masturbation affects testosterone levels so one of the more well-known papers is a 2003 study on 28 men where half of them had to keep their wiener fully concealed for an eight day period while the other half could do with it as they pleased and in the abstinence group there was a temporary 45 spike in testosterone now that sounds interesting but the reality is that this study just wasn’t very well structured first off the masturbatory frequency wasn’t specifically measured they also started on different days of the week which could have an effect on things depending on how stress levels might fluctuate and ultimately it was a pretty small sample size over a short time frame another study looked at testosterone levels in 10 men before and after a three week period of abstinence and there was a slight increase after those three weeks however once again the increase was small temporary and they only measured the test levels while they were masturbating not literally while they were masturbating but within the same general period and so it doesn’t really tell us the whole story because we don’t have a full picture of exactly what was happening from day to day this study here was done on rhesus monkeys which might not carry over perfectly to humans though judging by some of the comments people leave on my videos especially over on tick tock i’m not convinced the difference is all that significant between the two species in some cases um at least not cognitively but regardless of that one group of monkeys with the highest number of ejaculations also had the lowest testosterone levels but when they followed up on another group ejaculation frequency didn’t have any effect this one here is a rat study which of course is not ideal but it did show that rodents who ejaculated to the point of sexual exhaustion didn’t have any significant change in their plasma testosterone levels on top of this there actually are some studies that show the complete opposite where ejaculation is associated with higher testosterone levels now depending on the study structure that could be because people with higher test levels are just more driven to have sex or to masturbate in general so we can’t really draw a firm conclusion there but it is something to consider this study showed that a period of abstinence resulted in lower testosterone levels but that was in men with erectile dysfunction who might be more prone to depression or to anxiety which could be a causative factor or just less social contact with females in general that could play a role too since that does impact testosterone levels to a certain degree as well but all in all when you look at the evidence collectively what you generally see are minor short-term fluctuations with no significant long-term effects and it’s important to keep in mind that short-term fluctuations in testosterone are completely normal as is and can range anywhere from 10 to 40 over periods of a few days or weeks which brings us to the key point here which is that even if choking the chicken did cause a small temporary decrease in testosterone levels that doesn’t necessarily mean anything at all when it comes specifically to building muscle and this is the big thing that a lot of people miss they click on some random study they skim the abstract they read that masturbation resulted in lower testosterone and they think that that’s all they need to know case closed masturbation is going to destroy my muscle building results but that’s not at all how it works in reality what you have to ask anytime you’re dealing with questions surrounding hormone levels like this is how much did it decrease by and over what time frame in order for your actual rate of muscle growth to be negatively impacted in a noticeable way not only do testosterone levels need to be decreased but they have to decrease by a very large margin and for a prolonged period of time these little transient up and down spikes just aren’t going to be powerful enough to make any real world difference and that’s also why like i’ve said before testosterone booster supplements that just give you a small temporary increase are essentially worthless when it comes to building muscle and the same thing applies to growth hormone supplements as well so in terms of the direct physical effects there just doesn’t seem to be any concrete measurable connection between masturbation and muscle hypertrophy so if you’re purposely abstaining for the specific reason that you think it’s gonna speed up your rate of muscle building or if you’re not abstaining and you’re feeling guilty about it for that reason it’s just not something that you need to be worrying about now with all of that out of the way this doesn’t mean that i’m recommending a 24 7 fap free-for-all and i do think that sitting there and slapping your meat around all day while watching large amounts of porn is not the best idea for your overall psychological health and for how that could then carry over to other aspects of your life and potentially to your fitness program in an indirect way okay it’s not going to directly impact your muscle mass or your body fat but if it’s affecting your motivation levels for example that could be a factor you know ejaculation does cause a release of a variety of neurotransmitters and hormones like serotonin oxytocin prolactin and if that mixture is causing you to feel fatigued and less driven overall then sure that might have an effect if you’re doing it uh for example in the middle of the day before you’ve even hit the gym if anything probably best to say that until later on when it comes to your pre-workout ritual stick to pure form not pornhub and look masturbation is a completely normal thing for humans to engage in so i don’t think you need to feel guilty about that especially if you’re a younger guy where your testosterone levels are naturally raging a pretty damn normal thing but it’s more so just a matter of doing what you can to keep the overall frequency under control and to time it out so that it’s not interfering with your day-to-day tasks and then aside from that there’s the whole other question of how porn specifically factors into that and the negative mental effects that that could potentially have masturbation is a normal thing for the human brain to deal with but hardcore high-speed porn probably not so much now that whole topic is beyond the scope of this video but there does seem to be a pretty decent amount of supporting research showing that frequently whacking it to porn can produce measurable negative changes in brain function associated with things like motivation attention mood etc and just on a purely anecdotal basis i would definitely vouch for that and the majority of guys that i’ve spoken to on this topic usually say the same thing as well and feel free to comment below with your own experience i know it can be a tough thing to get under control with just how readily accessible this stuff is nowadays but with the right systems in place i’m using porn blockers for example those can be extremely helpful if you can just cut porn out completely i’d say that you probably will find that to be mentally beneficial personally my mind just feels clearer overall better focus higher motivation levels higher social confidence not to mention that if you’re regularly watching porn it can turn into a huge time sink as well now everybody is different so this is something you’ll have to experiment with for yourself if you are a regular porn user and you genuinely feel completely fine and you don’t feel that it’s affecting you negatively well you know there’s not much that i can say to that but i would wager that most guys out there will probably be better off without it but to sum this all up okay in a direct physical sense masturbation is almost certainly not going to affect your muscle building results in a measurable way however if it’s affecting you psychologically and if it’s interfering with your daily tasks then you’ve got to get the frequency under control and ideally porn should not be a part of this or at the very least it’s something you should be using very sparingly if you do have the motivation and focus in place and you want some help getting your overall fitness program onto the right track then make sure to visit seanow.com custom just fill out the short form there and i’ll send you back a free training and nutrition plan to maximize your results based on your current physique and your goals the link is up here as well as down below in the description box here are two more videos i’d recommend watching now don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to stay in the loop on future videos thanks for watching guys and i will talk to you again soon .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
11.519 damn it so is masturbation killing your
11.519 gains this might seem like a goofy topic
11.519 but this is actually a really common
11.519 question that comes up i&;ve been asked
11.519 this a million and one times over the
11.519 years and if you just look at the view
11.519 count on most masturbation and
11.519 bodybuilding videos you&;ll see just how
11.519 many people are curious about this topic
11.519 now the basic fear that most guys have
11.519 is pretty simple they&;re worried that
11.519 ejaculation is going to decrease their
11.519 testosterone levels and since
11.519 testosterone is the primary muscle
11.519 building hormone in the body that that&;s
11.519 going to lead to reduced muscle growth
11.519 and to be totally honest this is
11.519 something that i actually remember being
11.519 concerned about in my younger living
11.519 days as well and i would say that it
11.519 actually is a valid question i mean even
11.519 in some competitive sports it&;s not
11.519 uncommon to hear about athletes
11.519 abstaining from sex and masturbation
11.519 prior to competitions in mike tyson&;s
11.519 prime he says that he went five years
11.519 without having sex for similar reasons
11.519 so let&;s break it down i see people just
11.519 kind of tossing answers around on this
11.519 without really backing it by solid
11.519 evidence so let&;s look at this
11.519 objectively so first off in a pure
11.519 physical sense in other words if you
11.519 take two individuals who are following
11.519 the exact same training and nutrition
11.519 protocol with the only difference being
11.519 that one of them is consistently
11.519 flogging the dolphin three times a day
11.519 while the other is living the full-blown
11.519 red pill no-fap lifestyle would there be
11.519 any difference in muscle growth between
11.519 the two now there are a variety of
11.519 studies that have looked into this as
11.519 far as how masturbation affects
11.519 testosterone levels so one of the more
11.519 well-known papers is a 2003 study on 28
11.519 men where half of them had to keep their
11.519 wiener fully concealed for an eight day
11.519 period while the other half could do
11.519 with it as they pleased and in the
11.519 abstinence group there was a temporary
11.519 45 spike in testosterone now that sounds
11.519 interesting but the reality is that this
11.519 study just wasn&;t very well structured
11.519 first off the masturbatory frequency
11.519 wasn&;t specifically measured they also
11.519 started on different days of the week
11.519 which could have an effect on things
11.519 depending on how stress levels might
11.519 fluctuate and ultimately it was a pretty
11.519 small sample size over a short time
11.519 frame another study looked at
11.519 testosterone levels in 10 men before and
11.519 after a three week period of abstinence
11.519 and there was a slight increase after
11.519 those three weeks however once again the
11.519 increase was small temporary and they
11.519 only measured the test levels while they
11.519 were masturbating not literally while
11.519 they were masturbating but within the
11.519 same general period and so it doesn&;t
11.519 really tell us the whole story because
11.519 we don&;t have a full picture of exactly
11.519 what was happening from day to day this
11.519 study here was done on rhesus monkeys
11.519 which might not carry over perfectly to
11.519 humans though judging by some of the
11.519 comments people leave on my videos
11.519 especially over on tick tock i&;m not
11.519 convinced the difference is all that
11.519 significant between the two species in
11.519 some cases um at least not cognitively
11.519 but regardless of that one group of
11.519 monkeys with the highest number of
11.519 ejaculations also had the lowest
11.519 testosterone levels but when they
11.519 followed up on another group ejaculation
11.519 frequency didn&;t have any effect this
11.519 one here is a rat study which of course
11.519 is not ideal but it did show that
11.519 rodents who ejaculated to the point of
11.519 sexual exhaustion didn&;t have any
11.519 significant change in their plasma
11.519 testosterone levels on top of this there
11.519 actually are some studies that show the
11.519 complete opposite where ejaculation is
11.519 associated with higher testosterone
11.519 levels now depending on the study
11.519 structure that could be because people
11.519 with higher test levels are just more
11.519 driven to have sex or to masturbate in
11.519 general so we can&;t really draw a firm
11.519 conclusion there but it is something to
11.519 consider this study showed that a period
11.519 of abstinence resulted in lower
11.519 testosterone levels but that was in men
11.519 with erectile dysfunction who might be
11.519 more prone to depression or to anxiety
11.519 which could be a causative factor or
11.519 just less social contact with females in
11.519 general that could play a role too since
11.519 that does impact testosterone levels to
11.519 a certain degree as well but all in all
11.519 when you look at the evidence
11.519 collectively what you generally see are
11.519 minor short-term fluctuations with no
11.519 significant long-term effects and it&;s
11.519 important to keep in mind that
11.519 short-term fluctuations in testosterone
11.519 are completely normal as is and can
11.519 range anywhere from 10 to 40 over
11.519 periods of a few days or weeks which
11.519 brings us to the key point here which is
11.519 that even if choking the chicken did
11.519 cause a small temporary decrease in
11.519 testosterone levels that doesn&;t
11.519 necessarily mean anything at all when it
11.519 comes specifically to building muscle
11.519 and this is the big thing that a lot of
11.519 people miss they click on some random
11.519 study they skim the abstract they read
11.519 that masturbation resulted in lower
11.519 testosterone and they think that that&;s
11.519 all they need to know case closed
11.519 masturbation is going to destroy my
11.519 muscle building results but that&;s not
11.519 at all how it works in reality what you
11.519 have to ask anytime you&;re dealing with
11.519 questions surrounding hormone levels
11.519 like this is how much did it decrease by
11.519 and over what time frame in order for
11.519 your actual rate of muscle growth to be
11.519 negatively impacted in a noticeable way
11.519 not only do testosterone levels need to
11.519 be decreased but they have to decrease
11.519 by a very large margin and for a
11.519 prolonged period of time these little
11.519 transient up and down spikes just aren&;t
11.519 going to be powerful enough to make any
11.519 real world difference and that&;s also
11.519 why like i&;ve said before testosterone
11.519 booster supplements that just give you a
11.519 small temporary increase are essentially
11.519 worthless when it comes to building
11.519 muscle and the same thing applies to
11.519 growth hormone supplements as well so in
11.519 terms of the direct physical effects
11.519 there just doesn&;t seem to be any
11.519 concrete measurable connection between
11.519 masturbation and muscle hypertrophy so
11.519 if you&;re purposely abstaining for the
11.519 specific reason that you think it&;s
11.519 gonna speed up your rate of muscle
11.519 building or if you&;re not abstaining and
11.519 you&;re feeling guilty about it for that
11.519 reason it&;s just not something that you
11.519 need to be worrying about now with all
11.519 of that out of the way this doesn&;t mean
11.519 that i&;m recommending a 24 7 fap
11.519 free-for-all and i do think that sitting
11.519 there and slapping your meat around all
11.519 day while watching large amounts of porn
11.519 is not the best idea for your overall
11.519 psychological health and for how that
11.519 could then carry over to other aspects
11.519 of your life and potentially to your
11.519 fitness program in an indirect way okay
11.519 it&;s not going to directly impact your
11.519 muscle mass or your body fat but if it&;s
11.519 affecting your motivation levels for
11.519 example that could be a factor you know
11.519 ejaculation does cause a release of a
11.519 variety of neurotransmitters and
11.519 hormones like serotonin oxytocin
11.519 prolactin and if that mixture is causing
11.519 you to feel fatigued and less driven
11.519 overall then sure that might have an
11.519 effect if you&;re doing it uh for example
11.519 in the middle of the day before you&;ve
11.519 even hit the gym if anything probably
11.519 best to say that until later on when it
11.519 comes to your pre-workout ritual stick
11.519 to pure form not pornhub and look
11.519 masturbation is a completely normal
11.519 thing for humans to engage in so i don&;t
11.519 think you need to feel guilty about that
11.519 especially if you&;re a younger guy where
11.519 your testosterone levels are naturally
11.519 raging a pretty damn normal thing but
11.519 it&;s more so just a matter of doing what
11.519 you can to keep the overall frequency
11.519 under control and to time it out so that
11.519 it&;s not interfering with your
11.519 day-to-day tasks and then aside from
11.519 that there&;s the whole other question of
11.519 how porn specifically factors into that
11.519 and the negative mental effects that
11.519 that could potentially have masturbation
11.519 is a normal thing for the human brain to
11.519 deal with but hardcore high-speed porn
11.519 probably not so much now that whole
11.519 topic is beyond the scope of this video
11.519 but there does seem to be a pretty
11.519 decent amount of supporting research
11.519 showing that frequently whacking it to
11.519 porn can produce measurable negative
11.519 changes in brain function associated
11.519 with things like motivation attention
11.519 mood etc and just on a purely anecdotal
11.519 basis i would definitely vouch for that
11.519 and the majority of guys that i&;ve
11.519 spoken to on this topic usually say the
11.519 same thing as well and feel free to
11.519 comment below with your own experience i
11.519 know it can be a tough thing to get
11.519 under control with just how readily
11.519 accessible this stuff is nowadays but
11.519 with the right systems in place i&;m
11.519 using porn blockers for example those
11.519 can be extremely helpful if you can just
11.519 cut porn out completely i&;d say that you
11.519 probably will find that to be mentally
11.519 beneficial personally my mind just feels
11.519 clearer overall better focus higher
11.519 motivation levels higher social
11.519 confidence not to mention that if you&;re
11.519 regularly watching porn it can turn into
11.519 a huge time sink as well now everybody
11.519 is different so this is something you&;ll
11.519 have to experiment with for yourself if
11.519 you are a regular porn user and you
11.519 genuinely feel completely fine and you
11.519 don&;t feel that it&;s affecting you
11.519 negatively well you know there&;s not
11.519 much that i can say to that but i would
11.519 wager that most guys out there will
11.519 probably be better off without it but to
11.519 sum this all up okay in a direct
11.519 physical sense masturbation is almost
11.519 certainly not going to affect your
11.519 muscle building results in a measurable
11.519 way however if it&;s affecting you
11.519 psychologically and if it&;s interfering
11.519 with your daily tasks then you&;ve got to
11.519 get the frequency under control and
11.519 ideally porn should not be a part of
11.519 this or at the very least it&;s something
11.519 you should be using very sparingly if
11.519 you do have the motivation and focus in
11.519 place and you want some help getting
11.519 your overall fitness program onto the
11.519 right track then make sure to visit
11.519 seanow.com custom just fill out the
11.519 short form there and i&;ll send you back
11.519 a free training and nutrition plan to
11.519 maximize your results based on your
11.519 current physique and your goals the link
11.519 is up here as well as down below in the
11.519 description box here are two more videos
11.519 i&;d recommend watching now don&;t forget
11.519 to subscribe and hit the bell icon to
11.519 stay in the loop on future videos thanks
11.519 for watching guys and i will talk to you
11.519 again soon
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